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PSAT & sat School day testing

October 2023

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Thursday, October 26TH

This training does not replace of the official College Board manuals, guidelines and required training. It is the proctor’s responsibility to adhere to College Board test security, terms, and conditions for administering any testing in the College Board Suite of Assessments.

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Thursday, October 26TH

Shutdown day for all hs campuses

Grade 9 - PSAT 8/9

Grades 10 & 11 - PSAT/NMSQT

Grade 12 - SAT School Day


Recommended start for testing is 8:00 am


All students in grades 9-12 will participate

Selected Grade 8 students (Campus Choice)


Encourages college enrollment & participation

Connects students to scholarship opportunities

Increases access to AP & college credit

Improves teaching & learning

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Prepare your staff
















Best Practice: have your staff training at least one week before the assessment day/window

Test Day

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Purpose of psat 8/9

Establishes a baseline measurement of college and career readiness

Vertically aligned to test the same skills and knowledge as the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT

Identifies students likely to succeed in Early College, Connect, and PAP/AP classes

Personalized practice on Khan Academy - students can upload/sync test results to receive targeted learning plans. Students over 13 may establish an account

Score reports give comprehensive, personalized feedback allowing students to see which academic skills to improve on

Information on college majors and career exploration offered by the College Board and Roadtrip Nation

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Test Design


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Digital PSAT Timing

  • Each module is separately timed, and students can move backward and forward among questions in a given module before time runs out.
  • When time runs out on the first module of each section, the test delivery platform moves students to the second module.
  • When students complete the Reading and Writing section, they are moved to the Math section after a 10-minute break between the sections.
  • Total testing time for the digital SAT Suite is 2 hours and 14 minutes for each assessment (SAT, PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 8/9).


Length (minutes)

Number of Questions/Tasks

Reading and Writing









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Training for campus staff

Official Trainings are now available for:

  • Test Coordinator
  • Proctor/Room Monitor
  • Hall Monitor
  • Technology Coordinator
  • The appropriate training module must be completed by all staff participating in the exam administration
  • To access College Board online trainings, visit: professionaltraining.collegeboard.org

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Roles & Responsibilities


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Staff Qualifications

  • Cannot work for an outside test preparation company
  • Will not work in the same testing room or be a coordinator where a member of household or immediate family is testing on the test date
  • Should be 18 years of age or older
  • Speak English fluently
  • Act in a professional manner
  • Agree with testing staff agreement (must sign in Test Day Toolkit)

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Proctor Qualifications

  • Proctors are responsible for conducting a secure, valid administration.
  • Proctors are accountable for everyone in the testing room and everything that takes place in their room.
  • Proctors must follow all testing regulations and refrain from engaging in any tasks unrelated to testing.
  • Proctors should be current or retired faculty members or other professional staff members of your school.
  • Responsibilities include:
    • Attend campus training and read the Proctor and Hall Monitor Test Day Guide before testing.
    • Complete the College Board online training for their assigned role
    • Before testing, sign in to Test Day Toolkit with a College Board professional account.

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Proctor responsibilities

On test day:

  • Use Test Day Toolkit to take attendance, start testing, and monitor the test.
  • Post check-in instructions and room code.
  • Distribute a sign-in ticket to each student.
  • Follow seating requirements when assigning and directing students to seats in the testing room.
  • Actively monitor students throughout testing.
  • Immediately report any disruptions to the test coordinator.
  • Refer students that require technical support to the technology help room.
  • Submit irregularities in Test Day Toolkit.

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Testing Tickets

These will print 4 to a page and require to be cut.

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Room/Hall Monitor responsibilities

Hall and Room Monitors assist with test administration duties. Monitors will have access to Test Day Toolkit.

Responsibilities include:

  • Attend campus training and read the Proctor and Hall Monitor Test Day Guide before testing.
  • Help set up the school for testing.
  • Direct students to their assigned rooms and to the restrooms.
  • Monitor the testing room, hallways, and restrooms for student misconduct such as using prohibited devices, talking during breaks, or sharing information.
  • Keep hallways free of noise and distractions
  • Serve as liaison between testing rooms, the technology monitor, and the test coordinator.
  • Make sure students who leave the testing room with a device are going to help room.
  • Submit irregularities in Test Day Toolkit, if needed.

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Technology monitor responsibilities

Each school needs an on-site technology monitor to staff the technology help room for the entire duration of testing. This is a new role for digital testing.

  • Proctors will send students to the help room for technology support.
  • The monitor does not need technical expertise—College Board provides tips in the Technical access Troubleshooting Guide for troubleshooting problems students may have while downloading Bluebook, signing in to their College Board accounts, starting the test, and submitting responses.
  • They also use tips provided by technology staff at your school or district to troubleshoot internet issues that interfere with testing.

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Planning & preparations


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Staff recruiting summary

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Staff recruiting summary

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Room selection

Test Room Selection and Set up

(3-minute Video)

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Seating requirements

The following are seating requirements for all testing rooms:

  • Chairs must have backs.
  • Seats must face the same direction.
  • Students can’t easily see each other’s screens.
  • Each student must be separated by a minimum of 3 feet from right to left (measure center of desk).
  • Staff access to every student must be unimpeded.
  • Tables that seat more than one student are at least 6 feet long and have enough space for students to sit three feet apart.
  • Students have a large, smooth writing surfaces, such as a desk or table.
  • Tablet-arm chairs must have a minimum writing surface of 12 x 15 inches.

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Pasadena ISD Testing and Telecommunications Device Policy



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Student testing Breaks

There is a scheduled 10=minute break between test sections:

  • Bluebook keeps each student’s testing time, breaks will occur at different times.
  • Students may leave the room to eat a snack, go to the restroom. Or remain at their desk.
  • Student may not use their testing device or other electronics during the break.
  • Students should leave their laptops on and must not close their device
  • Unscheduled breaks are allowed
  • Testing time does not stop unscheduled breaks and testing time will not be extended

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Seating Chart

Seating Charts are not available in the Test Day Toolkit.

Seating Charts must be downloaded from the Educator Resources Site.

Campuses must use a College Board Seating Chart for each testing room.

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INstalling bluebook

The bluebook application should be pre-installed on alls student devices that are accessing District Wi-Fi.

If your campus is using campus devices for PSAT testing, the Bluebook application will need to be downloaded to the devices from software center.

The application is user specific meaning that student must test on their own devices. If a student uses their login on a campus device, they will not see the application and will need to install the app from the district Software Center.

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Students will use assigned test tickets for Exam Set-up Process and on Test Day

Exam Set-up Process

  • Complete 1-2 weeks before testing
  • 5-letter room code for exam set-up process
  • Digital Readiness Check
  • Students will answer questions about themselves
  • Check that accommodations are accurate
  • Test Preview and Full Length Practice Tests
  • Explore BigFuture

Test Day

  • 6 digit start code to start test
  • Students will go on break and resume testing a slightly different times

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Test Security

  • Never leave students in testing room alone
  • Make sure students are monitored during scheduled and unscheduled breaks.
  • Students will need to pause the test before taking an unscheduled break.
  • A warning sign will appear letting them know that time does not stop for unscheduled breaks
  • Make sure that students do not access calculators, phones, or prohibited aids during breaks
  • Staff must not engage in activities that are not related to testing, such as talking, reading, using a phone, using a computer, or grading papers
  • Immediately report to the testing coordinator significant problems or events that interfere with specific testing procedures
  • Prepare testing rooms
  • Plan ahead for collecting electronic devices and backpacks
  • Follow scripts exactly from Test Day Toolkit
  • Prevent anyone from having an unfair advantage by:
    • Impersonation
    • Accessing or using prohibited devices or aids
    • Online activity other than testing
    • Switching devices (unless there is a technology issue) or seats

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Proctor Monitoring - Bluebook

Test Day Toolkit Login https://testday.collegeboard

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Test day


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Test Day

Students will sign in using their test ticket.

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Test Day

Proctors will monitor student progress with log in procedures in Test Day tool kit.

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Test Day

  • As students enter the room code, they will show in the Entered Room Code column.
  • The proctor then clicks on the student name to mark them present.
  • Students cannot continue to check in until they are marked present by the proctor.
  • Once students reach the start code entry screen, their check-in process is complete.

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Student Check In

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Student Check In

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Basic troubleshooting

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After the Exam


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Student Dismissal

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  • Proctors submit irregularities in Test Day Toolkit
  • Coordinator reviews and submits to College Board
  • If a student leaves early, follow the Early Dismissal instructions

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Additional resources

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School DAY SAT


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Exam Timing

Additional optional Test Proctor training is available.

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Proctor & monitor selection

Avoid recruiting anyone if they have any of the following conflicts of interest:

  • Are employed part or full time at a test preparation company.
  • Participate in any coaching activity that addresses the content of secure College Board tests. (The teaching and normal review of course content, including test familiarization that is part of regularly scheduled coursework is acceptable.)
  • Have taken any College Board tests within 180 days of test day.
  • Never assign a proctor to administer the test to a member of their family. If a proctor administers the test to their own child or other relative, the score will be canceled.
  • Any staff member, including the coordinator, who will have access to test books before test day must not have a child or member of their household taking the SAT at any test site.
  • All staff participating in any role during testing must review, agree to, and sign the SAT Testing Staff Agreement.

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Proctor and monitor requirements

  • A coordinator or proctor must be present in each room to read instructions. Depending on the number of students in the testing room, room monitor may be needed.
  • Hall monitors are needed for every 5 rooms.

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Preparing for testing

  • Count, Count, Count!
    • When you receive test books
    • When you distribute test books
    • When you check test materials back in at completion of the test
  • Test Security - remember these are SECURE TEST MATERIALS and should be locked in your secure materials room/office/area

  • All SAT School Day test books will be RETURNED TO ETS, along with all used answer sheets
  • CB will not be sending paper copies of the student score report to campuses. Students will need to login to their CB Account to view their score reports.

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Preparing rooms for testing

  • Make sure the room is properly lit and well ventilated
  • Students must be seated randomly; click here for a sample seating plan
  • Instructional materials such as maps, charts, content-related posters must be covered or removed from display
  • No round tables and students must all face the same direction
  • Be sure the room has a visible clock - you can display a digital clock but you CANNOT display only a timing countdown clock

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Preparing proctors

  • Does each student have their ID? IDs must remain visible for duration of the exam
  • Verify the identity of each student admitted to the room
  • Assign students a desk number as you verify and admit into the test room
  • Check each student off your test room roster as you admit them
  • Do not admit students into the test room if they are not on your test room roster
  • Electronics are NOT PERMITTED during the exam
  • All electronics (cell phones/backup cell phones/Smart Watches/tablets/etc.) must be collected and stored in a designated location of the test room for the duration of the test period
  • You MAY admit late arrivals before you start reading the test directions; make sure you allow them time to read directions on the back cover of the test book

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Preparing rooms for testing

  • Pencil(s) and eraser are only items that should be on desks as students enter
  • Do not place test books on empty desks
  • Do not distribute test books before students are seated
  • Place test materials where students do not have access to them as they enter the test room

  • Students with approved College Board accommodations may have other items they can use on the test - these will be provided by the CTC if allowed

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Distributing materials

  • Follow the instructions in the script for when to distribute test materials
  • Distribute (and later, collect) test books in sequential number order
  • Do not ask student to pass any test materials out

  • After starting test time for section 1
    • Record the sequence numbers for all UNUSED test books on your Testing Room Materials Report
    • Place all unused test materials back into your test box as directed by your CTC

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Distributing materials

  • Students who require different timing or breaks must be tested in separate rooms
  • Students with extended time, extra or extended breaks, or other accommodations should be assigned a room and proctor
  • Seat students with same type of timing and breaks together

  • Provide appropriately configured test-taking devices and resources to support students’ accommodations
  • Students testing in paper mode due to an accommodation must be tested separately from digital testers
  • Provide proctor with the correct accommodated script

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Security for paper materials

  • If a test book is missing:
    • determine its serial number
    • notify the CTC immediately
    • do not dismiss anyone from the test room until the test book/materials are located
  • If you need to report any incident that you think may be a testing irregularity contact the CTC immediately
  • Immediately report significant problems or events that interfere with testing procedures or compromise test security

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Maintaining Security

Part 1 - Testing Room Information

  • Test Date: October 26, 2023
  • Test Type: SAT
  • Six-digit Test Center (CEEB #) Number: ____________
  • Room Number/Name: ___________ & Type: Standard or Accommodated
  • Proctor will print their name on top line indicated, and signature on bottom line indicated

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Maintaining Security

Part A - Accounting for Test Materials

  • Test Books Received - in section 1 you will record the TOTAL NUMBER of test books received and record the serial number ranges for ALL test books
  • Essay Books Received - record a zero (0) we are not administering the SAT with Essay exam
  • Keep your test booklets in sequential order!! This will speed this process up

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Maintaining Security

Part A - Accounting for Test Materials

  • Test Books Returned - note there are two sections for this part Used and Unused test books, you must provide counts and sequence ranges for both. The TOTAL number of books returned should match what you recorded in Part B section 1
  • USED Answer Sheets Returned - you only need to count the total number of USED answer documents
  • Essay Books Returned - you were not distributed any of these so all fields should be zero (0)

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Maintaining Security

Part B - Accounting for Test Materials

  • Test administrator will need to record Name, Center Number, Date, Room Number, and complete the seating chart
  • Seating chart must be recorded on this form, it will be returned to College Board with all other materials, no other type of seating chart is permissible
  • Record the test book serial number in the students assigned seat, if you have time write the student's name or initials also

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Scores and score Reporting

  • Correct answer only scoring! Remember there are no point deductions for incorrect answers or unanswered questions, so encourage students to answer all questions!
  • All exams within the PSAT/SAT Suite of Assessments are scored the same way
  • Total Score is the sum of two section scores
    • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
    • Math
  • Scores are sent electronically to students College Board accounts in early December

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  • Students must be given the entire amount of time
  • Students CANNOT move on to the next or return to a prior section, even if they stop work before time is called
  • Announce the remaining time at regular intervals - reminders are found in the script. You can also use the available timers on the Student Assessment webpage
  • Immediately inform the CTC of any timing or testing irregularities to determine if a report must be made to College Board

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  • Allow breaks as instructed in the scripts
  • Students may eat snack in designated areas during breaks (if allowed by your campus)
  • Allow only one student at a time to take an unscheduled break
    • If a student takes an unscheduled break, inform the student no extra time will be allowed for the break
    • Digital testers will need to navigate to the next unanswered question
    • Do NOT pause the test
  • Make sure the test room is always monitored. If the teacher must step away from the test room, either
    • a relief person must remain in the test room to supervise
    • or the test administrator must lock the test room to keep test materials secure
  • Collect all test materials before dismissing the students from the test room
  • Make sure the test book is the actual test book, not a substitute
  • Fan the test book the make sure no pages have been removed

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Monitoring Do’s

  • Walk around the room and monitor
  • Watch for roaming eyes
  • Watch for signals - testers may signal across a room by using their hands, tapping their feet, using different colored pencils, etc.
  • Follow the script so students are aware of testing policies
  • Ensure at least one staff member is in the test room at all times

  • Constantly monitor the test section to ensure students are working in the correct test session
  • Students cannot return to a previously stopped section
  • Students cannot work-ahead to any section
  • If any student is caught working in a section other than the one as instructed, the CTC must be notified immediately in order to complete a testing irregularity report to College Board
  • Students may complete scratch work in test books ONLY; students cannot be provided scratch paper unless they have a College Board approved accommodation for this aid

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Monitoring don'ts

  • DON’T Leave the test room/test materials unattended
  • DON’T Grade papers or work on lesson plans
  • DON’T Sit at your desk and use the computer, read, etc.

  • DON’T Use personal cell phone for anything - if you have a personal situation arise contact your CTC so they can get your test room covered by someone else

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Monitoring equipment use

  • The following are prohibited:
  • Laptop or tablet computers - digital testers must test on a school issued device, personal devices are prohibited
  • Smartphones
  • Smartwatches
  • Any device that: has a QWERTY-style keyboard, requires an electrical outlet, makes noise of any kind (except as allowed for College Board approved accommodations), uses paper tape, or uses a pen or stylus input device

  • If you suspect a device being used during testing
    • You are entitled to confiscate the device
    • Report the incident to the CTC in order for an investigation to take place

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Monitoring equipment use

  • Calculators are not required. Monitor the use of approved calculators:
    • Scientific calculators are permitted
    • Four-function calculators are permitted, but not recommended
    • Only certain graphing calculators are allowed - College Board Calculator Policy
    • Watch for calculators with large displays or displays raised in any manner that make them visible to nearby testers - move students using these to the back of the test room
    • Only battery-operated, hand-held equipment can be used for testing
  • Students must power off any prohibited devices and store them in the designated test room location

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  • If an irregularity occurs, it’s okay, things happen
    • Determine if the irregularity needs to be reported to College Board
    • You can find the Irregularity Chart in the Coordinator Manual:
  • If you have an Irregularity Report (IR)
  • Complete the needed IR and make a copy for your campus documentation
  • Place a PINK IR label to the outside of each box in your return shipment of used answer documents that contains an Irregularity Report

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Late Arrivals

  • Students may join their test room as long as the time for Section 1 has not started
  • Test administrators must give late arrivals time to read the instructions on the test book, and catch them up with the class
  • Prepare a late arrival test room
    • After a designated time any late arrivals should be placed into this designated test room
    • Once your late arrival test room has started the test, any other students arriving on campus should be sent home - they missed their opportunity for this round of testing.

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Campus Information


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Campus information

Add campus specific information here

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Campus information

Add campus specific information here

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Let us know how we can help

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