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Literacy & Multimodality

February 7, 2017

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Using DV in our Classrooms?

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Writing Prompt

Define digital/new literacy in your own words. You’ve read a lot about it, we’ve talked about. Now you write about it. Your own words, please.

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Turn and Share�(Groups of 2-3)

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Re-Writing Prompt

Take a few minutes and revise your definitions based on your conversations.

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Large Group Share

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Google Forms Demo/Break

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Number Groups�(1-8)

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Miller & Bruce (2017) write:

“...what matters more than the DV tools is the stance teachers take with those tools.”

What is your stance to DV tools?

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Large Group Share

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Takayoshi & Selfe (2007) write:

“In short, whether instructors teach written composition solely or multimodal composition, their job remains essentially the same: to teach students effective, rhetorically based strategies for taking advantage of all available means of communicating effectively and productively, to multiple audiences, for different purposes, and using a range of genres.”

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Turn and Share�(Groups of 2-3)

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Large Group Share

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Write a list of everything you can possibly think of that would fall within the boundary of “multimodal composition”.

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Write a list of everything you can possibly think of that would fall within the boundary of “multimodal composition”.

What would not fall into the category of “multimodal composition”?