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Lamento decir que nuestros intérpretes de esta noche cancelaron.

Quédese si puede, pero me gustaría volver a comunicarme con usted, junto con un intérprete de español, para revisar toda la información de esta noche. ¡Envíeme un correo electrónico a alissa_warren@dpsk12.net y encontraré el horario que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades!

Tôi rất tiếc phải nói rằng phiên dịch viên của chúng tôi cho buổi tối hôm nay đã hủy.

Vui lòng ở lại nếu bạn có thể, nhưng tôi rất vui được liên hệ lại với bạn, cùng với một thông dịch viên tiếng Việt, để xem lại tất cả thông tin của đêm nay. Vui lòng gửi email cho tôi theo địa chỉ alissa_warren@dpsk12.net và tôi sẽ tìm được thời điểm phù hợp nhất với bạn!

…JFK’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme!

Welcome to tonight’s informational meeting about…

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Is the IB DP for me?

Understanding JFK’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

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IB for All

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions for change.

We find PRIDE in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

We are dedicated to empowering all students reach that potential.

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What is “IB”?

International Baccalaureate

IB is a philosophy.

  • All students are capable of excellence.
  • Learning can be demonstrated in more ways than just a multiple-choice test.
  • Being well-rounded is an asset.
  • Students deserve the ability to take ownership of their education.
  • At the basis of all learning is the need and desire to understand others.

IB as a “Programme”

  • Offered to Juniors and Seniors
  • Facilitates a course of study that includes 6 subject areas, CAS, TOK, and EE.
  • Provides access to college credit
  • Naturally distinguishes students in applications
  • Inclusion in a tight-knit community of students

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The IB Mission

Founded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate is a non-profit education foundation, motivated by its mission, focused on the student:

The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

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I know what you’re thinking...

“Why the history of IB?? I just want to graduate high school!”

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If you’re already taking the classes...

For the IB Diploma

For your JFK Diploma

4 Years - English

4 Years - Math

3 Years - Science

3 Years - Social Studies

2 Years - World Language

1 Year - Art

2 Years - English

2 Years - Math

1-2 Years - Science

1-2 Years - Social Studies

2 Years - World Language

1 Year - Art

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You can earn two distinct diplomas at the same time!

✓ Earn a Diploma from John F. Kennedy High School

✓ Earn an International Baccalaureate Diploma


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How do I get the IB Diploma?

An overview of the requirements

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How do I get an IB Diploma?

Step 1) Take the classes

  • 3 Higher Level (HL) & 3 Standard Level (SL) classes
    • HL: English, and your choice of 2 other classes
    • SL: Mathematics, and your choice of 2 other classes
  • Theory of Knowledge (TOK) & CAS experiences

Step 2) Pass your classes and take the IB Exams at the end

Step 3) Complete the Extended Essay (EE)

Earn 24/45

total points

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As Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Just one of MANY examples...




English HL

Spanish HL

Film HL

Mathematics SL

Psychology SL

Biology SL






= The IB Diploma

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So now that you know what the

IB Diploma is, let’s break down

some myths!

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The IB Learner Profile

The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century.

As IB learners we strive to be:

  • inquirers
  • knowledgeable
  • thinkers
  • communicators
  • principled
  • open-minded
  • caring
  • risk-takers
  • balanced reflective

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“The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.”

None of these traits are “Genius”

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Why would you want to do this?

Why are you here, at Kennedy?

Sure, you are here to graduate.

But… what do you want to do when you graduate?

What does the 24-year old version of you want to say to the 16-year old version of you?

Your school counselor does not

sit next to you at lunch!

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So, let’s think about all

the things that are

in it for you!

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Are you considering college?

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Are you considering college?

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Are you considering college?

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Direct Benefits

Credit, Money, Personal Growth

  • College Credit

    • Earning the Diploma → a minimum of 24 credit hours
    • Individual Courses → based on score & school

For Example

IB English Language & Literature HL

Score of 4+ = 3 Credits

Arts & Science writing requirement

Score of 4+ = 6 Credits

ENG 122 & 123- College Composition & College Research

Score of 4 = 3 Credits�E 130

The Study of Literature

Score of 5+ = 6 Credits

E 140 & CO 150

The Study of Literature & College Composition

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Direct Benefits

Credit, Money, Personal Growth

  • Saved Costs
    • Earned Credits
      • Earning the Diploma → a minimum of 24 credit hours
    • Individual Courses → based on score & school

For Example

Per Credit

�Individual Course Average

(3-6 credits)

Full IB Diploma

$1,381 - $2,044


$33,144 - $49,056








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Direct Benefits

Credit, Money, Personal Growth

  • Scholarships
    • Stand Out on Your Resume
      • In 2021, only 165,884 students in the world had the distinction of being IB Diploma Candidates
      • Less than 1,800 of those students reside in Colorado

    • Earn scholarships based merely on IB Candidate distinction
      • American University of Paris - automatic €5,000 to €20,000 per year based on final IB diploma scores
      • University of Arizona - up to $5,000 a year to IB Diploma recipients
      • University of Nebraska-Lincoln - up to $50,000 for out of state students, plus $14,500 per year if awarded the George Beadle Scholarship (IB only)
      • Oregon State University - $3,000/year to diploma recipients who score 30 or higher
      • The University of Tampa - $15,000/year to diploma recipients.
      • Mississippi State University - between $6,000 and $14,000 for diploma recipients
      • IB ARMS

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All JFK IB Diploma Candidates…

  • are specially recognized during their graduation ceremony.
  • receive a stole to wear at their graduation ceremony.
  • earn weighted credit (5.0/4.0) for all IB courses.
  • gain recognition as having completed the most rigorous coursework available.
  • participate in special events, banquets, and activities.

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Direct Benefits

Credit, Money, Personal Growth

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The IB Diploma is for me!

Advocate for Your Passions!

What do you enjoy?

What are you good at?

What are your goals?

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JFK’s IB Courses


Junior Year

Senior Year

Group 1

Studies in Language & Literature

IB English Language & Literature HL

IB Spanish Language & Literature HL

Group 2

Language Acquisition

IB Spanish Ab Initio

IB Spanish SL

IB Spanish HL

IB French Ab Initio

IB French SL

Group 3

Individuals & Societies

IB History of the Americas HL

IB Psychology HL

IB Psychology SL

IB Psychology SL

Group 4


IB Biology SL

IB Biology HL

IB Design Technology HL

IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Sciences SL

IB Environmental Systems & Societies SL

IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Sciences SL

IB Environmental Systems & Societies SL

Group 5


IB Mathematics: Applications & Interpretations SL

IB Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches SL

IB Mathematics: Analysis & Approaches HL

Group 6

The Arts

IB Film HL

IB Visual Arts SL

IB Visual Arts SL


Theory of Knowledge

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You have options!

The “I just want to get through it!”

Junior Year

Senior Year


IB English HL


World Language 3 HL

World Language 4 HL


Psychology SL



Biology HL


Math A&I SL


Visual Art SL



Theory of Knowledge




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You have options!

The “I just want to be top of the class”

Junior Year

Senior Year


IB English HL


World Language 3 SL

World Language 4 SL


History of the Americas HL


Biology HL


Math A&A SL


Film HL


Theory of Knowledge


Honor Platoon

Honor Platoon

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You have options!

The “I want the bilingual diploma”

Junior Year

Senior Year


IB English Lang & Lit HL


IB Spanish Lang & Lit HL


Psychology HL


Biology SL


Math A&I SL



Visual Arts SL


Theory of Knowledge




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IB for All

As Commanders, we are advocates of our passions, challengers of inequity, and champions for change.

We find PRIDE in shaping a more inclusive global community and taking command of our role within that world.

We are dedicated to empowering all students reach that potential.

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Next Steps!

IB Diploma Candidates get first dibs on creating their schedules for next year.

This link is being dropped in the chat now. Explore the path that interests you!

Ms. Warren will reach out to every student who attended tonight and help them build a potential schedule for next year. WE’RE HERE TO EMPOWER YOU!

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Thank you for coming!

Any Questions?

Please put your question in the chat to have it answered now

or email:
