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Punk Fashion

Ash Gayer

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My history in the alternative scene

I started as a little emo kid way back in 6th grade. I was immediately in love with the culture, the music, the style, and the sense of individuality it brought me.

I am about to show you some very old and deeply embarrassing photos.

Prepare yourself.

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Me, small, emo, probably listening to Fall Out Boy and wishing I knew how to do eyeliner while these were taken.

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Family History in The Alternative Scene

Believe it or not, my Mom was alternative when she was younger! Here's some pictures of her and her friends in college.

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The beginning

Punk first emerged in the mid 1970s in London. It was used as a way of expressing oneself and their political beliefs. It was generally a anarchist and anti- government movement. It started as an “anti fashion”, made with torn clothes and safety pins and often worn by people that couldn't afford to buy new clothes, or clean theirs consistently. The anarchism and advocacy for minorities was not left behind through the years.

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The style itself

The idea of being “pretty” and conventionally attractive as discarded in favor of many piercings, dark makeup, and different hair styles.

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Over time, many subcultures formed, including traditional goth (trad goth), emo, ska punk, cyberpunk, scene, clowncore, etc, all of which formed their own music styles and distinctive aesthetic.

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Why punk culture is important to this day.

Punk’s focus on fighting for minorities and equal rights will always be important, and the acceptance of coming as you are without having to buy expensive clothing or makeup makes it a safe place for anyone who holds the beliefs.

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To conclude…

As we near the end of this presentation, I would like to leave you with some questions.

Are you happy with your style? With how you express yourself? With yourself in general?

Are you the most authentic version of yourself?

If not,

Go out and become that.

Good luck.