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Created by the Authors and Artists Club at Sagamore Middle School 2018/2019

Special Events

Sagamore had a ton of fun this year with its special events! From the Spring Fling to Sagamore Day, Sagamore students and “staffulty” members have had a great, fun-filled year!

Some of Sagamore’s great teachers are featured in The Sagamore News.

These teachers, like all Sagamore teachers, are outstanding at their job and make going to Sagamore a pleasure for students and “staffulty” members.

This year, Sagamore was beautified by the fantastic artwork produced in Art Club and in the classrooms of

Sagamore Clubs

Sagamore Clubs have really been up and at it this school year with new members, a new addition to the courtyard, and much, much more!

Featured Teachers


Poetry Escape

The Authors and Artists Club embraced poetry and created the Poetry Escape contest this year. Below is a poem by Ibrahim Suleman.

Let the Art Out

Get your supplies, get your easel

You can paint anything you want

Whether it be a bird or a weasel

With bright, vivid color palettes

With a flick of a paintbrush

You can dance and prance, or just sit

And get that artistic rush

Let out the darkness,let out the light

Let out the happy, let out the sad

Let out the wrong, let out the right

Capture your feelings in an art pad

-Ibrahim Suleman, 6th grade

Outstanding Readers

This year we had many Reading Log winners that received an ice cream party for their amazing reading habits. Visit the Outstanding Readers page for more information about the winners.

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Amazing Art Displays by Mahdi Hassanali

Did you notice some of the great art that is being displayed all across the school? Examples of this are the beautiful tree, the bulletin board displays, and the “Pop Up Gallery” that Ms.Grempel and Mrs. Parisi have made for our school. Sagamore is extremely lucky to have these two art teachers who are incredibly talented and have their mind set on making our school a better place. These extraordinary pieces shown below are made by students all across the building who have put in the time and effort to make them. Ms.Grempel and Mrs.Parisi have been hard at work trying to introduce art into our lives and definitely deserve a thank you. Next time you see one of these talented women, be sure to thank them for all they’ve done for our school.

Holiday Greetings

The Authors and Artists Club at Sagamore Middle School wrote cheerful messages of gratitude on over 1,000 Christmas cards for recovering soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The Marchitto family gave the club a giant head start with over 200 cards completed at home.

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Sagamore is Beautiful!

Some images from Sagamore’s Art Show

June 12, 2019

Many thanks to our amazing art teachers!

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Congratulations to

Bridget Mitchell!

Bridget came in second place in a writing contest run by the Suffolk County Executive and Asian-American Advisory Board. The theme of the writing contest was promoting cultural understanding and social harmony. Bridget is to be awarded $150 at a ceremony honoring her and several other outstanding writers from Suffolk County on May 25th. Sagamore is very proud of Bridget and all of the students who entered.

Congratulations to the winners of the Earth Day Contest!

Mrs. Grant (Environmental Club) and Mrs. Esp (Critter Club) held a poster contest for Earth day, with the theme "Save our Species!" Students and staff were invited to vote on their favorites. Congratulations to our winners, and many thanks to all students who participated!

The winners are:

1st Place: Alexia Dutton and Jason Beaulieu

2nd Place: Chloe Walsh

3rd Place: Jordan Dinner and Sophia Hammond

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Featured Teachers!

Mr. McGrath

A Creative and Innovative Teacher

By Harrison Brown

Mr. McGrath is a funny and awesome guy.

Anyone would be lucky to have him as a teacher. Mr. McGrath went to the Sachem School District when he was young and teaches here now! He has two twin boys and loves fishing. He runs the Renovation and Innovation Club. The club made an amazing “lemonade stand” for Student Government. They use it for selling tickets to events and for selling raffles. Next they made bird houses for the courtyard. Now they are working on raised beds for planting herbs next year. He also would like to create a turtle hotel for the many turtles living in the courtyard.

Mr. McGrath’s students describe his classes as creative and inspiring! He shares his loves to working innovatively to create cool projects. They say that they couldn’t ask for a better technology teacher.

All About Mrs. Hochmuth!

By: Grace Prego and Eshal Chowdhury

Mrs. Hochmuth is a math teacher here at Sagamore Middle School. She impacts many student’s lives each day. Her kind heart and bubbly personality makes her an amazing teacher. She started teaching here at Sagamore right after college at the age of 22. She has never taught at any other school and has been teaching for 17 years. She chose the profession of teaching because she has a passion for helping people, and teaching runs in her family. Her parents were both teachers and her grandmother was one of the the first female principals in Long Island.

Mrs. Hochmuth says that she loves Sagamore because it is like one big family. All the teachers care for their students and they love being here. She also wants to see Sagamore become more technologically advanced.

Overall, Mrs.Hochmuth is a hard working, compassionate teacher.

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Featured Teachers!

The Amazing Mrs. Grant

By Eshal Chowdhury and Angelina Mannino

Mrs.Grant is an amazing science teacher here in Sagamore Middle School. She is the advisor of the Environmental Courtyard Club, and she cares a lot for the environment. She started a recycling program here at Sagamore, and now we are used to our weekly recycling routine. We recently did an interview with her, asking her questions about her profession and how she got to where she is now. We interviewed her, and this is what she shared with us.

Q:What college did you go to?

A: “I went to Oneonta for my undergrad, and I went to Stony Brook for my masters degree.”

Q:What did you do before teaching?

A: “I worked in a biomedical company. I ran the microbiology lab.

Q:Why did you want to become a teacher?

A: “I had a child and with my other job I was away for too long all year. So I decided to become a teacher so I can be home all summer and I will spend more time with him.”

Q: How long have you been teaching?

A: :” I started teaching late, due to my biomed job, but I have been teaching for 18 years now.

Q:What do you like most about teaching?

A: “ I love when students get excited about learning science, but the sad thing is that less and less students are becoming more excited to learn. So it is becoming harder to find that joy.”

The Wonderful Mr. Torquato

By Sana Zahid

Mr. Torquato is a wonderful person who also teaches math at Sagamore Middle School. He is the coach for the boys soccer team. He also is one of the Union Representative for Sagamore, which means he takes care of everyone and makes sure the teachers are represented. Additionally, he is the accountant for all of the clubs at Sagamore. Lastly, he is Mrs. Torquato’s husband, and the dad of two beautiful children, Dominic and Antonia. We interviewed him and this is what he had to say.

Q:When did you start teaching?

A: I first started teaching 2006 in New York City,, but I didn’t go to college to be a teacher, I went to college to become a mechanical engineer, which I did for four years, and then I switched to teaching.

Q: What made you want to be a teacher?

A: Uh...I like to talk. I like to work with other people. It seemed like a natural fit since I was involved with sales. I didn’t like sales as much as I thought I would like teaching and then I had a lot of friends who were teachers and it worked out to where my skill set matched some of the skills that a teacher has.

Q:What was the first school you taught at?

A: The first school that I taught at was in Brooklyn, New York. It was called F.D.R High School, Franklin Theodore Roosevelt and I taught Algebra, Algebra Honors, and Geometry. Eventually I taught a SAT, so I taught a little bit of everything.

Q: What do you like best about teaching?

A:I love the relationships we create with students. In the end, my goal is that kids know more than they did when they entered my class.

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Stranger Sagas! Sagamore Middle School Students Published

in the “Young Writers” Collection, February, 2019

Twenty talented Sagamore 7th graders are published authors. Their "Stranger Sagas" short stories were selected by the Young Writers Association, and published in an anthology of writers from New York. Their stories are very creative and suspenseful. We are very proud of their accomplishments!

Below is a small sample of the 20 stories published by Sagamore students.

Portrait Problems

I unraveled the family portrait. If these were my parents, who was downstairs? I used the moonlight to see the portrait. It freaked me out when they couldn't remember anything about me as a baby. In this portrait there are two strangers holding me. It appears we had just come home from the hospital.

I hear my “parents” coming up the stairs. My heart racing, I shove the portrait back in the forbidden box and hide. I hear hisses from below me. It sounds like a tense argument. I hear them crawling up the attic stairs and then I jumped…’

--Michael Mauro

The Creatures of McArthur

I got off the plane, and the terminal was empty. I knew I had entered a ghost town. After I got my luggage, I saw a flashing light in the deserted coffee shop. Being brave, I checked it out. My heart skipped a beat when there was a creature behind the counter.

As I approached, the lights went out. When they came back on, there were a million of them! I sprinted for the door, but the creatures lunged at me! When I entered, the terminal had thousands upon thousands of them! There was no place safe now…

--Harrison Brown

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My Mother, My Monster

“Don’t talk to anyone when I’m gone.” I nodded as I watched my mom lock all six locks of the door. She had always been overprotective ever since the “monster” took my dad. I didn't believe her.

Later that night, mom didn’t come home from work and it was 11 o'clock. Then suddenly, my heart stopped, my hands went numb, and I couldn’t breathe. What I saw was beyond my imagination. A scaly, slimy creature with bat wings and claws, before my eyes. It suddenly morphed into my mother. All that could come out of my mouth was- “MOM!’’

--Eshal Chowdhury

Deadly Disease

I got off the plane, the terminal was empty. I looked around, no one was there. Then I heard a footstep, then another. I still could not see anyone. I thought I might have been going crazy. Then I remembered there had been a deadly disease that had been going around here. I guess one of the side effects were becoming invisible?!

I realized I could get this disease too. I had to get out of here. Then I heard someone say, “Lets get him!” I was shaking in my shoes. I hear a loud boom, then it happened…...

--Maysum Hassanali

The Storm

At birth everyone’s tattooed with their date of death. Mine’s dated yesterday…

A hurricane had been present in my area. There was always a damp, eerie mist surrounding my house. However, the powerful breeze was more frightening, even the leaves of the strongest trees were even affected by the harsh gusts of wind. I sat by a window, observing the chaos of nature unfold. As I gazed at the intense storm, I heard an expected crack, a shattering-like noise. My eyes immediately darted to my window where there was a long, thin crack.

--Megan Lavan

Burning Planet

We watched from the space station as the earth exploded...

...A few miles from our new habitat, were safe inside the space station. The fireworks that were our planet soar around as. It's almost… beautiful. Random objects fly through the air, charred and unrecognizable. At first, nothing happened, then BOOM! Even from this far, the sound hurt our ears. From hundreds of miles away, we saw flamed flying pieces our previous home. We can only imagine the chaos when the other people were informed. But that’s all gone now, everything is. We knew this moment would come. I’m so glad we blew that thing up.

--Bailey McKiernan

The Mist

The mist cleared. My name was on the moss-covered gravestone. I couldn’t remember how I got here, and I could barely remember who I was. I called out to see if anyone was around. Then two dark shadows appeared and took me to a place with a lightning bolt, a trident, and a skull engraved on it. They told me many things that I couldn't comprehend or believe. The only thing I heard was that I was apparently a survivor of the afterlife, and I had a lot of challenges ahead to conquer.

--Leyla Ozdemir

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The Courtyard/Environmental Club By Sana Zahid

The Courtyard/Environmental Club brings together people who want to help improve the environment. Helping clean the courtyard, decorating the courtyard, and running the recycling programs at Sagamore are just some of the things they take part in. Not only does the club provide a great opportunity to make a difference, it also brings people together and provides memorable experiences. Mrs. Grant, science teacher, is the advisor of the club. Describing her motivation for starting the club, she states, “I was very upset because our school building didn’t have a recycling program. Recycling is a really important part of the environment. When Sequoya joined Sagamore, they had an environmental club and when the director recycled I wanted to take over”.

There are many reasons for being a part of the environmental club. Not only are we transforming the school into a place where recycling really happens, but students are enjoying it. Mateo Capraro describes why he is a member. “I like helping the environment and hanging out with my friends.”

Arrdah Zaman says, “I stayed in the club for three years because I like helping the environment, and the small group of people make it better.”

Next year, Mrs. Grant and Mr. McGrath plan to build a raised planting bed for herbs and other helpful plants. They plan to build a turtle sanctuary for the many turtles we are lucky to have in our courtyard. We are very fortunate for clubs like the Environmental Courtyard Club!

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And More

Drama Club

An interview by Harrison Brown

Drama club is awesome. It is a place you can have a good time, show off your musical abilities, and make new friends. If you love to sing and dance, this is the perfect club for you. But if you don’t like being in front of a large audience, you can be part of the behind the scenes actions as stage crew. There are stage crew jobs such as prop movers, music, curtains, and publicity and greeters. Anyone in 6th, 7th or 8th grade can try out. In March, we do three evening shows plus a show during the day to show the 5th graders who are coming to Sagamore next year. This year Drama society is putting on the musical Legally Blonde Jr. The show dates are March 15 at 7:00 PM and March 16 at 12:00 PM and 6:30 PM. At the end of the show, it is very rewarding to see it all come together. After all of the shows are done, we do a car wash at Applebees. Ms. Kolodney and Mrs. Petrelli are great advisors who make sure that everyone has a great time, so if you are interested, you should join the club next year! Hope to see you at the show!

Drama Club is a great club at Sagamore. I asked some questions about Drama club and here is the feedback I received:

Q: What makes this club so special to you?

Timmy Rae- It helps people grow in their musical abilities and it gives you something to look forward to each day.

Zac Bauer- Drama club feels like a second family.

Lexi Martoscia- It makes people feel confident in themselves and on stage.

Q: What do you think people will take away from this club?

Ryan Pacella - When you come out of your shell, you can have a lot of fun.

Matthew Rivas - I learned how to be confident.

Yearbook Club

By Julia Sosa

The yearbook club is the club that makes a book full of your memories. We also have two of the best teachers in the club, Mrs.Van Riper and Mrs. Kolb. Mrs.Van Riper said that her favorite part of the yearbook club is designing the yearbook. She also said that one of the students who helps the most is Sana Zahid. She is one of the students who helped a lot this year. Mrs.Van Riper also had a last moment decision on taking a picture of the 8th graders in the yearbook club, and it looks great! The club advisors also loved the students this year. They are hoping to have more 6th graders next year.

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by Jack Brodsky

Here at Sagamore Middle School we have a variety of clubs to join. One of the best clubs in my opinion is the Select Chorus. One step to get in is to audition, which may sound stressful but it is only five minute audition. The great thing about Select Chorus is that you never have to go through the trouble of trying to get in the chorus. A great thing about Select Chorus is everyone's great personality. This is an after school activity that you will not want to miss. There is only one concert that we do and it is the end of the year. After we compete and get judged, we have a great day in the park with rides and games. That is a great opportunity to hang out with your friends and miss school. This spectacular club is run by the one and only, Sagamore’s Mr. Giglio.

Even More

Critter Club

By Bailey McKiernan

Do you have a love of animals and want to learn how to protect and help them? Then the Critter Club might be right for you! The club typically meets once a month and almost always has at least one animal. A representative is there to tell about their organization and the animals’ story. We also talk about keeping animals safe, and being safe around them. Being allowed in depends on you bringing in a donation to the speakers organization but most of the items are standard household supplies. To elaborate more on the actions of the club here is a quote from the club advisor, Ms Esp: “The club educates students on animal rescues, shelter work and local organizations, gathers food and animal supplies to help local shelters, sponsors fundraisers from which all proceeds donated go to local shelters, educates students on responsible pet ownership and develops student awareness of career choices in animal care.” The Critter Club is one of the more popular clubs at Sagamore, and you will feel awesome doing good deeds for animals. In the past, the Critter Club and the Environmental Club has gone on a great field trip at the end of the year, to the aquarium in Riverhead. Be sure to sign up for this great club!

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Still More

Select Orchestra

If you like to play in the orchestra, Select Orchestra is the club for you! Select Orchestra is one of the best extracurricular activities, but not everyone gets in. You first have to audition. You will be given a level two NYSSMA solo to play for the conductor, Dr. Armann. Select Orchestra is a BIG commitment and a huge honor if you get in. Practices are Tuesdays from 6:30 until 8:30 PM. The concert is in April, and we go to Music in the Parks is in May . The music is a little harder than what is given out in school. This year we are playing the pieces, Eleanor Rigby, Summertime and Henry Percil Suite. There are 19 people involved in this club including, Mason Vaughan, Patrick Cahill, Kurt Bruss, Ian Mei, James Hu, Jason Pressman, Michel Roussinos, Johanna Hovanec, Samantha Mann, Julianna Wottowa, Harrison Brown, Samantha McCullogh, Vanessa Smith, Layla Ozdemir, Catlin Austin, Meghan Hoffmann, Lexi M Martoscia, Brandon Hays, and Shelby Lyons. They are all fantastic players in the orchestra and truly deserve to be in the club.

Authors and Artists

The Authors and Artists Club has been putting together The Sagamore News for the past three school years. The amazing authors and talented artists have maintained the Sagamore News bulletin board and has promoted writing and art contests. Mrs. Gennosa, the advisor, will continue to promote contests, while Mrs. Giacobbe will be advising the publication. We look forward to another great year of promoting creativity! Past publications can be found on the website, which will continue to promote contests and other writing or art opportunities.


One contest to look out for is the PTA Reflections Contest. Sagamore’s fabulous PTSA will be promoting this.


Mrs. Gennosa would like to thank the dedicated editors, writers, artists, photographers, and public relations promoters who made the club such a pleasure to advise!

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National Junior Honor Society

By Anaya Hossain

National Junior Honor Society is a club that holds much respect. The people who get into NJHS have worked hard to get in. They have done volunteer work, reached exceptional grades in their classes, and have benevolent character. In NJHS, members participate in volunteer hours for their community. They also raise money for the club activities. The best part of being a member of NJHS is getting the bigger lockers by the gym. It really helps if you have a lot of supplies for classes.

Anime and Sci-Fi Club

by Sienna Scott and Anaya Hossain

Anime and Sci~Fi Club is a club where you talk about anime, and watch anime and sci-fi movies, and shows as well. We also can read manga (anime comic books) series, and talk about them. The person who runs this club is Mr. Goscinski, and he holds it in room 33. Anime and Sci~Fi Club meet every other Friday. He shows TV shows and movies that are rated G to PG-14. So, if you would like to watch anime, or science fiction shows, and hang out with your friends, this is the perfect club for you! So join now!


By Michael Mauro

If you like to run, then this club is just for you. This club is a great way to get active. As Mr.Berman, the club advisor, says,”Get off the couch! Stop playing Fortnite!” The couch to 5k club competed in three 5k’s so far this year. The club is a lot of fun!! You can run, walk, jog, speedwalk, anything you want!

Anybody can run in this club, even sixth graders, because it is a non-competitive club. A 5K is about 3.1 miles which is 12 laps around the track. The club meets every Tuesday on the track, but has been postponed until the weather warms up. There will be an announcement when it starts again. We hope to see you at our next meeting!!

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Special Events!

Safe Halloween

By: Michael Dukich

While Halloween was right around the corner, Sagamore put on its “A Game” and put on its annual show for younger kids, Safe Halloween. Most clubs in school were doing the event, and I was involved with Critter Club. Dr. Galligan stepped up and helpled our club, and ordered us pizza before it started because he saw a ton of other clubs doing it. My fellow friends next door at another club, they were missing out. I said: “Hey, you guys hungry? We got extra pizza!” Without delay, they said “YES!” and when we delivered it to them, they gobbled it up! Then the kids came, played games and had a great time. So did the all of the club participants adn helpers! See you next year at Sagamore’s Safe Halloween!

Health Assembly!

By: Michael Dukich

Thursday’s assembly is about health, wellness and acrobatics! You will enjoy yourself! Even though Thursday is during the state testing, with shorter periods, you will have fun! While I was trying to figure out what the assembly was about, I thought Mr. Panasci would know, so I signed out of the library and asked and he said, “Thursday’s assembly is about health, wellness and acrobatics. You will have fun!” He was right, and everyone enjoyed it.

Opinion Piece: Why I Love Cars, Part 1

By Aaron Clow

Hi. I am Aaron Clow. I am in grade 6. I like cars. I have loved cars for as long as I can remember, especially the 1990 SAAB 900 Turbo SPG. To be honest, I don’t really know why. I just do. Maybe it's the fact that my dad had one. My dad had a SAAB 900 Turbo SPG (Special Performance Group), a SAAB 9-5 that he told me he had swapped the air intake from a cold air intake to a regular intake. I wish I could drive! Okay, next time I will go more into the SAAB 900 Turbo.

On November 14, 2018 a representative from the Didgeridoo Down Under Organization came in and held an amazing assembly for 7th graders. He is Australian and showed us the art of a didgeridoo. A didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia potentially within the last 1,500 years and still in widespread use today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or drone pipe. He made some amazing songs with the didgeridoo. It was a very interactive assembly as he let people come up to the stage and play the didgeridoo. He taught us about Australian culture and really expanded our knowledge about Australia. This was probably my favorite assembly ever because it was very different and unique. I wish for more diverse and unique assemblies to come to Sagamore Middle School in the future.

Didgeridoo Down Under

By Maysum Hassanali

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Special Events

Music In the Parks 2019

Music in the Parks 2019 was so much fun! First we took a bus ride to Nutswamp High in New Jersey. All of the groups from all of the different schools performed in front of judges. Everyone was amazing! Then, we took a short bus ride to Six Flags: Great Adventure! The rides were out of this world! Around the end of the day, all of the schools met in the theater for awards. 8th grade chorus got 1st place, band got 1st place, select chorus got 3rd place and select orchestra got 1st place!

It was an amazing experience and I hope to go next year!

Frost Valley By Juliana Algeri

Frost Valley was a great trip with a lot of great experiences. I left Sagamore on my assigned bus. The drive up was stunning; the entirety of it was icicles and little waterfalls up and down the mountain.

I arrived at Frost Valley and went to the cafeteria, where they told us all about how the schedule worked, like when we had to wake up and when we could eat. We went to our cabins, and picked our rooms, and it was a madhouse. About a half an hour later, we met our tour guide, and headed off.

We went on a hike to a waterfall. It was freezing and to be honest wasn't the most fun thing I had ever done. I was tired from the cold and the morning I had, but once I arrived at the final destination, I was in awe, and I forgot all of my previous problems I have had been complaining about earlier that day. I descended onto a wood platform and stared at the glistening water, streaming down the smooth rock, surrounded by snow-covered ice.

The next two days were pretty much the same just adding more meals and activities. On the second day we woke up and the sunrise was unlike anything I had ever seen. It looked like someone painted the sky with a mixture of red, yellow and orange. Later that day it snowed. It looked like it was raining glitter. It was the lightest sparkliest thing I had ever seen. It put me in a trance shortly broken by the echo of screaming kids.

The next day I went home and as soon as I went home I fell asleep. I loved my time at Frost Valley and I’m so glad I went.

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Sagamore Sports


By Harrison Brown.

The swim team is amazing! It is a try-out base team. You have to be in at least 7th grade to try out. All of the middle schools make up the swim team. There is tryouts for three days but sadly, not everyone makes it. If you make it, there is swimming practice every day except Saturday and Sunday with Coach Bodkin and Coach Scott. Four lanes are used regularly for swimmers and one lane line is pulled out of the pool to make a giant lane for the divers. In May, we start meets. In a meet, you compete against another school for points. The lower your time is, the more points you score for your team. Swim team is really fun and a great way to make new friends

The Wrestling Team

By Mia Marchitto

There are many sports that we have here at Sagamore. One of these sports is our Sagamore Wrestling Team. We had two coaches. The main coach was Coach Homgren and the assistant coach was Coach Mordente. They both taught the team some great techniques. We had a great season. We won eight meets and lost one. Everyone did absolutely amazing. I thought that this season was so much fun.

I asked some players how they felt being on the team.

James Kelton: “I thought it was a lot of fun. I made lot of new friends and had a great season.”

John Hakes: “It was a lot of fun.”

Sagamore Day By: Michael Dukich

Sagamore Day on May 22, 2019 was a blast! Everything including the annual Grit N’ Wit, the award ceremony and the double dare type of game show in the gym was amazing from my perspective. Since I am in 6th grade, I went outside first. I had a team of five people and we took like an hour and a half, but it was a lighthearted pleasure to do that obstacle course. “Where brain meets brawn!”

Next, I had the award ceremony. I got the first 6th grade award of the day, the Technology Innovation Award from I believe Mr. McGrath because he is my technology teacher. I felt overjoyed and happy getting that award because technology is the class I look forward to every day.

Lastly, the Double Dare type of game show. I didn’t have much to do with that, but I did however did get picked my Mrs. Dee for a “physical challenge”. I had to spell eight letter words and we lost by one point to the red team!

Basically, I am stating that Sagamore Day was a TON of FUN!

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Poetry Pages

Sagamore Middle School Entries to the Poetry Escape Contest, Young Writers

Congratulations to our published authors!

Destination Getaway

I close my eyes and imagine...

A place that I love

I get away and escape to a city, country, continent or sometimes another world

I find adventure in traveling the world

The color of the moon shining silver and bright glistening off the ocean

The sun flaming orange warm against my face

The stars are making my dreams come true

The memories of getting away even in my imagination are great

But it does not last forever

Returning to reality until I dream again of a new destination

By Rebecca Wagonfeld



Here I stay

On this mighty Cay

I am all alone

Stranded here

I want to go home

I see the sky

The big clouds

Way up high

After much craft

And lots of work

I built a raft

Away I sail

I finally escape

By Sabrina Mason

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Family Trapped in Our Country’s War

Five of us in our family

Love surrounds us all

We pray and play together

Till the night it falls

Our country is torn by war

We hear cries and shots outside our door

We pray together

Till the night it falls

Hoping this war ends for all

By Mahek Hassanali


Stop Racism!

It doesn’t matter what skin you play.

It’s about your personality.

It doesn’t matter where you walk.

It doesn’t matter where you talk.

It doesn’t matter what skin you play.

It’s about who you are and you shall stay.

We stand together all in one.

Till our job is done.

By Shelby Solomon



I felt like I was drowning,

like the world was collapsing in on me.

I am being crushed by your expectations.

It felt like I was suffocating.

There was no escape.

By Kaelynne Sparacio

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Adam’s Escape

It was around 1799

French were kidnapping, yeah that’s a crime

France demanded a big fat bribe

for us to get our sailors back

France was trying to break our back

but Adams said no

and he would show

Alien and Sedition Acts would have a blow

Adams did know, war was no-go

and so he would show

escape was hard to forgo

By Michael Mauro



Dreams are pleasant, a place of peace.

The place to go to when you enter sleep.

Although there’s a place, that’s not so nice.

Try to escape the clown with a knife.

You’re stuck in your dream, no way to escape.

Perhaps your mouth is covered with tape.

The horror, the screams, the visions, extreme!

Here’s the catch: You can’t escape this dream.

By Sabrina Wottawa


You Can’t Escape

Shots go through a bulletproof vest, but people’s words get to you best.

You may feel there’s no reason to stay, but keep up your fight every day.

You’re hurting inside and you feel so alone, but someone loves you and is saying don’t go.

Wearing your heart way up on your sleeve, while everyone’s watching, watching you bleed.

Don’t forget we’re in this together, keep up your fight, and things will get better.

By Sabrina Wottawa

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Outstanding Readers and Writers

Quarters 1 & 2

Reading Log Winners!

Grade 6

  • Krishna Patel
  • Marwin Villatoro Sanchez
  • Joseph Narman
  • Ibrahim Suleman
  • Enzo Evola
  • Thanushraj Sathianarayanan
  • Nayeli Cruz Alvarez

Grade 7

1. Joya Awais

2. Ryan Favius

3. Paige Andersen

4. Brooke Klugewicz

5. Michael Mauro

6. Mia Marchitto

7. Javier Utteria

Grade 8

1. Sesim Aric

2. Kaitlyn Rea

3. James Hu

4. Samuel Cheng

5. Sid Sheth

6. Weronika Pacilowski

7. Aleyna Genc

Thank you for reading The Sagamore News!

The students in the Authors and Artists Club hope you enjoyed it! The club members worked many long hours on its publication. Many thanks to the club members who went above and beyond to get this paper to look awesome.