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Team E5:


Design Review

Kelly Cha, Michael Crotty, Sebastian Peralta

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Use Case








Intelligently recommend recipes to use ingredients before they expire

Track consumables and their expiration dates

Recognize produce and smart labels & ability to input custom items

Calendar view and push notifications of expiring produce

Problem: 30-40% of the US food supply is wasted each year.

ECE Areas: Signals, Software

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Existing Attempts

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Design Requirements

5s max latency per scan

50s max startup from door open

98% scan accuracy for smart labels

80% accuracy for 20 common produce

1lb weight limit - held up by 3M command strip

Visual feedback for scans

Low-power when not in use

Recommended recipe generated within 2 minutes

Store expiration date of items

Recipes prioritize likely to expire items

Recipes can be requested by cuisine and dietary restriction filters

Save generated recipes

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Why Smart Labels?

Barcodes require hardcoding

Hosted & maintained by the manufacturer

Managed by Consumer Brands Association

Allows for scraping data (Identifier & Allergens)

Increasing adoption by companies

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Solution Approach

Self Contained


Financially Accessible


Public Health, Safety, Welfare

Global, Cultural, Social Factors

Environmental Factors

Economic Factors

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System Block Diagram

Scanner #1

Scanner #2






Flutter App



Stream captures over WIFI

Web App

Home Server

(Kria KV260)

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Implementation Plan

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

Raspberry Pi Cameras

AMD Kria KV260

3D Printed Cases

Screen for visual feedback and to handle errors

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Implementation Plan

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App UI Mockup

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App UI Mockup

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Testing & Validation



Test Input

Expected Output


Scan Smart Label

98% Accuracy

Open fridge & attempt to scan Pepsi bottle

One Pepsi bottle entered into DB

Glare messing with qr code detection & reading

Scan Produce

80% Accuracy

Open fridge & attempt to scan an apple

One apple should be entered into DB (w/ estimate expiration)

Glare (especially on fruits) and misclassification

Scan Unknown Item

5s time out for not detecting Smart Label or Produce

Open fridge & attempt to scan unknown ingredient

Item entered & flagged as custom ingredient in DB

Attempting to classify unknown items

Multiple Scanners

5s max latency per scan

Have 2 scanners on same network

Both scanners should operate without interfering

Handling 2 scanners sending data at once

Generate Recipe

90% Accuracy,

Recipes generated within 2 minutes

Fill DB with entries to make a common food like tacos

Generate a recipe for a known dish (like tacos) that exclusively uses ingredients in the DB, within 2 minutes

LLM Hallucination, suggesting to use extra ingredients that are not in the inventory


Create food entry in DB that will expire soon

Push notification of expiring food item 2 days before expiration

Ensuring DB refreshes every day

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Work Distribution

Michael: Server & Scanner hardware, Scanner software

Sebastian: Databases, Backend app

Kelly: LLM, Frontend app/ UI design, Help with Backend app