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Class of 2024

Red Rock Central Schools

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It’s time to get serious about your plans for

after graduation!

  • This year will go incredibly fast

  • Parents, neighbors, friends, and literally everyone you know will be asking what your plans are for next year

  • Decisions can be intimidating, cause anxiety, raise your stress levels

  • Starting now will make the process easier - I promise!

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Smartphones - download the Remind app and make sure you turn notifications on

Text reminders - send a text to “81010” you should type @d26ckch

~Do not have reminders sent to your email~

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Senior Meetings with Ms. Karnitz

15-20 minutes (longer if you need it)

Lets me know where you’re at in your planning

You can ask questions, get help applying, etc…

Everyone must sign up for 1 time

You can get help as often as you need after that :)

Schedule Here!

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Typical RRC Grads

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Financial Aid


*Goal: have at least an idea about your plans by Thanksgiving

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Work Options

  • If you are planning to enter the workforce after high school, this can take some planning too

  • We have several local resources to help you find a good paying job and the training needed for it

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  • If you are interested in military service - please contact the local recruiters now to get this process started

  • Various options include branches of service, full-time/part-ime enlistment, etc…

MN National Guard - SSG Matt Persons

Marines - SSgt Mason Chamberlain

Army - SGT Ethan Blankenberg

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College Visits


  • Visit options
    • Week-day visits
    • Weekend open house events
    • MEA Weekend - most have special events - register soon!
    • College fair

  • Check the college websites for dates and how to register

  • Bring a parent along

  • Counts as an absence - but please have your parent contact the school so that it is considered “excused”

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2-year college - Accuplacer

  • Usually given at the college during a visit or during registration
  • Free
  • Determines which math/English class you will take
  • Sometimes determines admission to a certain program/major

4-year college - ACT

  • Re-test as many times as you want
  • Scores determine scholarships at many colleges
  • $68 per test / fee-waiver if you get free/reduced lunch
  • October 28, December 9, February 10

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FREE tuition for MN Colleges starting Fall 2024

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*Must complete the FAFSA to qualify

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  • All public colleges in Minnesota
    • (2-year and 4-year colleges

  • Any major that leads to a degree
    • (1 year, 2 year, 4 year)

  • Fact Sheet

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  • Most have a “rolling” admissions process where you can apply any time
  • Some have early, strict deadlines (U of MN & others)

Application Fees

  • Usually $20-30
  • Fee waivers available if you get free/reduced lunch (ask me for waiver)

Transcripts/Test Scores

  • Parchment
  • Allows you to request/track your transcripts

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How Do I Apply?


  • All applications are completed online
  • Find the website of the school you are interested in
  • Look for a link on the main page that says “Apply” or “Admissions”


  • You will need to create an account
  • Write this information down or put it in your phone
  • Most MN colleges use the “Star ID”
    • Only create one Star ID and use it at multiple colleges

Other steps…

  • Complete all required fields
  • Pay fee (if required)
  • Submit the application
  • Request a transcript to be sent to the college - they will not give you a decision without this!

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What is Direct Admissions?

  • Direct Admissions is a new program that starts with the belief that all students are “college material”.
  • The goal is to reduce the anxiety around the “will I get in?”
  • You will receive a personalized letter with a list of colleges and universities committed to admitting you for Fall 2024.
    • 55 Minnesota colleges and universities are participating
      • Your list will include colleges and universities from all over Minnesota
      • The number of school on your list will be determined by your GPA and grades in core classes through the end of your junior year
    • Direct Admissions applies to general admission; some programs or majors may not be eligible.

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Sample Letter

Student Letters were sent on 9/22 to your school email address

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What Direct Admissions Means For Students

  • Students must still complete the college/university admissions process to secure their spot
    • Application fees waived
  • If you aren’t interested in any of the colleges on your list, you don’t need to select that college
  • You aren’t limited to the colleges/universities on your list! This list just helps you know which schools you will be admitted to for sure!

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Opting Out

  • If you would rather not participate, you can opt out by contacting your counseling office
  • There is no cost for this program and your data will not be shared with any colleges/universities without your consent

Optional Tagline Goes Here | mn.gov/websiteurl



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Does not include:

Univ of MN, Twin Cities

St. Olaf College

Carleton College

Macalester College

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This is a MUST for everyone!

  • LOTS of changes for this year
    • Application won’t be available until December/January
    • Less questions
    • Easier process

~Stay tuned for more information~

*Parent meeting on 10/9/23 cancelled until we get more info*

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  • Harder to win because of the number of applicants
  • Apply if you have time after working on college/local first
  • Use reputable sites - do not pay a fee


  • A majority of your scholarship $
  • Based on GPA/ACT scores
  • Check the college website to see requirements and deadlines


  • Usually smaller award amounts - but these add up!
  • Many times you cannot get the $$ until the 2nd semester of college
  • List is found on school website under “Counselor”

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Scholarship Tips and Advice

Look for other scholarship sources

  • Parent’s workplace, church, other local organizations

Activity Lists

  • List of your involvement in school, community activites, accomplishments, part-time jobs, etc…
  • Save time by creating a list to attach
  • Samples are available on the bottom of the school scholarship page

Essay Questions on Scholarships

  • Short answer or 1-2 questions
  • Save your essays to reuse/modify - many have the same questions!
  • Avoid using ChatGPT - it give very generic essays

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Little things that will help you this year…

  • Check your email every day

  • Get organized
    • Keep a folder of important papers from your college
    • Keep a folder of scholarship applications
    • Use some kind of calendar/planner to keep track of deadlines

  • Read the daily announcements

  • Use the information on the school website - links to EVERYTHING you need

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Senior Year Timeline

Use this as a to-do list!

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  • Make plans for college visits this fall

  • Get organized - write deadlines and important dates on your calendar

  • Register to re-take the ACT if needed

  • Get involved in activities and volunteer work to boost your resume/activity list

  • Sign up for an FSA ID (everyone that applies for financial aid will need one)

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  • Create an activity list for scholarships and applications

  • Go on campus visits

  • Re-take the ACT if needed

  • Begin your college applications

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  • Finish any college applications

  • Search/apply for scholarships

  • Go on campus visits

  • Track your applications/acceptance letters

  • Double check your high school/PSEO schedule for next semester

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  • Search/apply for scholarships

  • Complete the FAFSA

  • Compare the colleges where you have been accepted

(Cost, location, majors, activities, housing, etc…)

  • Watch for important emails from colleges about deadlines, housing, financial aid, etc…

  • Practice for the Accuplacer test if you are going to a 2-year college

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  • Search/apply for scholarships

  • Take the ACCUPLACER

  • Make your college decision and notify the colleges you are not going to attend

  • Verify your FAFSA has been received by the college

(March 1st priority deadline)

  • Create a budget for college expenses & how you’ll pay for it

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  • Finalize your plans

  • Receive scholarships (hopefully!)

  • Look for a summer job (save up for college expenses!)


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  • Complete paperwork for student loans, grants, work study, etc…

  • Attend college orientation/registration

  • Make a packing list for college

  • Write thank you notes for scholarship & graduation gifts you’ve received

  • Request that your final transcript be sent to the college you will be attending