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Pain Reliever Misuse and Abuse

Ainsley, Jun, Nick, Rachel, Rosie, Yulia, Aashna

Data Analysis

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Table of Contents





About the Data

Data Cleaning



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Dataset – Background

170k+ Observations


  • 26% misuse and abuse of prescription opioids (MUPO)
  • 11% misused or abused pain relievers
  • Demographic variables, medication abuse, and illicit drug use
  • Mostly categorical, binary, and likert scale variables
  • Main variable: Prescription opioid pain reliever misuse and abuse (Likert Scale)

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Dataset – Variables

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Research Question

  • How can pain reliever abuse prevention programs increase their impact?
  • What demographics should they target?
  • Are users of certain drugs more susceptible to pain reliever abuse?

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Data Cleaning

Renaming Columns

Encoded Data -> Factors

Missing Value Removal

EMPLOY18 -> Employment_Status

Switched from numeric to labels

Removed any NA’s and rows of 0’s from our dataset

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  • PR misuse more common as in those with higher educational backgrounds
    • Slope shows + correlation
  • Not a significant amount of difference in misuse in males compared to females

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Results: According to the data, younger people tend to abuse prescription drugs more frequently than those in older age groups.

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Results: the larger city metro size has the most percentage of prescription misused/abused drugs at 40% compared to the small and rural city metro size

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Medication and Drug Use


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  • Results: highly right skewed

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  • Younger people tend to consider themselves more frequent users of the drug
  • The higher a person is on the likert scale, the more severe problems they are face - positive correlation

Case Study: Cocaine

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City Size, Gender


Case: Cocaine


Positive correlation in PR misuse and ed background

Not much impact for PR misuse

Younger age groups tend to undergo more misuse

More misuse lead to more health problems

Employed have highest misuse