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Aha moment

How to identify it and use to increase long term retention?

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Short about me

Ohanyan Lilit

Company: SFL

Product: TruePublic

Position: Product Manager

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  • What is Aha moment?
  • How to find your product’s Aha moment?
  • Improve users experience to Aha moment
  • Aha moment of TruePublic

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What is Aha moment?

Aha moments (called the eureka effect or WOW moment) are an emotional reaction to discovery of a feature or product value proposition.

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Example: Facebook’s aha moment

Facebook user who added 7 friends within their first 10 days in the app was far more likely to stick around for the long-term. Hitting 7 friends (in 10 days) became Facebook’s Aha! Moment.

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How to find your product’s aha moment

  • Start with patterns in your user analytics data

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Finding patterns

Use analytical tools

  • Attribution tools: Branch
  • In app analytics tools: UXCam, Inapptics, Hotjar
  • Event based analytics tools: Mixpanel, Firebase console, Google analytics

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Finding patterns

  • Find retaining users
  • Analyse their behavior
  • Find churned users
  • Try to force that “patterns” to the users who have potential to churn

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Improve users experience to Aha moment

  • List the hypothesis
  • Fix KPIs for each hypothesis (this version will increase my DAU to 2000)
  • Test them (A/B tests on content, design, flows, focus group interviews, customer interviews etc.)
  • Find the one that works “best” at a moment then improve, iterate
  • Repeat the same steps continuously :)

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What is TruePublic’s ?

What is TruePublic?

US targeted anonymous polling app where you answer to controversial and hot questions and get flavour of how society REALLY things about it.

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What Aha moments we’ve found so far?

  • When the user registers, answers to at least 15 questions and stays on statistics page for more than 8 seconds (it means there was some interesting info on stats page, that is the aha moment) during the first app session
  • When the user registers, submits a question and it gets approved (and gets popular on the platform later on) during the first 5 days after registration

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Thanks for attention!

Contacts: lilit.ohanyan@sflpro.com