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Caliber: Beta Academy �LCAP

Town Hall #1

April 17, 2019



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LCAP Town Hall Overview

What is an LCAP? What was in this year’s LCAP?

Proposal for 2019-20 w/ Family input embedded

Your role in the 2019-20 LCAP



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Focus For Today

What is an LCAP?

How we develop the LCAP

The 2018-19 LCAP



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Two Major Pieces of California School Funding and Planning

LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula

LCAP = Local Control Accountability Plan

  • Beginning in 2013-14, CA launched a new formula for determining how much funding public schools should receive. Notable changes include:
          • Target $/pupil funding levels for different grade levels
          • Extra funding based on the number of students at the school who meet one or more of the following: (i) English learners, (ii) income eligible for free or reduced-price meals, &/or (iii) foster youth
  • The formula was not originally fully funded, but the state has added funding each year so schools are getting close to their target funding level

  • As a condition for receiving its LCFF funding, each school district and charter school must publish an annually updated plan which describes how they intend to meet annual goals and address state and local priorities
  • School District plans must be 3 years in duration, but charter schools have flexibility to create annual plans



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Three components of LCFF Funding

Base Funding: 79%

Components of Our Target Funding Level



  • While the statewide LCFF program remains less than fully funded, schools such as ours are > 95% of the way to our target funding level
  • There are three main components of LCFF Funding:
  • Base Funding: the vast majority of LCFF funding provides schools with a �$ per student amount of funding
  • Supplemental: Schools receive "supplemental” funding for students who are FRL eligible, are English learners, or are foster youth. Schools receive additional funding if their “concentration” of such students exceeds 55%
  • COLA Growth: The target level of funding has increased slightly in most years to account for inflation (also called �“cost of living adjustments” or COLA)

COLA Growth�0 - 2%



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Three Main Components of the LCAP

Plan Summary / Overview

Annual Update On Previous Goals

The Plan for the Coming Year

  • Narrative description of the school, its students, and its plan
  • High level overview of past performance (what’s working, what needs improvement)
  • Overview of the school’s budget

  • Detailed review of the prior year’s goals, measurable outcomes, action plans, and budgets
  • Key questions:
    • Was the plan implemented?
    • Was it effective?
    • What will change in the coming year?
  • Set of Goals that align to the State’s Priorities
  • For each goal:

  • Actions relate to specific target groups of students
  • Budgets include supplemental & concentration funding plans

Big Picture Goal

Planned Action

Planned Action

Planned Action

Expected Outcomes

  • Measure #1
  • Measure #2
  • Measure #3

Budget & Funding Source

Budget & Funding Source

Budget & Funding Source



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Focus For Today

What is an LCAP?

How We Develop Our LCAP

Our 2018-19 LCAP



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One School, Many Plans

Caliber: Beta Academy Strategic Plan

  • The school has an overall strategic plan that guides our priorities, goals, activities and budgets to achieve student success
  • The school has many funding sources, each of which requires its own “plan” that is narrowly focused on the specific requirements of the funding source
  • Think of each program plan as a subset of the overall strategic plan
  • Less comprehensive & often focused on specific compliance requirements
  • The goals and actions will be narrower, but should not conflict with the overall strategic plan

State “LCFF” Funding

Federal “Title” Funding

After School Funding

Meal Program Funding

Mental Health�Funding


LEA Plan





Today’s Focus:

  • The LCAP is the most important of our many sub-plans
  • The LCAP addresses our largest source of funding, since LCFF makes up over 75% of our public funding
  • The LCAP is updated annually and monitored throughout the school year



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Strategic Planning Process

Define Caliber-wide Strategic Priorities

  • Major network-wide initiatives
  • Includes a 5 year plan for growth

Develop School Strategic Plans

  • Define priorities, goals, and action plans
  • Based on robust stakeholder engagement �(SSC, ELAC, town halls)
  • Resulting plan incorporates LCAP and �ESSA requirements

Finalize Budgets

  • Spending plans for each school and program
  • Start big picture and refine as plans are developed
  • Includes LCAP and ESSA budgets













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Focus For Today

What is an LCAP?

How We Develop Our LCAP

Our 2018-19 LCAP




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Caliber: Beta Academy LCAP

Adopted by the Caliber Schools Board of Directors in June 2018

Includes goals & plans for the 2018-19 school year

Available in English & Spanish

Posted on the school website:


Also available at the school office



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2018-19 Beta Academy Tracker (#1 - 4)

Goal 2: foster and maintain a welcoming, safe and joyful space

Goal 3: ensure that all students are on grade level

Goal 4: Partner with Families

Goal metrics

  • 70% teacher retention
  • 100% certified or in process of receiving certification
  • Majority find PD useful
  • Biweekly observation & feedback
  • Facilities in good repair
  • Facility is ADA compliant
  • Stakeholder surveys show overall satisfaction with campus
  • At least 5% of students who barely met standard or did not meet standard will meet or exceed standards
  • Common core aligned curriculum
  • 100% of math teachers receive math-specific PD
  • PLPs sent home 3x/year
  • 50% of parents will complete the family survey
  • 80% of parents indicate they are satisfied with the school

Too early to tell

Met / On track to meet

At risk of not meeting

Goal 1: Support teachers and staff in becoming effective educational leaders


93% satisfaction

61% completion

2 sent, on track for 3

Projected retention of 61-78%

85% satisfaction

71% agree

Winter MAP: projected 7% for Math and 13% for reading



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2018-19 Beta Academy Tracker (#5 - 8)

  • 10% of ELs reclassified
  • 100% of reclassified students receive trimester review
  • 95% attendance
  • <2.5% suspension
  • <1% expulsion
  • <1% middle school drop-out rate
  • 1% improvement in chronic absenteeism (<10.2%)
  • 180 minutes per week of coding, science, social studies
  • Maintain >95% students completing a coding project
  • Maintain >95% of students completing 3+ writing tasks
  • >90% of students completing “worthy tasks” in Math
  • 80% of IEP goals will be met or nearly met
  • 80% of parents report being satisfied

Goal 6: develop a positive student and school culture

Goal 7: develop critical thinking skills

Goal 8: SPED student growth

Goal metrics

Too early to tell

Met / On track to meet

At risk of not meeting


Projected reclassification: 9.7%

Goal 5: Meet the English Language development needs of our EL students

Reviewed after PLPs and MAP






100% satisfied (only 11 responses in so far)

95% completion (some are being turned in late)



55% of goals met or nearly met (on track to reach 80%)



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  • Glows - metrics you’d LOVE to see
  • Grows - metrics you want to change. Include what you would add or subtract.
  • Questions - something you want me to add to the next Town Hall or a question we should consider as we plan



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Glossary of Useful Terms



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School Planning Glossary

  • ADA - Average Daily Attendance - A measure of the average number of students actually in attendance at a school on a daily basis over a school year. This is a major contributor to the calculation of funding received by the school.
  • ELAC - English Learner Advisory Committee - A group of parents and other members that is responsible for advising the principal and school staff on programs and services for English learners and the SSC on the development of the SPSA. In some cases, the ELAC can delegate its responsibilities directly to the SSC on a temporary basis.
  • ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act - A Federal education law (formerly called No Child Left Behind, or NCLB) that was reauthorized in 2016 and provides funding for a wide variety of Federal education programs, most notably Title I, Title II, and Title III, each of which have their own priorities and spending plans.
  • LCAP - Local Control Accountability Plan - A planning template for LEAs to set goals, plan actions and budgets, and monitor progress towards improving student outcomes. The LCAP is updated annually with input from various stakeholders and approved by the Board, typically in June.
  • LCFF - Local Control Funding Formula - California’s primary school funding formula, enacted in 2013, that is used to allocate the largest amount of funding received by California schools. Notable components include a base level of per pupil funding that is governed by ADA in various grade level tiers, and additional (“supplemental” and “concentration”) funding that is allocated based on the number of students who (1) are English learners, (2) meet income or categorical eligibility requirements for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program, or (3) are foster youth.
  • LEA - Local Education Authority - A designated unit that is responsible for receiving and spending education funding. In traditional district schools, this is typically the district. In a charter school context, this is typically the individual charter.



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School Planning Glossary

  • LEAP - Local Education Authority Plan - A five-year plan that LEAs use to identify their needs and set goals, plans, and budgets for certain Federal funding programs, most notably Title I, Title II, and Title III, each of which have their own goals and spending plans. It is developed and approved by the SSC and then approved by the Board. It should be updated on an annual basis to reflect the changing needs of the LEA and changing funding levels.
  • Schoolwide Program - LEAs with a high proportion of low income students can opt in their LEAP or SSDP to operate their Title I program so as to spend their funding to upgrade the entire educational program of the school rather than dedicating spending solely towards low income students (which is referred to as “Targeted Assistance”).
  • SPSA - Single Plan for Student Achievement - A plan template that all schools must develop and update annually to coordinate all educational services at the school. Developed and approved by the SSC and then approved by the Board.
  • SSC - School Site Council - A group of parents, teachers, and administrators that are responsible for overseeing certain Federal funding programs, most notably Title I, Title II, and Title III. Every school that receives Federal funding under ESSA is required to have an SSC.
  • SSDP - Single School District Plan - An alternate planning template for school districts (LEAs) with only one school, that incorporates elements of both the LEAP and SPSA.



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