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Remedies for Procrastination

Procrastination is a problem that many students encounter which can have negative effects on their academic performance.The following are tips to help you overcome procrastination:

  • Positive self-talk: Write down the excuses that you often use to justify procrastination, and replace these excuses with a realistic thought.
    • EXCUSE: I’m not in the mood right now.
    • REALISTIC THOUGHT: Mood doesn’t do the work, actions do. If I wait until I’m in the right mood, the work may never get done.

  • Motivate yourself with positive statements. For example: “The sooner I get the work done, the sooner I can do what I want.”

  • Set clear, specific goals for yourself and stick to them. If you are working on a large project, set goals for each step and include the time by which you want to have them accomplished.

  • Make a list of the work that need to be done a prioritize it. Start with the most important task, and work down the list.

  • Divide large tasks into smaller sub-tasks. This helps make the work more manageable.

  • Commit yourself to the task. For example, write a contract, and have a friend or parent who can hold you accountable for it.

  • Reward yourself for completing required tasks. What better way to motivate yourself than having a reward at the end!
