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Somatic Mutation from Separated Haplotypes (SMUSH)

HackSeq Team #8a

Amanjeev Sethi

Eric Zhao

Hua Ling

Patrick Marks (Project lead)

Peng Zhang

Samantha Kohli

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The Problem

  • Tumor sequencing is increasingly common for molecular diagnosis of cancer
  • Matched normal sample is often not available due to cost & logistics
  • Comparison with matched normal is gold-standard for distinguishing somatic variants from germline background�
  • Can long-range phasing information help?

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The Unphased Scenario

Matched Normal

25% Tumor

Difficult to decide if this variant is somatic solely from Tumor data

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What a real somatic mutation looks like

25% Tumor

Alt-allele covers a subset of the haplotype -- not expected in germline

Matched Normal

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Somatic Variant Concept

  • Assumptions:
    • Germline variants are pure within a haplotype
    • Somatic variants show up in a fraction (a) of a haplotype’s reads
    • Some error rate (e)�

We model four scenarios:

  • Reference (0/0)
  • Germline Het (0/1)
  • Germline Hom (1/1)
  • Somatic

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Dataset and Results

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  • HCC1954 - A very well studied cancer cell line
  • Matched normal, pure tumor, and 3 mixtures between the two
  • Sequenced by 10X linked read technology

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Validation Examples

Pick likely somatic mutations sites based on difference of minor allele frequency (MAF) of two haplotypes in tumor titration.

Figure: Spaghetti plot of 31 sites selected

Shown here is fraction of tumor genomes (X-axis) and min_dif (Y-axis). Each line indicates the same position across samples.

Tumor Fraction

Minor Allele Fraction Difference

Somatic Case:

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Model evaluation

For the 31 selected sites, model predicted all as somatic mutations for samples with 25% or more of tumor genomes. And only one sample were misclassified with somatic mutation for the normal cell genomes.

Variant Call Type

0% Tumor

25% Tumor

50% Tumor

75% Tumor

100% Tumor













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Preliminary Results -- Filtering and FN issues to be addressed

Tumor Fraction

Non-Somatic Events

Somatic Events

Hap2 AF

Hap1 AF


Germline HET

Germline HOM


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Future Work

More filtering, more evaluation

Refine models

Evaluate sensitivity and PPV and low limit of detection

Explore application in variants other than SNV

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Somatic Variant Calling Model

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Problematic Case: Mixed Haplotype in Normal Sample

Matched Normal

25% Tumor

75% Tumor

Mixed haplotypes in germline sample generates FP somatic calls. Requires orthogonal filters

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False Negatives -- Phasing Issues

Matched Normal

50% Tumor

Isolated somatic variant drives ‘false’ phasing -- somatic variants look like germline

Requires changes to phasing method / incorporation of phasing likelihoods