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✨Gliese 581g✨

By: Vy, Isabella, Seven, Hannah and Sarah

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What are exoplanets?

An exoplanet is any planet beyond our solar system. Most orbit other stars, but free-floating exoplanets, called rogue planets, orbit the galactic center and are untethered to any star.


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Gliese 581g Introduction


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Could Gliese 581g support life?

Gliese 581g would be the first Earth-like planet found orbiting in a star's habitable zone. It is located in a region where temperatures could sustain life and liquid water on its surface. Further research suggests that not only is Gliese 581g in the habitable zone, it might even have a dense, stable atmosphere suitable for life!!


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Mass and Size

Gliese 581g has three to four times the mass of Earth, suggesting it may be rocky and have gravity enough to hold the atmosphere. The gravity on the surface of Gliese 581g can be equal to or slightly higher than that of Earth, so humans can walk around easily.


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Gliese 581g vs. Earth

Gliese 581g could have a diameter only 1.3 times larger than Earth.


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Not only does Gliese 581g have the size to hold on to an atmosphere, Gliese 581g is the right distance from the sun to allow temperatures to not be hot enough for molecules to easily escape. This would allow for a dense atmosphere on the planet. This would allow more oxygen intake with each breath.


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Gliese 581g orbits the red dwarf for 37 days. The researchers estimate the average temperature on the planet to be between -31 and -12 degrees Celsius. However, true temperatures can also range from really hot on the side facing the star to icy cold at the dark side. The distance of this planet from its start suggests suitable weathers and climatic conditions.


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Gliese 581g is a planet that holds multiple bodies of water and multiple rocky lands. The rocky lands would allow civilisation and the bodies of water would provide sustenance and nourishment. The temperature, climate and water sources would allow for plants to have a lack of photosynthesis. However, this problem can be solved as several plants don’t need photosynthesis. For example, beechdrops are known for a lack of chloroplasts which results in not using photosynthesis. Despite this, beechdrops are still edible and can cure colds, stomach aches and dysentery.


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Similar to habitats in Earth, habitats in exoplanets can also be varied. Animals can live in flora and fauna or built houses for advanced creatures similar to humans. Homes can be made of plants or rocks. Plants can be found on the lands and sedimentary rocks can be found in oceans. Natural houses can form too such as coral for marine animals.


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Gliese 581g Statistics (Summary of what was said):

Host Star: Gliese 581

Distance from Earth: 20.3 light years

Planets Detected in System: 4 confirmed, 2 unconfirmed

Discovery Date: September 2010

Exoplanet Type: Super Earth

Mass: Around 3.5 x Earth

Diameter: Around 130% to 200% greater than Earth

Distance from host star: 13.6 million miles (22 million km)

Atmosphere: Unknown, models suggest an atmosphere composed of one fifth carbon dioxide would provide the most habitable environment.

Gravity: Around 10% to 70% stronger than Earth's gravity.


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Possible Animals


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Gliese to Earth Comparison Model

We can see that Gliese has a large water source, resulting in parts of the planet to be blue. Also landscapes result in brown and green areas on the planet.


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Thank you for listening!