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Cooper’s Choice Board

RULES: You must complete 5 tasks each day. Check them off when you complete them. All tasks must be completed by the end of the week or you will lose electronics privileges.

Set a timer for 15 minutes and read a book with a flashlight and record it in your reading log.

Watch a video or TV show about nature and tell Mom two interesting facts you learned.

Design and create a bridge out of recycled materials or LEGOS.

Research a type of plant and write three interesting facts you learned.

Set a timer for 15 minutes and play outside (basketball, ride scooter, swing, jump on trampoline).

Go for a walk and pick up two pieces of garbage.

Write a letter to a family member or friend and mail it (Mom can help).

Listen to a story on storylineonline.net and record it in your reading log.

Complete a coding lesson at studio.code.org.

Play a card or board game or do a puzzle.

Set a timer for 20 minutes and practice math on Dreambox.

Help sort and take recycling (do this together, coordinate with Mom).

Write a three-sentence story about something you did on a family vacation.

Make a chart with pictures (drawn or from magazine) of living and nonliving things.

Draw a diagram showing the stages of a lifecycle (frog, plant, butterfly).

Build something out of LEGOS that could be used to solve a problem in the world. Tell Mom about your idea.

Set a timer for 20 minutes and practice math on Prodigy.

Make your bed and clean up your room.

Make a list of 5 nouns, 5 verbs and 5 adjectives.

Stop what you are doing and have a conversation with God.

Complete two tasks from the family cleaning checklist.

Write and illustrate a poem about an insect.

Go outside and set a timer for 5 minutes. Use all of your senses to record nature around you.

Take Spots outside for a potty break and throw a ball for him 3 times.

Draw a comic strip and illustrate a short story without words.

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Cooper’s Reading Log







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