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Listen to the story

“A Neighborhood Walk.” Afterwards ask the children what they are passionate about: music, baseball, legos, etc. Then have children color a picture of a violin. (Slide 2)

Listen to the story

“A Listening Walk.”

What were some of the sounds she heard? Then have children color a picture of sounds they might hear outside.

(Slide 3)

Listen to the story

“My Family Plays Music.” Afterwards ask the children what kind of music they like to play. Then have children color a picture them making music.

(Slide 4)

Listen to the story

“One Love.”

Afterwards ask the children who they should be kind and show love to.

Then have children color a picture of a violin.

(Slide 5)

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“A Neighborhood Walk: A Musical Journey”

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“A Listening Walk”

What are sounds you could hear on

a listening walk?

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“My Family Plays Music”

Draw a picture of you

playing, singing or dancing to music!

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“One Love”

How do we show love and kindness to our friends? Family? Earth? Animals?