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Sam The

By: Noah Lowe

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It all started at Booker Middle School. It was the start of a new school year, and Michael was going into sixth grade. Michael was highly excited to start his middle school life. This was like a new chapter in his life. But Michael was always a quiet kid and never talked to anyone. He always did his work and minded his business. He wanted to start to make friends this year.

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Samantha was the big, bad school bully. She had been the school bully since third grade. She was always been mean to everyone. She was not very friendly at all.

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Samantha and Michael had the same English class together. Michael always avoided Samantha because he knew he would get bullied if she saw him. bu he could no longer hide.

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He sat in the back of the class, quiet as a mouse. Sam walked in and was ready to start her bullying ways already.

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She went from kid to kid calling them names and hitting them. Ms. Roberts was not yet in the class. Samantha continued to go to everyone. Soon, she was near Michael’s row. Michael’s heart was beating faster and faster

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Michael put his hoodie over his head and put his head down on the desk. He was hoping the teacher would come in before she got to him. Ms. Roberts did not.

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Sam was only one kid away until she would get to Michael. She hit the kid and threw all his stuff, then she told the kid to pick it up and stop crying. Michael’s heart started to race. He was in fear of what was about to happen.

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She got to Michael, pulled him up by the hoodie, and looked at him. She started to pull her arm back to hit him as Ms. Roberts walked in and greeted the class.

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Sam told Michael she would get him later and to watch his back. Michael was scared and went through the whole class shaking.

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Lunch came and Michael was on the stairs when Sam ran behind him and smacked his head, sending him down the last few stairs and dropping all his papers.

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She picked Michael up and started making fun of his smell and clothes that had rips, how messy his hair was, and calling him names like “ugly” and “poor.” People started to crowd around, calling him names and laughing at him. He started to cry, then he got up and ran out of the school.

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He went home and told his mom and dad. They called the school and the principal. Mr. Johnson, the principal, said actions would be taken, and they hung up. Michael laid in bed that night hoping Sam would get expelled from school.

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The next day, Michael went back to school, and Sam was there waiting for him. Michael was shocked and started to run, but Sam grabbed him and called him a snitch. Then he beat Michael to ground. Kids gathered around and started yelling. Sam went into school and yelled at Michael not to snitch.

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Michael was bleeding with bruises all over his body. He started to cry and teachers come out to ask him what happened. He told them he tripped and slid against the concrete. He was was upset with all that was happening and was confused about why Sam was not expelled. He was so frightened by Sam he could not tell the teachers what has happened.

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Lucky for Michael there was a girl who watched what happened named Andrea, and she did not like what she had seen. She knew Michael had been getting bullied by Sam a lot, and she knew Michael was covering up for her, so Andrea Mr. Johnson so Sam wouldn’t hurt Michael anymore.

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Andrea went to the Mr. Johnson’s office and informed him of everything. Mr. Johnson said something would be done, like he told Michael’s parents the night before. Andrea is now hoping for Sam to be expelled, too.

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The next school day after Mr. Johnson talked to Sam, she was on the hunt for Michael. Sam thought he told on her again, and she was going after him.

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She found Michael sitting in the hall reading. She pushed him and starting beating him up again. He was in bad condition. The teachers came and grabbed Sam.

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Andrea ran to Michael to see if he was okay, as did some teachers. He got up and started walking. He had a few cuts and bruises and he was shaking a little, but he was okay.

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Sam got expelled from the school, finally. Michael’s parents were very mad that Mr. Johnson did not expel her earlier and let her go after Michael two more times. They had a meeting with Mr. Johnson to talk about this issue.

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Michael went back to school normally the following week, all recovered and stronger. He was all ready to make new friends; Michael was ready for the sixth grade year.

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Work Cited:

-"Dealing With Bullies." KidsHealth. Ed. D'Arcy Lyness. The Nemours Foundation, July 2013. Web. 01 June 2017.

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Back Summary -

Michael is ready for his first year of middle school. e can’t wait to make new friends and have an awesome year, but the big, bad bully Samantha is coming for him, and he is fearing for his life. Will he survive and will the teachers help?