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Chromebook Project�at Centennial SSBoard MeetingFebruary 22, 2021

Marg Thompson, Principal Jessica Stuart, Secondary Learning Support Teacher�Geoff Mortaley, Elementary Learning Support Teacher Geoff Courneya, Assistive Technology Learning Coach

Blair Yarranton, Teacher

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How will we empower all staff to meet the needs of every student with a focus on equity?

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  • Listening to students talk about the culture of learning �with assistive technology
  • Grade 9: Changing the landscape �for all students
  • Elementary experiences: �


  • Creating a Culture of Care
  • Closing the Achievement Gap
  • ALL students will achieve

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Culture of Equity

How do we push the limits of equity?

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Culture of Equity

  • Historical context of access to computer technology

  • Centennial SS purchased 225 Chromebooks in our first year of a long-term plan to ensure equitable access to technology for all students

  • Learned that many more students have their �own device than we had thought

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  • Began to stretch purchased Chromebooks further and further

  • Used Google Admin to inventory Chromebooks for tracking and data accessibility

  • Built upon existing trusting relationship with staff �to ask for all Chromebooks to be turned in �for inventory purposes

  • Have inventoried approximately �660 Chromebooks to date

Culture of Equity

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Creating a Team of Support

How will we support our staff to integrate this influx of technology to promote student achievement?

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  • What human resources does HPEDSB offer to help co-create and implement school based projects?

  • How can we efficiently utilize those resources in a timely fashion? (school teams, Student Services, Curriculum Services, Information and Technology Services)

Creating a Support Team

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  • How can we dedicate time and energy �to support a shift in culture at a school?�
  • Use targeted data and move in, literally

  • Reduce barriers; spend more time in the instructional weeds and not in the logistical ones

  • Decentralize the traditional notion of professional development (organic growth) and nurture it from the inside out (staffroom, classroom, parking lot, etc.)
    • When you remove the bigger barriers, you take away the stigma of who holds the information

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Operating In a �New Normal

EVERYTHING has changed, this was truly a game changer.

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  • All students have a Chromebook to access at all times�
  • Achieved through combination of school-based devices, Special Education Amount (SEA) and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

  • School 1:1 and virtual learning cultures have and will continue to increase the number of BYOD devices

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  • Ensure devices and accessibility for all: need for separate and distinct SEA technology is not required�
  • Centennial SS is first school board-wide where all devices are inventoried�
  • Clean data means we can quickly and easily pull usage data and target interventions accordingly

  • Using existing teacher expertise to support colleagues through creative timetabling (e.g., Student Support sections)

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Redefining the Conditions for Learning

What is possible now that we are truly here?

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  • COVID-19 has required us to be nimble and �able to quickly respond to changing delivery models

  • Ministry expectations regarding virtual �classrooms and digital content were set and �Centennial SS was ready
    • No scrambling to deploy Chromebooks �to students/staff
    • Simple and accountable (hardly any �lost devices due to home deployment)

New Delivery Models, Expectations

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  • Staff are eager to learn, networking with �each other, and feeling supported

  • Ongoing synergy between school and �central staff

New Delivery Models, Expectations

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Teacher Testimony� Blair Yarranton

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Continuing the Momentum

We didn't come this far, just to come this far.

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