Curriculum Night
Miss Vobejda
Please leave your child an encouraging note while you wait! You can leave it in their desk as a nice surprise for tomorrow. :)
First Thing’s First
Curriculum Packet
The yellow packet has all of our curriculum information for each subject. Please take it home and read over it. Please sign, tear out and return the back page ASAP.
Tonight will be used for getting to know me and some of our classroom norms and expectations.
About Me...
“Weekly News” Email
Each Friday, I send an email home with information for the upcoming week. Please read through this email each week for important classroom information.
Dr. Falcone will send out her “Whitetail Weekly” each week. Please also read through that for school-wide info.
Student Planner
What will my child learn?
Math (Envisions 2.0) - Addition and Subtraction in the millions, 4 x 1 digit multiplication, 2 x 2 digit multiplication, long division, fractions, geometry
Reading (Into Reading) - We will continue to work on fluency and help develop reading comprehension skills.
Writing (Lucy Calkins) - We will write in lots of different modes. We will write TDA’s, personal narratives, realistic fiction, historical essays and persuasive essays.
Science (Inspire Science) - Energy and Motion, Forces, Earth’s Dynamic Surface, Animal and Plant Structure and Behavior
Nebraska History (The Nebraska Adventure) - We will dive into all things Nebraska! Native Americans, Lewis and Clark, Pioneers, The Oregon Trail, Nebraska’s Government and more!
Cursive Books
Word Cards will be sent home each Friday for the next week. Use these cards to practice at home. These words will also be written in student’s planner.
The focus in spelling is over different spelling skills and patterns.
Students will receive partial credit on spelling tests for using the correct pattern, even if they don’t spell the word correctly.
Students typically bring work home ONLY if they did not finish in school. I don’t usually send work home that students did not get a chance to start in school.
Work that is assigned, is due the next day in the morning. If a student lost or did not finish their work, they will complete it at recess.
Homework each night should consist of the extra 20 mins of work for a student’s planner. Studying math facts and reading together are important ways to ensure your child’s success.
Grading Scale
*If a student redoes an assignment, the highest score they receive is a 70%
Feel free to send a healthy snack with your child. We typically have snack around 10:15 each day. Bulk items such as goldfish, granola bars, cheez-its, etc. can be kept in your student’s locker.
*We always appreciate any donated snacks!
Students have the opportunity to participate in various clubs in 4th grade. Examples of past clubs include:
You will hear more information from myself, Dr. Falcone, or the host teacher as those clubs begin.
Field Trips
We may have parent chaperones for these events. More information will be communicated in the permission slip when that time comes.
Classroom Management
Praise: Students can earn Creek Cash tickets by representing the values of GPS.
Students can cash in their Creek Cash each Wednesday for various privileges as a reward for their hard work.
Classroom Management
(Whole Class)
Students earn sticks from our “Kerplunk” game for doing various things such as quick and quiet transitions, getting started on morning work right away, etc. When done correctly, a stick is drawn. When all of the marbles fall, we vote on a whole class reward!
Is anyone not receiving my weekly emails?
Thanks so much! I am incredibly excited to teach this group of students and can’t wait to see their growth throughout the year!