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Speculative Fiction Activity!

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By Blakeley H. Payne

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AlterEgo is a wearable headset that allows you to “talk” to your devices, such as your a search engine on your phone or simply by thinking.


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In 50 years this technology could do the most good by…

  • People who can’t speak will be able to communicate with their friends and family
  • People who speak different languages can communicate by having their thoughts translated on apps
  • Help us communicate with our pets and animals in general!
    • Therefore… People would probably eat less meat → great for climate change!


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In 50 years this technology could do the most harm by…

  • Parents could monitor their children’s thoughts
  • Governments could monitor their citizens’ thoughts and unfairly imprison them if they don’t like those thoughts
  • The headset maker could sell your thought-data to advertisers and whenever you drive by a fast food place it plays an ad in your head about the food
    • Therefore… People would probably eat more red meat → very bad for climate change!