1 of 24

Coverage-guided fuzzing using LLVM on Postgres code to find security issues in database functions and operators.


2 of 24

What I did for fun during my summer vacation!

3 of 24

What is fuzzing?

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Issues Fuzzing Postgres

Most open source fuzzers

  • Expect to exec a binary repeatedly on text inputs
  • Require modifying C source to call function being tested
  • Postgres bugs rarely cause crashes but get caught and signal unexpected errors

Ideally we want

  • Not to have to modify the client/server architecture of Postgres
  • A generic function that can be provided an expression to evaluate repeatedly
  • And a harness that understands which errors are expected or unexpected

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LLVM Libfuzzer


  • In-process so we can call it from the server
  • Very very fast (no syscalls at all, coverage data is in local memory)
  • Flexible set of tools that we can pick the parts to keep or reimplement


  • Immature -- not as clever at generating test cases as AFL
  • Rough edges -- intended to be used in LLVM’s own builds

6 of 24

Flow of Control

PostgresSQL Server

Server-Side C Function

  • Set resource limits
  • Prepare SQL

C++ Function Wrapper

  • Set error callbacks
  • Pass callback function


C Callback Function

  • Set timeout
  • Setup subtransaction
  • Execute SQL
  • Recover from errors
  • Check for unexpected errors

PostgreSQL Client

SQL under test

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Server-Side C Function

  • Set resource limits
    • Core files off (Libfuzzer calls abort())
    • CPU 1s soft (SIGXCPU) *
    • CPU 5min hard (SIGKILL)
    • Memory 200MB
  • Prepare SQL

8 of 24

C++ Wrapper Function

  • Set error callbacks
    • aborthandler
    • staticdeathcallback
    • staticerrorcallback
  • Pass callback function
    • FuzzOne

9 of 24

C Callback Function (1)

  • Set timeout
    • 100ms (varied over tests)
    • Will need to be a parameter
  • Setup subtransaction
    • BeginInternalSubTransaction
    • Save Memory Context
    • Save Resource Owner
  • Execute SQL
    • SPI_execute_plan()

10 of 24

C Callback Function (2)

  • Recover from errors
    • Restore Memory Context
    • Restore Resource Owner
    • Set aside ErrorData
    • Roll Back Subtransaction

11 of 24

C Callback Function (3)

  • Check for unexpected errors
    • Resource Limits
    • Internal Errors
    • Internal Regexp Errors
    • Call errorcallback() *

12 of 24


stark=> CREATE FUNCTION fuzz(integer,text) � RETURNS text LANGUAGE C � AS '/home/stark/src/libfuzzer-pg/fuzz.so','fuzz';�CREATE FUNCTION

stark=> select fuzz(1000000,'select $1::timestamptz');�...

13 of 24


stark=> select fuzz(1000000,'select $1::timestamptz');

#0 READ cov: 0 bits: 0 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#1 pulse cov: 10739 bits: 2999 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#2 pulse cov: 10745 bits: 3080 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#4 pulse cov: 10816 bits: 3273 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#8 pulse cov: 10918 bits: 4005 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#16 pulse cov: 11335 bits: 4691 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#32 pulse cov: 11435 bits: 4950 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#64 pulse cov: 11642 bits: 5636 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#256 pulse cov: 11955 bits: 7099 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#512 pulse cov: 12003 bits: 7661 units: 590 exec/s: 0

#590 INITED cov: 12005 bits: 7679 units: 315 exec/s: 0

14 of 24


#1024 pulse cov: 12005 bits: 7679 units: 315 exec/s: 0

#2048 pulse cov: 12005 bits: 7679 units: 315 exec/s: 0

#4096 pulse cov: 12005 bits: 7679 units: 315 exec/s: 0

#8192 pulse cov: 12005 bits: 7679 units: 315 exec/s: 8192

#16384 pulse cov: 12005 bits: 7679 units: 315 exec/s: 8192

#18442 NEW cov: 12005 bits: 7681 units: 316 exec/s: 6147 L: 25 m^^(nut[^( ^[*Sj-0[-e9[sf

#20574 NEW cov: 12005 bits: 7682 units: 317 exec/s: 6858 L: 27 9::mYT+1S'0:: 6:; ;09:: 6:

#32768 pulse cov: 12005 bits: 7682 units: 317 exec/s: 6553

#34643 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7688 units: 318 exec/s: 6928 L: 12 j'Roc 6b6G

#35409 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7689 units: 319 exec/s: 7081 L: 16 j'6 G1'u97 .041

#60297 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7690 units: 320 exec/s: 6029 L: 27 iilliseu YYcY-:Y: -F-Y-s:-o

#63284 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7691 units: 321 exec/s: 6328 L: 30 'j6 Gq68C9%*F96YC. 24: ''( Pm

#64476 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7706 units: 322 exec/s: 6447 L: 19 (8;(\xc;9.9PYST1(.PDT

15 of 24


#65536 pulse cov: 12012 bits: 7706 units: 322 exec/s: 6553

#70689 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7709 units: 323 exec/s: 6426 L: 15 d8!6uP9uJ91 YX6

#72861 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7710 units: 324 exec/s: 6071 L: 25 j 86'j) 199GET70710 [h61

#102491 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7713 units: 325 exec/s: 6405 L: 29 !(za011[-0(-9?-0-27 :+10:0:21

#112248 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7716 units: 326 exec/s: 6236 L: 26 Y0\xad8!2 6+10+F0Y0+F5P)9n'

#116686 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7719 units: 327 exec/s: 6482 L: 21 y](660) m' 6 (LHdT(8

#131072 pulse cov: 12012 bits: 7719 units: 327 exec/s: 6241

#131531 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7722 units: 328 exec/s: 6263 L: 29 *y]u(7:60(11-03-860986696!62;

#135066 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7723 units: 329 exec/s: 6431 L: 32 9:.40:2000-03-15 12:14:039L G;MC

#141231 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7726 units: 330 exec/s: 6419 L: 26 ,;; j6 qGtomo68Crrow EST9'

#189651 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7736 units: 331 exec/s: 6321 L: 12 j6 Gqud68C9%

#191339 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7738 units: 332 exec/s: 6377 L: 26 201-10-32720 02*01-09-2r00

#197481 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7741 units: 333 exec/s: 6171 L: 32 j6 PmGqd8Cmill9%*Fise9co6YXF.j

16 of 24


#205513 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7742 units: 334 exec/s: 6227 L: 29 j6 oPeGqd8C9%*FF96YaXFm'-F.

#218191 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7743 units: 335 exec/s: 6234 L: 30 Yoon//Fe"-aq1on/o0\xa2n/ (o/ ]bc

#224296 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7746 units: 336 exec/s: 6230 L: 22 2(8;(\xc;9.1(00.0-0#-15

#237337 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7747 units: 337 exec/s: 6085 L: 30 Y'Y*j,3()''Y\xa;:, Pm'*H(6*y (T]

#239500 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7750 units: 338 exec/s: 6141 L: 22 d6 `6!9uPj9J( eDOY966(

#262144 pulse cov: 12012 bits: 7750 units: 338 exec/s: 6096

#267757 NEW cov: 12012 bits: 7751 units: 339 exec/s: 6085 L: 32 (6(9-9*F96YX.iFjYN0)Y-:YF-Y-::Y6

#297841 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7752 units: 340 exec/s: 6078 L: 24 'Y(j,: 9PST8PFT/Y(dst;(!

#303901 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7753 units: 341 exec/s: 6078 L: 30 C8aM^(\!d6Lu9X\Y9 Rj6 o 1(P6m

#305896 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7754 units: 342 exec/s: 6117 L: 23 9:mY7.^;;('Tt+.7.t+J.7~

#392276 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7755 units: 343 exec/s: 6226 L: 28 ' 6::.9 6::.197.041 (mq7:3F

#407931 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7756 units: 344 exec/s: 6180 L: 27 -infinity Pm'H^1^(\xb+Hoo8/($

#447063 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7758 units: 345 exec/s: 6209 L: 31 0 1-03-27 z 10:0:000000799:2::1

17 of 24


#450949 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7760 units: 346 exec/s: 6177 L: 27 2011-020-271-009019970221::

#476579 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7761 units: 347 exec/s: 6270 L: 28 (7 *\M\Z.`()(J.7^:e.;,Yo;o./

#489858 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7762 units: 348 exec/s: 6200 L: 32 j6F0F'YYYto*j,: S0F5l(daFy9Y(F6;

#490971 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7763 units: 349 exec/s: 6214 L: 30 j6F0GYY'Y*j,: F0FYl(F9Y(F6(;I9

#501972 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7765 units: 350 exec/s: 6197 L: 26 j6AFmerim/cAesica/DoNj6 Ge

#506861 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7770 units: 351 exec/s: 6257 L: 32 19 [-6'7.041 06::.9 6::.8AFmqF7

#507341 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7771 units: 352 exec/s: 6263 L: 31 6 ,F:6 ,6F ,!F:6 ,F:-9.N:-9..:N

#509461 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7772 units: 353 exec/s: 6212 L: 30 197.041 q7:3_+10:9!CLSTYST2F:0

#517081 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7774 units: 354 exec/s: 6229 L: 31 am'-FGFF8GFYJF -HH24-.-text-FYF

#524288 pulse cov: 12013 bits: 7774 units: 354 exec/s: 6241

#556354 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7775 units: 355 exec/s: 6251 L: 27 201-#0-3720 02*01-0;&((d9-

#574472 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7776 units: 356 exec/s: 6244 L: 27 9:MY7(7 .^;;('.+Tt7*.t\+J.M

#580776 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7777 units: 357 exec/s: 6244 L: 26 2011-020-071-00902011-0199

18 of 24


#581747 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7779 units: 358 exec/s: 6255 L: 27 2011-020-2\1-00190997022201

#603216 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7780 units: 359 exec/s: 6283 L: 32 2011-020-2\1-001909970222020011-

#731141 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7781 units: 360 exec/s: 6249 L: 30 Y0\xad8!2;5Pd8!6u9 P9JXYuJ91 YX6

#832356 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7782 units: 361 exec/s: 6258 L: 28 j6 Pj6AFmGqd8'merim/C9cA%*

#855035 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7783 units: 362 exec/s: 6287 L: 22 !*j ,9F-74.Y6 J-8j9:0J

#867736 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7784 units: 363 exec/s: 6287 L: 30 tdoay(?7.?(7.(( J8- J8-)Y,;( '

#926231 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7785 units: 364 exec/s: 6300 L: 31 (?7.(?7.(([197.09-a^z(0=9.4a_1

#938266 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7787 units: 365 exec/s: 6297 L: 30 C8!d6Lu9XY9 Y9:m8!d6uP9 Rj6 oT

#985381 NEW cov: 12013 bits: 7792 units: 366 exec/s: 6276 L: 30 211-002#0-3720 02*01-0;&((d1-0

Done 1000000 runs in 159 second(s)



(1 row)

19 of 24

Currently just a bit noisy...

FuzzOne n=524288 success=9896 fail=514392 null=0

Error codes seen 22007:487993 22008:12697 0A000:96 22023:10326 22009:3280

#524288 pulse cov: 12013 bits: 7774 units: 354 exec/s: 6241

LOG: could not open directory "/usr/local/pgsql/share/timezone/Zulu": Not a directory

CONTEXT: SQL statement "select $1::timestamptz"

STATEMENT: select fuzz(1000000,'select $1::timestamptz')

LOG: could not open directory "/usr/local/pgsql/share/timezone/Zulu": Not a directory

CONTEXT: SQL statement "select $1::timestamptz"

STATEMENT: select fuzz(1000000,'select $1::timestamptz')

LOG: could not open directory "/usr/local/pgsql/share/timezone/Zulu": Not a directory

CONTEXT: SQL statement "select $1::timestamptz"

STATEMENT: select fuzz(1000000,'select $1::timestamptz')

20 of 24

Expected errors

Error codes seen 22007:487993 22008:12697 0A000:96 22023:10326 22009:3280

Appendix A. PostgreSQL Error Codes

Error Code

Condition Name











21 of 24

Unexpected errors

commit 258ee1b635e43a37e901fd5f62bdd5f1087d65a5

Author: Greg Stark <stark@mit.edu>

Date: Sun Sep 6 02:04:37 2015 +0100

Move DTK_ISODOW DTK_DOW and DTK_DOY to be type UNITS rather than

RESERV. RESERV is meant for tokens like "now" and having them in that

category throws errors like these when used as an input date:

stark=# SELECT 'doy'::timestamptz;

ERROR: unexpected dtype 33 while parsing timestamptz "doy"

LINE 1: SELECT 'doy'::timestamptz;


stark=# SELECT 'dow'::timestamptz;

ERROR: unexpected dtype 32 while parsing timestamptz "dow"

LINE 1: SELECT 'dow'::timestamptz;


22 of 24

Performance Problems

commit 48789c5d23a7f382e3cb721547d5e0af7a

Author: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>

Date: Fri Oct 16 14:14:40 2015 -0400

Fix regular-expression compiler to handle

loops of constraint arcs.�

commit b63fc28776c5d2efdb4de326ad0f0b5b88

Author: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>

Date: Fri Oct 2 14:51:58 2015 -0400

Add recursion depth protections to regular

expression matching.

commit f2c4ffc3307cab6619a28e77da9211416c

Author: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>

Date: Fri Oct 2 14:26:36 2015 -0400

Fix potential infinite loop in regular

expression execution.

commit 9fe8fe9c9e5d7fc099acfc96e976ee72b2b4

Author: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>

Date: Fri Oct 2 13:45:39 2015 -0400

Add some more query-cancel checks to regular expression matching.

commit 558d4ada1851274fe4dd3618f3f6561b638

Author: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>

Date: Fri Oct 2 13:30:42 2015 -0400

Docs: add disclaimer about hazards of using regexps from untrusted sources.

23 of 24

Security Problems

24 of 24

Fuzzers are popular...

Other people are experimenting with fuzzers:

  • Piotr Stefaniak has been running Libfuzzer too
  • Andreas Seltenreich wrote sqlsmith which generates random SQL�https://github.com/anse1

My Libfuzzer experimental work is at:
