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October 16 - 20, 2023

Grade 6

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This year’s focus:

Making kids’ mental health & well-being a priority

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  • tricky situations that can occur in digital life

  • don't always have obvious right or wrong answer

  • complex & messy

  • come up with thoughtful & realistic actions

Digital Dilemmas




problem solving


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  • The dilemma & who’s involved?

  • What might each person be feeling?

  • What are different options for handling the situation? Which option might lead to the most positive outcome?

  • What could the people involved say?

Think about:




problem solving


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Jason's classmate Tim started texting Jason a lot, every day. Jason and Tim were friendly, and Jason had always liked Tim. At first, Jason was happy to be talking to Tim outside of school. But Tim was having a hard time—his classmates were excluding him from activities at school. Jason wanted to be kind and supportive and always tried to be when Tim texted. Then the texting became overwhelming for Jason. Jason cared about Tim and didn't want to make his situation any worse by not being a good friend. Jason was also worried about Tim's mental health. At the same time, the texting felt burdensome and was also starting to take a toll. Jason thought he needed to set some boundaries, but he wasn't sure how and didn't want to make things harder for Tim.

How would you handle this situation if you were Jason?

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For months, Aida and her three closest friends had been waiting for a new movie to come out. The movie was based on one of their favorite books, and they promised they would see it all together and then go out for pizza. On the movie's opening weekend, Aida had a last-minute emergency and wasn't able to go. The others decided to go anyway because they had been really looking forward to it. That night, they posted constantly about their fun and new inside jokes. Aida wanted to keep connected but seeing the constant posts bummed her out. She felt like no one even cared that she had missed out on their plans.

How would you handle this situation if you were Aida?

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Derryl recorded an embarrassing video of Jared and shared it with multiple people to see. Jared was mortified and asked Derryl to please stop sharing the video and to delete it. Derryl didn't listen. He thought the video was really funny. Plus, a lot of people were commenting and saying Derryl was hilarious for sharing it. By the next day, it seemed like everyone at school had seen the video. Jared tried to act like it didn't bother him, but he was really embarrassed and went straight home after school instead of going to intramurals which he and his friends had been looking forward to attending.

How would you handle this situation if you were Jared?

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What is today’s learning target?

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Book Selection:

  • Think about independent reading goal(s) for October
  • Teacher advice...

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This presentation template is free for everyone to use thanks to the following:

SlidesCarnival for the presentation template

Pexels for the photos

Happy designing!