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Special Education Leadership Meeting

December 8, 2022

Link to Slides: bit.ly/3BjCOoK

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Please fill out this form to record your attendance to this session

Go to this link:



Use your phone camera to scan this QR code ->

Place QR Code Here

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April Estrada

Special Education Liaisons

Kevin Alaniz, Beth Garcia, Evan Heckmann

School, Family, and Community Engagement

Sarah Untersee

Special Education Leadership and Compliance

Betsy Gilchrist, Kandice Burke

Jennifer Carroll

STAAR Updates

Lorna Salgado


Alexa Poynor and Keya Saleh

Evaluation and Child Find

Amy Smith, Latisha Stephenson, Cindy Lee


Coral Wilkens

Mix/Mingle/Treats & Gift Exchange

Stacey and Shelee

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Special Education Liaisons

Review & Support Updates

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Photo Placeholder

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Strategic Support Plans | DL 2, 3 & 4

LEAs required to engage in the continuous improvement process, based upon RDA determination levels, should submit SSPs to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in the Ascend Texas application by December 16, 2022. LEAs will retain information used during analysis and only submit to the TEA if requested.

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Strategic Support Plan Submission Preparation


SSP Document

Planning ONLY!

SSP Feature

LEAs required to engage in the continuous improvement process, based upon RDA determination levels, should submit SSPs to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in the Ascend Texas application by December 16, 2022. LEAs will retain information used during analysis and only submit to the TEA if requested.

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Need help with the SSP or CAP process?

Check this out!

Photo Placeholder

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Due Dec 17th

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Making Connections

Photo Placeholder

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Differentiated Monitoring & Support (DMS) Sessions

Following Leadership Meetings


Save the Dates:

Photo Placeholder

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Need Help with Significant Disproportionality?

Join the Proportionate Representation Collaborative Group (PRCG)

Register Now:

  • February 16

  • April 13

Virtual Sessions


Photo Placeholder

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School, Family and Community Engagement

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Family-Focused Webinars

Opportunities for Families and Educators

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Special Education

Leadership and Compliance

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State Allotment Spending

Compliance Tool

TASBO State Allotment Compliance Tool

  • Shared by TASBO at the recent Synergy Conference
  • Tool is designed to help LEAs monitor compliance with state special program spending rules
  • Tool will populate with your LEA’s special program allotments and reported expenditures for prior years
  • Users can enter estimated current-year revenue and spending to determine if LEA is on track to meet expenditure requirements

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Funding Updates

IDEA-B ARP Carryover funds will “officially” populate in eGrants in late December/early January TEA Grants Awarded Amounts (current amounts) -

LEAs can expend the entire grant period (until 9/30/23)

LEAs cannot “draw down” until the funds are officially loaded into eGrants

Check with your business office to see if your LEA is allowing expenditures before the “official” funds show in eGrants

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IDEA-B ARP Expenditure Reporting �Deadlines and Carryover

11/29/22 TEA News from Grants Admin Division

  • Due date for final and revised final expenditure reports is 1/2/2023
  • Carryover amounts will be calculated after final expenditure reports have been submitted
  • Carryover funding anticipated to be available in February 2023
  • LEAs will be required to submit an amendment to the 2022-2023 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) to claim carryover funds
  • Additional Information on the carryover process will be provided as it becomes available

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ARD Guide Update

  • ARD Guides have been shipped by ESC 4
    • LEAs may receive a shipment with the correct address/quantity but wrong LEA name
    • Keep them, they have the correct quantity amount
  • TEA plans to release a TAA about the next round of shipments in January for Procedural Safeguards
  • For questions or assistance on ARD Guides or Notice of Procedural Safeguards shipments, please contact Stacey Glosson at stacey.glosson@region10.org or Shelee Duke at shelee.duke@region10.org

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Charter Leadership Symposium

February 16, 2023


Session ID: #2643878

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2022-2023 CPR Meeting Dates













Photo Placeholder

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Dates to Remember



RF Tracker YTD to be promoted and validated in TSDS


MOE Exceptions and Self-Monitoring Tools- Session ID: #2649423

12/12/2022, 1:00-4:00 �(in person only @ R10)

SPP Corrective Action Plans and/or Strategic Support Plans (for LEAs with DL 2, 3, 4) are due in ASCEND


VI/DB Registration (504 & Special Ed)

Registration opens- 01/02/2023 Certification due by- 02/15/2023

Charter School Symposium-

Session ID: #2643878

02/16/2023, 9:00-3:00

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STAAR Updates

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Speech to Text Practice

  • Student must be registered in TIDE
  • Speech to Text must be turned on in TIDE
  • A test session must be created and the student must log in with the TSDS number and Session ID

Creating Practice Tests with Speech to Text

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Permissive Mode

Permissive Mode is available for computers running supported desktop Windows and Mac operating systems only. Technology Guidelines for Permissive Mode

NOTE: Permissive mode will not work on Chromebooks or iPads. You can still use the device, but with basic transcription as a separate device.

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Allowable Supplemental Aids Documents Posted

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New Training in LMS

  • The Test Accommodation Training for Test Administrators is now available in the Learning Management System (LMS).
  • This training reviews what testing accommodations are, the types of accommodations for state testing, some common accommodation errors, and how to avoid accommodation errors during testing.

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STAAR Redesign: Recorded Sessions

STAAR Redesign Session (Melissa Shaw, Region 10)

Slides: https://bit.ly/R10STAAR

Recording: https://youtu.be/b6u8SIBsgiM

TEA TOT STAAR Redesign Session

Session Materials


Recording Link

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Upcoming Scoring Sessions

Strategy & Scoring for RLA Extended Constructed Responses (ECRs)

In-Person, 6-HR Sessions at Region 10

  • Jan. 25
  • Jan. 31
  • Feb. 14
  • Feb. 20

Strategy & Scoring for RLA Short Constructed Responses (SCRs)

1-Hour Zoom Sessions

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December 2022 STAAR EOC

Entering Student Responses into DEI Directions

Below are general guidelines for entering student responses from a STAAR test booklet into DEI.

  • Enter the student’s responses verbatim.
  • Do NOT tamper with, adjust, or change the student’s responses in any way.
  • Do NOT interpret or infer a student’s response.
  • Leave the item blank in DEI if you cannot determine what the student’s response is.
  • Leave the item blank in DEI if the student leaves the question unanswered.

As a reminder of this obligation, the authorized staff member is required to complete a specific part of an Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality before he or she is permitted to enter student responses into DEI.

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STAAR Alt 2 - Update

  • Waiver Request is posted for public comment
  • Send comments to assessmentwaiver@tea.Texas.gov
  • Comments received will be collected by TEA and incorporated into the Waiver Request

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VI and O&M

Alexa Poynor, VI/O&M Consultant



Keya Saleh, Program Coordinator



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SSVI Flow Thru Funds

Reminder: Fiscal Agents eligible for flow thru funding, your deadline to submit request (or intent to spend) is March 3rd, 2023.

  • Always beneficial to expend funds in the Fall

Request reimbursement through form linked on award letter.

  • Email keya.saleh@region10.org if you need a new copy of letter

Any funds not disbursed or accounted for by 3/3/2023 will be forfeited by the LEA (repurposed by VI team).

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Evaluation and Child Find

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TSDS and SPP 11 and 12 Support


Child Find Application

Child Find

Student Information System


What: Child Find Application

Who: LEA Teams (Sped, PEIMS, SIS)

�When: February 8, 2023 9:00-4:00

Session ID: 2651414

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ICE Symposium

Call for Proposals!

Conference Date: March 22, 2023

Time: 8:15-4:30

Location: ESC Region 11

Submit Proposals HERE no later than January 25, 2023

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Feedback Requested

Cohort for New Ed Diagnosticians

Cohort for New ARD Managers

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Recommended by the Child Find Network:

TEA Learns Courses for Dual-Identified Students

Supporting Dual-Identified Students

The TEA developed online courses to support dual-identified students with multiple exceptionalities. Each course provides information on each of the following topics:

-Identification and eligibility

-Admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee practices

-Instructional best practices


-Family engagement

Click on the title below to access the course and enroll:

(1) Students Served by Special Education and Identified as Gifted and Talented

(2) Students Served by Special Education Who are Military-Connected

(3) Students Served by Special Education Who are Experiencing Homelessness or in Foster Care

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Coral Wilkens

Budget and Staffing Survey

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Connect with Region 10

Facebook: Region 10 Education Service Center

Twitter: @Region10ESC

Instagram: region10esc

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/region-10-esc