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State Courts Judicial System

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CA Judicial Branch

  • State Supreme Court
  • Courts of Appeal
  • Superior Courts
  • Court System Agencies [6]

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State Supreme Court

  • State’s Highest Court

  • Decisions > Binding

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Make Up-Term-Qualifications

  • 7 Justices *Appointed > Governor *Confirmed > -Commission on Judicial Apts. + -Voters @ next Gen. Election
  • 12 Year Term *Re-Confirmed by voters @ end
  • 10 Years > State Bar or Judge

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Original Jurisdiction

  • Mandamus > lower court asks

  • Certiorari > SC demands case

  • Habeas Corpus > Issues of proper legal detainment by courts

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Appellate Jurisdiction

  • Review cases from State Courts of Appeals as needed/requested

  • Automatically Must Review all cases involving a judgment/death

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Additional Responsibilities

  • Adopt rules of conduct for judges & judicial campaigns *”Code of Judicial Ethics”

  • Review decisions by Commission on Judicial Performance *Admonish, Censure or Remove Judges for misconduct

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Courts of Appeals�[6]

  • 3 Justices
  • Same rules as SSC for terms & qualifications
  • Primarily hears appeals from Superior Cts.
  • Can have Original Jurisdiction in same areas as SSC

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Superior Courts

  • Traditional trial courts [petit]
  • Over 1,600 in CA
  • Serve 6-year terms
  • Elected by popular vote [non-partisan]
  • Must have been a lawyer or judge for prior 10 years

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  • Original
  • Hear Criminal & Civil Cases
  • Misdemeanors & Felonies
  • Family, Traffic, Business, Probate, Juvenile, Small Claims, Bankruptcy

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Court System Agencies

  • Judicial Council > *Oversee admin., practice & policies of courts
  • Commission on Judicial Appts. [SC]
  • Commission on Judicial Performance
  • Habeas Corpus Resource Center > *Reviews proceedings in ‘capital’ cases & provides training/resources

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Court System Agencies�[cont.]

  • State Bar Association > *Exam, estab. rules/conduct *Investigate allegations of misconduct
  • Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation