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Oct. 17, 2018 Happy Wednesday!

  • Circle and reading
  • Reading Rate and yellow sheet check
  • WWW 6 cards
  • Acting out scenes from the book: how do you picture them in your mind as your read?
  • Supports for understanding the book: online chapters and Sparknotes.
  • Review and discuss ch. 4 and check of writing about my reading notes.
  • Writing Workshop: your own project or writing about reading/notes


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Writing Workshop--Thursday celebration

  • Our celebration is tomorrow! C1/2 9:15-10 and C 3 / 4 3:10-3:50.
  • Bring food; sign up on the sign up sheet going around. Let’s create some agreements around eating snacks in the classroom. We will need to be sure to clean up really well.
  • Gallery walk. I will be printing everyone’s story for the celebration. I will delete names so readers can focus on the story only. You will be reading 1 story at a time and filling out a complement sheet to tape to the page.
  • After the feedback session, collect your story and compliments and put them in your folder in the crates.
  • Back in the classroom we will debrief and share over snacks the last 10 minutes.

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  • WWW review/cards due Friday
  • Read chapter 5, fill out quote sheet, and write in your reading notebook to organize your thinking about the chapter by writing a summary ½ page-1 page. .

Summarize what happens both on the outside (actions, plot, setting) and the inside for character development and theme.

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Writing About My Reading Ch 4

P 53--empty, fall, shadowy, dark, vacant. All create a tense mood.

P 54 The blue Mustang… reeling pickled (drunk)

“He was as white as a ghost and his eyes were wild-looking, like the eyes of an animal in a trap.”

P 55 “‘You know what a greaser is?’Bob asked. ‘White trash with long hair’”

P 56 “‘I killed him, ‘ he said slowly. ‘I killed that boy.’”

P 62 “Then, for the first time, really I realized what we were in for. Johnny had killed someone”

P 65 “There are things worse than being a greaser.”

P 67 “But ths church gave me a kind of creepy feeling. What do you call it? Premonition?”

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Questions for the chapter

  • What is ironic about Ponyboy and Johnny hiding out in a church?
  • Why does the author not describe the scene when Johnny kills Bob?
  • How does the first paragraph foreshadow what happens in the chapter?
  • What is the point of view in the novel? Who is telling us the story? How does it shape the way we experience the novel/story?