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Generative AI in [this course]

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This is a selection of slides that we encourage you to adopt/adapt for your course (look for the orange stickies)

Please make a copy of this slide deck and then edit your personal copy (these are the master slides :-)

This slide deck adapts and builds upon the following excellent resource: How to Incorporate Generative AI by the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Durham College is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This slide deck “Talking to Students about Generative AI” by Jen Easter and Paula Demacio is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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Let’s learn together!

  • GenAI tools - what are they and how do they work?�
  • What are the limitations and concerns about using GenAI tools?�
  • What do you need to know about using GenAI tools in this course?

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Note: GenAI tools are new for all of us, teachers and students alike! And, GenAI tools are not only here to stay, they are rapidly evolving. Approaching this as an opportunity to learn along with your students sets the stage for a meaningful, ongoing learning experience for everyone.

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What do you know about GenAI tools?

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Facilitate a discussion around this topic.

  • What do you know about GenAI tools?
  • How do they work? Where do they get their information?
  • What types do you know about?
  • Have you used them before? In what ways?

�**Don’t assume all of your students know about these tools

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What is GenAI?

Generative AI (GenAI or GAI) is a type of artificial intelligence that uses machine learning algorithms to produce, copy or rework content.

This content output can be:

  • text
  • imagery
  • audio
  • code
  • other formats

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Conversation with ChatGPT in December 2023

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GenAI in your profession

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Facilitate a discussion around this topic.

  • How has AI impacted your discipline/profession?
  • What AI skills will you need as you enter the workforce?

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Limitations of GenAI

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Facilitate a discussion around this topic. Consider using an interactive activity such as Padlet, mentimeter, zoom chat, etc

  • What are some limitations of GenAI tools?
  • What concerns are there surrounding GenAI?

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Limitations of GenAI (1)

  • Misinformation: GenAI tools make stuff up (including quotes and references) (NY Times)
  • Bias and harm: The output it produces can be biased, offensive and perpetuate stereotypes (The Conversation)
  • Currency: ChatGPT (GPT3.5) is not trained on any information after January 2022 and is not connected to the internet
  • Copyright concerns: ChatGPT uses material taken from the internet, generally without the permission of the authors. It has been argued that ChatGPT is "copyright laundering" -- "making works derivative of existing material without breaking copyright". In December 2023 the NYTimes sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement.

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An Asian MIT student asked AI to turn an image of her into a professional headshot. It made her white, with lighter skin and blue eyes.

Bhaimiya, S. (2023, August 1). An Asian mit student asked AI to turn an image of her into a professional headshot. it made her white, with lighter skin and blue eyes. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/student-uses-playrgound-ai-for-professional-headshot-turned-white-2023-8

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Limitations of AI (2)

Legal/ethical issues: pasting protected info into GenAI apps

It may be unlawful to enter material using the chat function of a GenAI app if the material is protected by laws, such as:

  • privacy laws
  • intellectual property laws
  • otherwise confidential (e.g., a court order) (Durham College)

Most GenAI apps use the information we input to further train their technology, and may reproduce what we enter for other users

Privacy: ChatGPT currently requires an account (and therefore collects data)

· All LLM prompts and inputs work to help the AI tool evolve……

o the technology is very new and many questions are being asked about the ethics of AI and the practices of the company OpenAI

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Using GenAI in this course

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Although there is always space for exploration and experimentation, incorporation of GenAI into teaching and learning should be purposeful and in alignment with fundamental learning objectives and/or skills for job readiness. As with all course expectations, clear communication is key.

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Academic misconduct

  • Using GenAI tools, including ChatGPT or other AI writing tools, to complete an assignment may be considered academic misconduct. Its use would be considered “use of an unauthorized aid” under section 5.1 of Centennial College’s Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy (AC100-11).
  • Using a tool such as ChatGPT and falsely representing the ideas or the wording as your own is considered academic misconduct in this assignment/course. This would be considered “plagiarism” under section 6.2 of Centennial College’s Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policy (AC100-11).

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Using GenAI in your courses




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Using GenAI in this course

Faculty responsibilities�

  • Provide transparent communication on each assignment about if/how/why you can use GenAI
  • Provide alternatives to address concerns and/or access issues (you will not be mandated to use AI)
    • Eg: Byte (no account required)
  • Provide support around effective use of the tools
  • Share support resources
  • Don’t depend on these tools working in a live class

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It’s very important for students to understand what your faculty responsibilities will be. This slide is meant to be communicated to students.

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Assignment Guidance

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Faculty, for each assignment in your course, let students know that you will share the appropriate GenAI assignment guidelines.

�See GenAI assignment statements to use/adapt assignment guidance statements

GenAI is permitted for this assignment.

  • Details will be included

GenAI can be used in specific ways

  • Details will be included

GenAI is not permitted on this assignment

  • Details will be included

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Using GenAI in this course

Student responsibilities

  • Citation
    • Any information taken from ChatGPT needs to be cited! These include: MLA, APA, and Chicago Style.
    • If required, copy and paste all AI interactions at end of assignment
  • Documentation
    • Allows you to keep track of your genAI ideas and corresponding actions. Can help with citing and and tracking your original ideas and sourced work. Example
  • Critical Analysis
    • If it’s in your paper, you are responsible for it (accuracy, appropriateness, currency, etc.). Evaluate your sources

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It’s very important for students to understand what their responsibilities will be. This slide is meant to be communicated to students.

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Help Resources

If you are struggling with your school work, there are many sources of help at Centennial. Virtual and in-person appointments are available.

o Libraries can help with your research for your assignments;

o Learning Centre has peer tutors to assist with the concepts you are learning in class, math help, and Learning Strategists who can help you improve your skills (such as notetaking, test-taking and time management);

o Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services offers programs and services to meet students’ wellness and accessibility needs;

o English Tutoring Centre -- can assist you in improving your English, and help you to improve your written assignments.

When in doubt, ask!

You should seek guidance from your professors if you have any questions or concerns about the use of AI tools in an assignment. If you have questions about how to cite AI tools, you can make an appointment with a librarian or book an appointment with a tutor in the Learning Centre.

Remember, GenAI permissions will be different for each class. Be sure you understand the situation for each of your courses!!

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Continue the conversation….

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Ensure your students that this is just the beginning of an ongoing conversation as you all learn about the potential and limitations of AI in your course. Be sure to ask for feedback and input along the way!

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Image Attributions

Stop icon: Image: Flaticon.com

Pause icon: Image: Flaticon.com

Play icon: Image: Flaticon.com

Speech bubble Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay