1 of 37

SAP Quality Management

Quality Planning & Inspection

in S/4 HANA


Collective QM Order


2 of 37

  • Inspection Plan setup for Confirmation of Inspection hours
  • Labor Rate
  • Create Inspection Lot
  • Results Recording 1 (only RR)
  • Results Recording 2 (RR and hours confirmation)

3 of 37

QP02 in FIORI App for setup Inspection Plan for Confirmation

4 of 37

Inspection Plan

5 of 37

Control Key


6 of 37

Control Key QM04


Confirmation Mandatory

7 of 37

  • Inspection Plan setup for Confirmation of Inspection hours
  • Labor Rate
  • Create Inspection Lot
  • Results Recording 1 (only RR)
  • Results Recording 2 (RR and hours confirmation)

8 of 37


Work Center

T-QM225 for

Activity Type

9 of 37

Cost Center QCHECK

Activity Type QMMPER

10 of 37

Cost Center QCHECK

Activity Type QMMPER

via KP26 or KP27

check Activity Rate

11 of 37


12 of 37

  • Inspection Plan setup for Confirmation of Inspection hours
  • Labor Rate
  • Create Inspection Lot
  • Results Recording 1 (only RR)
  • Results Recording 2 (RR and hours confirmation)

13 of 37

Create Inspection Lot

14 of 37

The FIORI App is QM01

15 of 37

Inspection Lot for 50pcs

16 of 37

Inspection Plan assigned

17 of 37

Inspection Lot created

18 of 37

2 Inspection Lots created

19 of 37

  • Inspection Plan setup for Confirmation of Inspection hours
  • Labor Rate
  • Create Inspection Lot
  • Results Recording 1 (only RR)
  • Results Recording 2 (RR and hours confirmation)

20 of 37

Operation 10

with Control Key QM04 (Mandatory Hours entry)

21 of 37

This APP not yet process confirmation (only RR)

22 of 37

Get Inspection Lot for T-BQ125

23 of 37

24 of 37

Enter Results Recording

25 of 37

26 of 37

This APP do not navigate to process Inspection Hour Entry

27 of 37

  • Inspection Plan setup for Confirmation of Inspection hours
  • Labor Rate
  • Create Inspection Lot
  • Results Recording 1 (only RR)
  • Results Recording 2 (RR and hours confirmation)

28 of 37

Operation 10

with Control Key QM04 (Mandatory Hours entry)

29 of 37

This App

process RR and Labor hour entry


30 of 37


enter material and execute

31 of 37

Operation 10 mandatory for hours confirmation due to Control Key QM04

32 of 37

Enter Inspection Results

33 of 37

34 of 37

Auto Dialogue due to Control Key QM04

35 of 37

Operation 20 with Control Key QM02 (Hours Entry not Mandatory)

36 of 37

Manual navigate for Confirmation Dialogue

37 of 37

Enter hours