1 of 13

I don’t really have one person who inspired me. I have just had a moment of reflection and somehow a silly idea that math can be overcome …

Student 2:

I really enjoyed school and my mom used to babysit 4 & 5 year olds and I used to teach them “for fun”. I actually taught them some things and was so intrigued by it that I became a teacher. I was probably 13 or so.

Student 3:I home schooled my children and realized I loved to teach and I loved children!

I also had the most wonderful math teacher who followed my group from middle school to high school. She helped me to love math. I used to pretend to be a teacher when I was little. <3

Student 4: I had several teachers when I was in elementary school who were inspirational to me. I was inspired by both good teachers and teachers who I didn’t think were very good.

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 1

2 of 13

Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 2

3 of 13

Student 1: I can’t really say one person; I had many excellent teachers over the years who all insipred me in some way or another. This ranges from my kinder and 4th grade teachers to some of my college profesors.

Student 2:My mother was a middle school math teacher. While I was on a “I quit college” break my younger sister was in high school. Her group of friends were always at our house doing homework and I would help with the math. I loved it and that was the deciding factor for me.

Student 3: My grandmother inspired me - she wasn’t the only one but she was a elementary school teacher and she was very excited about me becoming a math teacher. Also I had a really good math teacher in High school that made me excited about math.

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 3

4 of 13

Student 1:Steve wanted to make a difference and have a meaningful job.

Student 2: Amy wanted to be a teacher because she wanted to make s difference in kids lives. She enjoyed math growing-up and wanted to change the negatively surrounding math.

Student 3: Mom was a math teacher and was able to help friends and do tutoring. She felt good helping others and followed her passion.

Student 4: Megan had a teacher who cared about her more than just as a student and it inspired her do the same.

Everyone had a passion for making a difference even just in one students’ life.


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 4

5 of 13

Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 5

6 of 13

Student 1:

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. However, strong math educators made me want to teach mathematics.

Student 2:

I inspired myself, as I was going to college to figure out what I wanted to do. I stumbled upon education, and after taking an introductory education course, realized this might be a good career for me. Originally it was going to be English! But I changed to math after a semester of English methods classes. I didn’t want to grade essays for the rest of my life.

Student 3:

My high school math teacher, Ms. Kurzufield, inspired me to be a math teacher. She made learning math fun and interesting. She also made me feel “smart” in her class.

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 6

7 of 13

Student 1: I do not have any one person who inspired me to be a teacher. I think my thirst for knowledge and willingness to engage with others to discuss what I have learned inspired me to become a teacher.

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 7

8 of 13

Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 8

9 of 13

Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 9

10 of 13

Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 3:

Student 4:

Summarize your group here:


  • Each student responds in a blue box. You may type or speak. If speaking, have a group member type for you.

  • Read or listen to others’ responses. Find similarities and type them in the yellow box.

Discussion Starters:

Why did that person inspire you?

Our ideas are similar. ___ inspired me by ____, how about you?

Our experiences were different, but we both mention ____, can you tell me more about that?

Who inspired you to be a teacher and why?

Group 10

11 of 13

Idea #1: Teachers should be fair

Idea #2: Teachers should give us time to finish tests and not be rushed.

Idea #3: I wish my teacher knew that I want to be smart and I’m trying

Idea #4: Teachers should let us be creative

Idea #5: I want to know if I will use this math in my job

Describe how all of your ideas connect:

We want our teachers to know that we have needs. We want to take our time, know how this will be useful in our jobs, and know that we are trying.

12 of 13















not likely











How likely is it that you will have pizza tonight for dinner?

13 of 13

How likely is it that you will have pizza tonight for dinner?

I’m going to Mellow Mushroom as soon as this session is over.

Dietary restrictions

I have leftovers that are not pizza.

We have something else for dinner ready.

Dinner bought yesterday by hubby!

I’m busy. Hubby is “cooking”.

Eating scraps for supper…hate to throw away good food!

We just had dinner and went with homemade chinese

It just so happens we have dinner plans with the kids at a pizza place.

I wasn’t planning on it but I guess it could happen?

I already ate dinner, I also don’t have pizza sauce.

I have a pizza in the freezer, so its very possible, but I’m not really in the mood, so its less likely.

My stomach’s been pretty upset, don’t think all that cheese will help.