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Do’s & Don'ts


Pirchy Dayan

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  • Upset the tester!
  • Open multiple files - the tester wants to hear you speak fluently. Also he gets upset every time he needs to open a new file.
  • Talk for less than a minute - you lose points!
  • Talk for more than two minutes - you lose points!

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  • Talk clearly and loudly ONE RECORDING! �Listen to your recording to make sure it’s clear!
  • Start your recording a second or two after you hit the record button
  • Hit the stop button a second or two after you finish talking. Otherwise, your recording sounds cut off.

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4. Use the template for presenting your project.

Talk for at least 40 seconds about your project, present your topic, research question and give specific examples about your findings.

Then answer the second part of the question. Remember! Talk for at least ONE minute.

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5. Use expressions to describe the clip: it’s about…, at the beginning…, then…, surprisingly…, finally, etc. it gives structure to your talk.

6. Finish your talk with expressions such as: to sum up, finally. Otherwise your recording sounds cut off.

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7. Start your talk about the personal question with: I’d like to talk about… it gives the tester an idea which question you chose.

8. Don’t forget to answer the TWO parts of the question!

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