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Please do not redistribute these slides without prior written permission


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CS 5500

Foundations of Software Engineering

Dr. Mike Shah


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Pre-Class Warmup (1/4)

  • How many lines of code can a programmer write in a full work day?


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Pre-Class Warmup (2/4)

  • How many lines of code can a programmer write in a full work day?
  • According to the book pictured to the right (written in the 1975 by Fred Brooks at IBM) about 10 lines of code actually stay in the project.
    • Why does that number seem so low?
    • How can we get that number higher?



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Pre-Class Warmup (3/4)

  • How much time (as a percentage of their day) do you think programmers spend debugging their code?
    • (next slide)


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Pre-Class Warmup (4/4)

  • How much time (as a percentage of their day) do you think programmers spend debugging their code?


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Note to self: Start audio recording of lecture :)�(Someone remind me if I forget!)


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“The Daily Scrum”


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Last Class (“What did I do yesterday”) (1/2)

  • Review into how the D programming language works
    • Understanding pointers
    • Stack, Heap, and static memory
  • Programming Paradigms
    • Procedural Programming
    • Functional Style (map, filter, reduce)
    • Object-Oriented Programming
      • Structs - Value Type
      • Classes - Reference Type
        • Classes allow for inheritance, structs do not
        • Classes can implement an interface
  • Brief exercise in class design with inheritance
    • (And not to forget about composition)


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Last Class (“What did I do yesterday”) (2/2)

  • Questions or comments on the lab?


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Course Logistics (“What are we going to do today”)

  • Deliverables
    • Assignment 2 due shortly
    • Assignment 3 available from Github, do a ‘git pull’
  • Today we are going to learn about debugging and program analysis


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Blocking (“What is stopping forward progress”)

  • Other open questions?


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Goal(s) for today

  • Fundamentals of Program Analysis for writing better code
  • Understand Debugging Strategies
  • Introduction to GDB and/or LLDB

Today is all about giving you tools to fix bad code...for the 1% of us who create bugs ;)


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What Causes Bad Code to be Written? (1/3)

  • Question to the audience:


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What Causes Bad Code to be Written? (2/3)

  • Question to the audience:
    • Could it be the software methodology?
      • Mismanagement?
        • Perhaps the wrong software development methodology used (e.g. Agile versus something else?)
        • (No one having the big picture in mind?)
    • Lack of experience?
      • Programmers using the wrong data structures/algorithms or otherwise structuring code poorly?
      • Code that appears to work, but perhaps hastily put together (or left untested) -- brittle code.
    • Perhaps programming language you are using?
      • e.g.,
        • C and C++ (and other languages) allow for memory errors
          • (The freedom to do *almost* anything must be used responsibly)
        • JavaScript, dynamic typing
        • Most languages ‘casting’ could be a code smell
    • Active sabotage? Yikes!


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What Causes Bad Code to be Written? (3/3)

  • Question to the audience:
    • Could it be the software methodology?
      • Mismanagement?
        • Perhaps the wrong software development methodology used (e.g. Agile versus something else?)
        • (No one having the big picture in mind?)
    • Lack of experience?
      • Programmers using the wrong data structures/algorithms or otherwise structuring code poorly?
      • Code that appears to work, but perhaps hastily put together (or left untested) -- brittle code.
    • Perhaps programming language you are using?
      • e.g.,
        • C and C++ (and other languages) allow for memory errors
          • (The freedom to do *almost* anything must be used responsibly)
        • JavaScript, dynamic typing
        • Most languages ‘casting’ could be a code smell
    • Active sabotage? Yikes!


I want to start off by touching on this one -- and then seeing what we can do to mitigate this circumstance.

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Code Smells


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Question to Audience: What is a Code Smell? (1/3)

  • (Answer next slide)


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Question to Audience: What is a Code Smell? (2/3)

  • A code smell is a hint that something has gone wrong somewhere in your code.
    • Definition source: https://wiki.c2.com/?CodeSmell
  • Instruction definition: A code smell is a sort of ‘anti-pattern’ or ‘complexity’ introduced that might make code brittle to maintain, or perhaps leave edge-cases open to bugs.
  • Question to the Audience:
    • What would be a (code smell) bad piece of code or bad practice?


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Question to Audience: What is a Code Smell? (3/3)

  • Question to the Audience:
    • What would be a (code smell) bad piece of code or bad practice?
      • Some that we may have heard or been mentioned before:
        • Global Variables (scope is the entire program)
        • Maybe too big of functions (or too many ‘jobs/responsibilities’ in one function)
        • Maybe too few comments explaining ‘why’ code is as it is.
        • Single letter variables with non-local scope.
        • Too many nested-loops (Complexity or bad data access pattern for performance)
        • Too many nested if/else conditionals? (Complexity)
        • Casting data (Losing type safety, possible error if data is not correct format)
      • These are not laws however -- sometimes it’s appropriate to break the rules.


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How to write good code in DLang


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  • A collection of rules has been presented for the official D style guide.
    • Some of these have to do with code formatting
    • Some of these rules have to do with best practices with the language
    • It’s a non-exhaustive list, but I think a good reference to start from.
  • As always, style guides are a convention
    • We are not necessarily recommending that all code follow these rules. They're likely to be controversial in any discussion on coding standards. However, they are required in submissions to Phobos and other official D source code.”


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(Aside) Inspiration from other languages

  • Generally speaking we want to follow D Language conventions.
    • It’s useful to know that the D style guide exists, but other programming languages might offer other explanations to rules.
  • I think the core guidelines in C++ are a nice example of conventions to source. (e.g. when to use an exception, try/catch, etc.)


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DLang Avoiding Code Smells

Walter Bright on Avoiding Code Smells (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbp6vwdnE0k)


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Nice Formatting

  • Format your code nicely :)
    • Use automated formatting tools (indent, your IDE, etc.)
  • We have available a tool (Called D Format) that can perform automatic formatting for us.


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  • Install with
    • dub run dfmt -- -h
  • Then run with:
    • dub run dfmt -- --inplace --space_after_cast=false --max_line_length=80 --soft_max_line_length=70 --brace_style=otbs formatting.d
    • This automatically formats the file ‘formatting.d’ with the given parameters.
  • See my video tutorial here for more:
    • https://youtu.be/r4uRUMkN6_k
  • Note: We’ll talk about dub later on in the course -- which is a package management tool.


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(short) Global Variables

  • Sometimes we need global state
    • The problem is if we use short variable names for globals
      • It’s not clear what they mean when in a different program
      • ‘Variable shadowing’ rules in languages may make it unclear which ‘char c’ is being used.
        • i.e. You can sometimes have a global variable named ‘c’ and a local variable named ‘c’ in languages.
  • rule of thumb
    • The more ‘global’ the variable, the longer the variable name should be
    • The more ‘local’ a variable, the more reasonable it may be to have a shorter name.
      • Conventions like ‘i’ or ‘idx’ for an index are common for locals


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(short) Global Variables

  • Example of how globals can cause confusion
    • The ‘writeln’ here are purely to help you understand which global is being used.
    • The loop at the bottom is a good example of using ‘i’ within a small scope.


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  • The public part of your interface (before you scroll) should appear towards the top.


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Don’t reuse variables

  • Leaves room for mistakes when you re-assign variables, especially if you have to look down later.
    • Note: Compilers use something called SSA (Static Single Assignment) behind the scenes, using ‘1 unique register’ per assignment to help ease the analysis. (bottom-right image)
    • Note: Bottom left example we can use ‘const’





What compilers do

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Don’t reuse variables

  • Prefer example on the right
    • Again, minimize scope for your variables




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Side Channel Globals

  • Prefer (as shown on the right side) passing in globals as a parameter rather than direct usage.
    • Can easily see what is coming into function and what is coming out of function.
    • Would have to measure -- but in some cases this might actually be more efficient code as well!




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Aggregate Globals

  • When you must use global variables, put them into a ‘struct’ so that they are aggregated.
  • Improves searchability -- can just search “MyGlobals” for example.
    • Can also improve ‘plasticity of code’ (i.e. the ability to change our code)
      • e.g. Can make MyGlobals heap or stack allocated as necessary as well depending on how many or what data you have.




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Aggregate Globals

  • Example showing lines 6-8 where we are able to wrap our global variables.
  • Line 11 creates our globals.
  • Note: We will learn later about ‘static this()’ and ‘shared static this()’ which are ways to run code before main
    • The use case would be if we wanted to allocate ‘myGlobals’ on the heap for instance.
    • https://dlang.org/spec/module.html#staticorder


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Leaky Abstractions

  • Top view shows how we have ‘leaked’ our abstraction that this is a linked list
    • We have failed to abstract.
  • Prefer instead the bottom-right -- creating a range with an iterator
    • Allows us to much more easily substitute data structure later on if we choose.
    • Bottom-left shows another example in D





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Leaky Abstractions bad (left) -- fixed on the right


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Supporting multiple platforms

  • The important part is at the bottom (assert(0))
    • Need to be able to fail quickly when you’re on a platform that is not supported.
    • Ideally unit tests will help with the discoverability here.


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Pull Requests

  • See the right
    • This is very important advice especially when working in teams
      • Make your changes before a pull request small!
      • Minimize how many files you are modifying in each pull request.


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We can go on...

  • In fact, I recommend you watch Walters talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbp6vwdnE0k)
    • The reality is, we cannot memorize all of the possible code smells.
  • They come from experience and talking with your teammates.
    • I encourage you to talk with your teammates, review code, and plan ahead on the code that you are going to write.


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  • Another nice talk (by Sandi Metz) highlighting various ‘code smells’ (Ruby language used)
  • One nice takeaway are some of the categories she groups them into.


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(Aside) More on Best Practices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqfgOCU_Do4

  • Talk by Jason Turner on C++ Best Practices
    • Examples are in C++, but perhaps also useful to observe.


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Potential Code Smell - Construction Separate (1/2)

  • What does this code do? How to improve it?


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Potential Code Smell - Construction Separate (2/2)

  • Better to always initialize things as you declare them.
    • Often can lead to insights on immutable or const for the type as well.
    • Assume immutable or const unless otherwise needed.


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Code Smell - Out Variables (1/3)

  • What does this code do? How to improve it?


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Code Smell - Out Variables (2/3)

  • We can be explicit in our parameters
    • This is sometimes useful if we’re working with a C-library from the D programming language.


Note: In DLang we can explicitly specify ‘out’ which fixes this problem somewhat

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Code Smell - Out Variables (3/3)

  • Better yet, return some aggregate type (e.g. a tuple, or otherwise some struct perhaps)


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Code Smell - Raw Loops (1/3)

  • What does this code do? How to improve it?


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Code Smell - Raw Loops (2/3)

  • Solution: Use std.algorithm
    • ‘all’ is exactly what we want.


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Code Smell - Raw Loops (3/3)

  • Solution: Use std.algorithm
    • ‘all’ is exactly what we want.


This is a templated function that takes in a predicate ( a function that evaluates to true or false)

We’ll talk more about this as we proceed further.

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Code Smell - Multi-Step Functions (1/3)

  • What does this code do? How to improve it?


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Code Smell - Multi-Step Functions (2/3)

  • Why is it bad?
    • Harder to reason about
    • Limited to data type ‘int’ (what if we have a database with more than 2 billion things)


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Code Smell - Multi-Step Functions (3/3)

  • Solution: Decompose into smaller functions
  • Then you can just read the return value and understand the algorithm


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How to learn ALL the rules? (1/2)

  • It takes practice to learn many of these rules
  • Your mental model of programming also evolves as you proceed.
  • That said however -- tools help with writing better code.
    • Tools can be run on the command line, our IDEs, etc. to help us write better code, or otherwise correct mistakes we make if we’re coding too many hours late at night!


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How to learn ALL the rules? (2/2)

  • It takes practice to learn many of these rules
  • Your mental model of programming also evolves as you proceed.
  • That said however -- tools help with writing better code.
    • Tools can be run on the command line, our IDEs, etc. to help us write better code, or otherwise correct mistakes we make if we’re coding too many hours late at night!


Let’s take a look at some tools now!

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Introduction to Program Analysis

(Static Analysis & Dynamic Analysis)


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The field of Program Analysis (1/2)

  • Simply put--program analysis is the study and practice of building automated tools to understand and measure specific aspects of software.
    • Some categories include:
      • Finding where correctness bugs exist
      • Finding where security loopholes exist
      • Finding performance problems
      • Finding stylistic changes that need to be made to code
      • Potentially visualizing software
        • i.e. using mediums other than text like graphs or charts


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The field of Program Analysis (2/2)

  • Simply put--program analysis is the study and practice of building automated tools to understand and measure specific aspects of software.
    • Some categories include:
      • Finding where correctness bugs exist
      • Finding where security loopholes exist
      • Finding performance problems
      • Finding stylistic changes that need to be made to code
      • Potentially visualizing software
        • i.e. using mediums other than text like graphs or charts


So what are our tools for figuring out these properties?

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Tools for Program Analysis

The two most common tools for program analysis are:

  • Static analysis
  • Dynamic analysis


*There are also hybrid analysis of static and dynamic analysis

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Static Analysis

Analyzing program source and/or data before they run


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Static Analysis (1/3)

  • Static analysis is looking at a programs source code to learn facts about the program.


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Static Analysis (2/3)

  • Static analysis is looking at a programs source code to learn facts about the program.
  • This analysis happens before you run a program
    • Notice the phrasing “could this program”
    • (Perhaps even before compile-time!)
      • (Though running an analysis on a program with syntax errors is probably not too useful...)


Fact Check: Could this program ever divide by 0?

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Static Analysis (3/3)

  • Static analysis is looking at a programs source code to learn facts about the program.
  • This analysis happens before you run a program
    • Notice the phrasing “could this program”
    • (Perhaps even before compile-time!)
      • (Though running an analysis on a program with syntax errors is probably not too useful...)
      • Oops, looks like it can!


Fact Check: Could this program ever divide by 0?

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How Does Static Analysis Work?


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Example #1 Static Analysis in the Compiler

  • Dead code elimination
    • We can search the whole program and see this variable is never assigned or re-assigned a value--and thus get rid of it
      • i.e. there is no ‘use’ of a ‘defined’ variable named ‘unusedVariable’.


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Example #2 Static Analysis in the Compiler

  • Compilers parse our code for errors during compilation and can provide some analysis (i.e. using clang analyze).
    • User friendly compilers even output and point to the error they have found!


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Example #2 Static Analysis in the Compiler (GDC)


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How do these analysis work? CFG Abstraction (1/2)

  • Typically we model a program as a Control Flow Graph (CFG)
    • That is, your program is broken into Basic Blocks (B1,...,BN)
    • And then we can start gathering facts about the program
      • e.g. Does a variable declared in B1 never show up again? If so, then it is safe to eliminate it


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How do these analysis work? CFG Abstraction (2/2)

  • The nodes (i.e. basic blocks) are the computation
  • The edges are the control flow


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Program Correctness and Program Optimization

  • The two previous use cases are where we would use program analysis
    • Find Optimizations (i.e. eliminating dead code)
    • Enforce program correctness (i.e., detect syntactical and some classes of logical errors in our code)


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Another Static Analysis -- Indent tool (1/3)

  • A tool may looks at how our source code is formatted
    • This happens before run-time, and is an analysis of our code.
  • Here’s an example with the `indent` tool on unix
    • Code on the left has been analyzed (checking how nested code is)
    • Code on the right appropriately adjusted


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Another Static Analysis -- Indent tool (2/3)

  • A tool may looks at how our source code is formatted
    • This happens before run-time, and is an analysis of our code.
  • Here’s an example with the `indent` tool on unix
    • Code on the left has been analyzed (checking how nested code is)
    • Code on the right appropriately adjusted


Question to the audience: Is this a static analysis?

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Another Static Analysis (sort of) -- Indent tool (3/3)

  • A tool may looks at how our source code is formatted
    • This happens before run-time, and is an analysis of our code.
  • Here’s an example with the `indent` tool on unix
    • Code on the left has been analyzed (checking how nested code is)
    • Code on the right appropriately adjusted


  • The line is a little gray here on if this is a static analysis.
  • Indentation may give us some understanding of developer intent, but is not very well-defined.
  • However, I count bad indentation as a stylistic error and count it :)

Question to the audience: Is this a static analysis?

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DLang Static Analysis Tools -- dscanner

  • For languages like DLang (and really any language) static analysis tools have great value
    • The primary tools used currently are the compiler (DMD) and DScanner
    • https://github.com/dlang-community/D-Scanner
    • Run: dub fetch dscanner
    • Then: dub run dscanner
      • e.g. dub run dscanner -- --report unusedVariable.d
      • hint use:
        • --reportFile file.json
        • to get json output


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DLang Static Analysis Tools -- dscanner

  • Example of a program with unused and unmodified variables
  • Run:
    • dub run dscanner -- --report unusedVariable.d
  • Observe the report
    • Note: IDE/Text Editors may integrate this information more easily


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2. Dynamic Analysis


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Dynamic Analysis (1/2)

  • Gathering facts about a program that is running
    • Typically this is done by logging and storing information in an internal data structure.


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Dynamic Analysis (2/2)

  • Gathering facts about a program that is running
    • Typically this is done by logging and storing information in an internal data structure.


Fact Check: What are all of the values of ‘x’ a user input in this instance of the program

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Example #1 of Dynamic Analysis - Profilers (man perf)

  • Profiling tools with our programs gathering performance information about a program.
    • Typically gathering execution time at different granularities (e.g. function) within the program
    • A log of the linux ‘perf’ tool is shown below.


Call Tree

Entries Sorted By Time Spent

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  • Built into the D compiler is a way to add instrumentation at a function level to tell us how much time is spent in each function.
    • This can give us good intuition into where to spend our efforts optimizing our program.
  • Secondly, we also have the ability to instrument memory allocations.
    • This can tell you if you’re unnecessarily allocating on the heap.


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  • So highlighted above is the ‘-profile’ flag being used.
  • Below is the summary of the profile (trace.log )
    • Note the summary is found at the bottom of trace.log
    • See full talk on profiling here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFhTRiobWfU


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Example #2 of Dynamic Analysis - Valgrind (pronounced val--grinn)

  • e.g.


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(Repeat) Program Correctness and Program Optimization

  • The two previous use cases are where we would use program analysis
    • Find Optimizations
    • Enforce program correctness


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Static and Dynamic Analysis

(Digging a little deeper)


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Static Analysis and Dynamic Analysis (1/3)

  • Both analysis we are asking or interested in some property of a program.
  • That means we are asking some question:
    • Static Analysis
      • “Given my program P, I am interested in knowing property A. Does P exhibit A in any possible execution?”
    • Dynamic Analysis
      • “Given my program P, I want to monitor property A. Log all occurrences of A in a single execution of P


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Static Analysis and Dynamic Analysis (2/3)

  • Both analysis we are asking or interested in some property of a program.
  • That means we are asking some question:
    • Static Analysis
      • “Given my program P, I am interested in knowing property A. Does P exhibit A in any possible execution?”
    • Dynamic Analysis
      • “Given my program P, I want to monitor property A. Log all occurrences of A in a single execution of P


  • Correctness
  • Performance
  • Maybe Style
  • etc.

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Static Analysis and Dynamic Analysis (3/3)

  • Both analysis we are asking or interested in some property of a program.
  • That means we are asking some question:
    • Static Analysis
      • “Given my program P, I am interested in knowing property A. Does P exhibit A in any possible execution?”
    • Dynamic Analysis
      • “Given my program P, I want to monitor property A. Log all occurrences of A in a single execution of P”


Notice the key difference here between static and dynamic analysis?

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Static Analysis - A little more rigorous (1/2)

  • Static analysis however can be a bit more rigorous than just looking at the code however.
    • We can actually build up some sort of model of the source code.
    • Generally this allows us to ask questions about program behavior
      • i.e. Something more complex than indentation of source code, but about the execution of the software


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Static Analysis - A little more rigorous (2/2)

  • Static analysis however can be a bit more rigorous than just looking at the code however.
    • We can actually build up some sort of model of the source code.
    • Generally this allows us to ask questions about program behavior
      • i.e. Something more complex than indentation of source code, but about the execution of the software


Static program analysis allows us to ask and answer questions about program behavior

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Static Analysis

  • Because a static analysis looks at any possible execution, it is an over approximation of program behavior.
    • i.e. You are being very conservative in thinking about what can happen.


Execution Space

All possibilities of what your program could do

What your program actually does

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Dynamic Analysis

  • With dynamic analysis you are looking at one possible execution at a time each time you run your software.
    • Thus test your program with many inputs, to push it down several different execution paths in order to get better testing coverage (whether for performance or correctness).


Execution Space

All possibilities of what your program could do

An actual execution

An actual execution

An actual execution

An actual execution

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Which type of analysis is better?

  • One is not better per say--but can uncover bugs in different areas.
  • Use both!


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Static Analysis at Google Scale

  • https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3188720
  • A nice read on how static analysis is used in industry
    • (Work done by a former lab mate)
    • It’s also good motivation for monorepos (like we use)
  • It’s becoming more and more important to use static analysis tools to manage large software infrastructure


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Short 5 minute break

  • 3 hours and 15 minutes is a long time.
  • I will try to never lecture for more than half of that time without some sort of ‘break’ or transition to an in-class activity/lab.
  • Use this time to stretch, check your phones, eat/drink something, etc.


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Onwards to Debugging


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What you’ll learn today -- the metaphor (1/3)

  • For those familiar with the board game monopoly [wiki], there’s a part of the game where you can ‘go to jail’
    • Generally, that’s a bad thing in the game
    • But if you know how to use a debugger, ... (next slide)


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What you’ll learn today -- the metaphor (2/3)

  • For those familiar with the board game monopoly [wiki], there’s a part of the game where you can ‘go to jail’
    • Generally, that’s a bad thing in the game
    • But if you know how to use a debugger, it’s kind of like having one of these


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What you’ll learn today -- the metaphor

  • For those familiar with the board game monopoly [wiki], there’s a part of the game where you can ‘go to jail’
    • Generally, that’s a bad thing in the game
    • But if you know how to use a debugger, it’s kind of like having one of these
    • In fact, if you know how to use your debugging tools, it’s like having a lot of these ‘get out of jail free’ cards, that help you get out of tricky situations!


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What is a bug?

A good place to start


Some images today from the wonderful movie ‘A Bug’s Life’ by Disney Pixar.

Apologies for any spoilers! It is a great movie! :)

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What is a Software Bug?

  • A software bug is a defect in the logic, correctness, or performance of a software system
    • It is a fault that we want to fix it to match our expectations or a technical specification.
      • (logic) Programs that compiles, but does not do at runtime do what the developer expects
      • (correctness) Program executes path as expected but produces the wrong result
      • (performance) Performance bugs may be dependent on workload on your system or an external system (e.g. a server)
      • (nondeterministic correctness and logic) Heisenbugs for example are bugs that occur in concurrent code and are sporadically observable
  • Software bugs can sometimes go undetected for long periods of time and be difficult to find, depending on the class of the bug
    • Let’s take a moment to look at some infamous software bugs... (next slide)


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The task of removing faults (i.e., defects or bugs) from code using tools and techniques


A Bug's Life was a Disney Pixar film in 1998 -- It is not important that you watch it to understand the topic of today :)

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Infamous Software Bugs


This image is from the American game show “Jeopardy in which contestants answer questions in the form of a question to earn money

Famous Bugs

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The First Software Bug - September, 1947

  • Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (Ph.D.) logs the first computer bug in her book
  • “First actual case of bug being found”
    • The term ‘bug’ was popularized by Hopper, but has earlier origins from radio operators using the term.
  • Link to full story


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Mars Climate Orbiter - 1998

  • Did they mean to put the units in feet or meters?
    • Software calculations were in meters...
    • Team controlling entered parameters in imperial units
  • The probe made an error of about 100km and was destroyed
  • Link to story


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Win 98 Blue Screen of Death (~1998)

  • This next one is a correctness bug you can see in action!
    • This happened in front of a live audience
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeUyxjLhAxU (41 seconds)
    • (The gentleman to the right was not a programmer but in marketing, and later Chief Marketing Officer)
  • Link to story


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Win 98 Blue Screen of Death (~1998)

  • This next one is a correctness bug you can see in action!
    • This happened in front of a live audience
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeUyxjLhAxU (41 seconds)
    • (The gentleman to the right was not a programmer but in marketing, and later Chief Marketing Officer)
  • Link to story


And I don’t mean to embarrassed this gentleman on the right -- we know developing software can be tricky!

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Y2K Bug - 1999

  • Software developers did not think ahead about code that would last into the new millennium, thus abbreviating 1999 to “99”
    • Banks worried ‘00’ would be interpreted as ‘1900’ and mess up interest rate calculations
    • Media thought there would be disasters (and the bug was real), though we survived.
  • Link to story


107 of 200

More bugs (Costly bugs!) [source]

  • 1962
    • Mariner 1 Spacecraft nearly crashes due to a software error ($18 million 1962 dollars)
      • Missing ‘hyphen’ in data transmitted back was 1 of 2 major errors [source]
  • 1988
    • The Morris worm spreads wildly out of control causing an estimated $100 million in damages
      • Error was in the worms ‘replication logic’ [source]
  • 1994
    • Intel’s popular pentium processor had a math error in the fdiv operation costing them $475 million in recalls. [source]
  • 2010
    • Bitcoin Hack lost about 850,000 bitcoins [source]
  • And many more...(the list doesn’t start stop at 2010...)


108 of 200

More bugs (Costly bugs!) [source]

  • 1962
    • Mariner 1 Spacecraft nearly crashes due to a software error ($18 million 1962 dollars)
      • Missing ‘hyphen’ in data transmitted back was 1 of 2 major errors [source]
  • 1988
    • The Morris worm spreads wildly out of control causing an estimated $100 million in damages
      • Error was in the worms ‘replication logic’ [source]
  • 1994
    • Intel’s popular pentium processor had a math error in the fdiv operation costing them $475 million in recalls. [source]
  • 2010
    • Bitcoin Hack lost about 850,000 bitcoins [source]
  • And many more...(the list doesn’t start stop at 2010)



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Why are we creating bugs?

What’s the difficulty?


110 of 200

Why is it hard to get software correct? (1/2)

  • Question to the audience: Why is it hard to write correct software? Your thoughts?


111 of 200

Why is it hard to get software correct? (2/2)

  • Question to the audience: Why is it hard to write correct software? Your thoughts?
    • (Some of my thoughts)
      • Software changes frequently!
      • Lots of programmers and managers work on a project
        • Programmers rely on building a mental model (some approximation) of the software to reason about behavior
        • Likely this mental model will differ amongst some number of programmers and managers
      • Pressure between meeting tight deadlines and economic costs
        • (i.e., technical debt accrues and make sit hard to write correct software)
      • Poor documentation of APIs -- and sometimes APIs are broken!
      • Lack of testing (unit tests, behavior tests, etc.)
      • Unanticipated inputs (bad user input) or unexpected system events (network down)
    • The reality is, we are humans and will make mistakes!


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Reality of Software Development (1/2)

  • The reality is you cannot plan for everything
    • We are human and will make mistakes
  • Where this lecture today fits in--is that I want to try to fill in a gap in computer science--we are often not well equipped to debug software, and that’s inevitably where we spend a lot of our time!


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Today’s topic unfortunately however...is too much of a mystery


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Today’s topic unfortunately however...is too much of a mystery


Learn some debugging techniques

Today’s Goal

“Although computer science education devotes a lot of time to teaching algorithms and fundamentals, it appears that not much of this time is spent applying them to general problems. Debugging is not taught as a specific course in universities. Despite decades of literature suggesting such courses be taught, no strong models exist for teaching debugging.” [ACM Queue The Debugging Mindset 2017]

115 of 200

Daily Wisdom

(Everyday wisdom)


116 of 200

From Chuck Norris

  • Some words of wisdom from a famous programmer...



117 of 200

From Chuck Norris

  • Some words of wisdom from a famous programmer...



Sorry...that advice is not going to fly!

Do use your debugger!

118 of 200

Some wisdom from Dr. Greg Law


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Debugging versus testing

  • Debugging is closely related to testing, and both are necessary skills to learn as software engineers
    • Testing means we are checking for the presence of a bug (given an input, test an expected output)
    • Debugging is the process of removing an observed fault in our software
    • We might test again after debugging to confirm the bug has been isolated
      • And likely we may add a unit test to a test suite after debugging
  • We’ll have a separate module on testing in the future!


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Debugging Techniques

This is interactive--see if you can spot the bug!


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#1 Scan and Look Debugging


...kind of

122 of 200

Common Strategy - Scan and look (1/5)

  • If you’re familiar with the software, sometimes you can just ‘find it’
    • This is called the ‘scan and look’ strategy for bug finding
    • Let’s try it out below


123 of 200

Common Strategy - Scan and look (2/5)

  • If you’re familiar with the software, sometimes you can just ‘find it’
    • This is called the ‘scan and look’ strategy for bug finding
    • Let’s try it out below


Hmm, do you spot the logic bug? (Either in the code or output)

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Common Strategy - Scan and look (3/5)

  • If you’re familiar with the software, sometimes you can just ‘find it’
    • This is called the ‘scan and look’ strategy for bug finding
    • Let’s try it out below


The bug has been spotted!

Logical error/typo by the programmer.

Did not provide the correct type.

The lesson here--even if code compiles, it does not imply correctness!

125 of 200

Common Strategy - Scan and look (4/5)

  • If you’re familiar with the software, sometimes you can just ‘find it’
    • This is called the ‘scan and look’ strategy for bug finding
    • Let’s try it out below


Here’s the corrected code using the correct type

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Common Strategy - Scan and look (5/5)

  • If you’re familiar with the software, sometimes you can just ‘find it’
    • This is called the ‘scan and look’ strategy for bug finding
    • Let’s try it out below


Note: The D compiler can be quite handy and prevent some of these ‘implicit conversions’ from happening.

It’s generally wrong for the compiler to assume and truncate 3.1415 should be an integer, so the appropriate error is thrown.

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Tradeoffs - Scan and Look (1/2)

  • Pros
    • Anyone can use this strategy, and there are no external tools needed.
  • Cons
    • Not reliable, in some sense you are guessing where the error is
      • (See Where’s Waldo image on the right)
    • This strategy typically does not scale well
      • e.g. Code you did not write is hard to scan
      • e.g. This strategy is likely to be tedious on even small projects (< 1,000 lines of code (LOC)).


Where’s Waldo is a children's book where you try to find the main character


128 of 200

Tradeoffs - Scan and Look (2/2)

  • Pros
    • Anyone can use this strategy, and there are no external tools needed.
  • Cons
    • Not reliable, in some sense you are guessing where the error is
      • (See Where’s Waldo image on the right)
    • This strategy typically does not scale well
      • e.g. Code you did not write is hard to scan
      • e.g. This strategy is likely to be tedious on even small projects (< 1,000 lines of code (LOC)).


Where’s Waldo is a children's book where you try to find the main character


The good news is, we have a tool that can help us having to do this strategy automatically for us.

The compiler can help!

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Scan and look (with the compilers help)

  • Using the scan and look strategy can be exhausting
    • So we can improve this solution by using our compiler (it sees all of our code!)
    • -w flag sent to the compiler that will help catch additional snippets of code that may be problematic.


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Tradeoffs - Scan and look (with the compilers help)

  • Pros
    • Our compiler scales--meaning it can report on errors at compile-time for large programs
    • Over time, compilers tend to get better at finding more errors
  • Cons
    • Only works at compile-time (no bugs found at runtime)
    • Only types of warnings we can fix are what the compiler reports on.
    • What if we don’t have the source code?
      • (i.e., libraries that we link in)
      • We cannot fix those warnings!


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#2 printf debugging

A technique for helping us debug and retrieve values at run-time


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Common Strategy - printf debugging (1/5)

  • printf is the ‘C’ function for displaying text on the console
    • (The equivalent in Dlang is writeln)
  • The idea of printf debugging is that we can print a value at a particular point in our source code to discover the state of our program.


Try to find the bug!

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Common Strategy - printf debugging (2/5)

  • printf is the ‘C’ function for displaying text on the console
    • (The equivalent in C++ is std::cout)
  • The idea of printf debugging is that we can print a value at a particular point in our source code to discover the state of our program.


Try to find the bug!

No warnings this time

But see if you can spot the bug (Don’t say anything yet!)

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Common Strategy - printf debugging (3/5)

  • printf is the ‘C’ function for displaying text on the console
    • (The equivalent in C++ is std::cout)
  • The idea of printf debugging is that we can print a value at a particular point in our source code to discover the state of our program.


Try to find the bug!

Depending on how much code I put on the screen--this bug can be harder to find!

Let’s try to help ourselves out with some output (i.e. writeln) statements

(Bug shown on the next slide)

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Common Strategy - printf debugging (4/5)

  • printf is the ‘C’ function for displaying text on the console
    • (The equivalent in C++ is std::cout)
  • The idea of printf debugging is that we can print a value at a particular point in our source code to discover the state of our program.


Try to find the bug!

Some well placed output statements anywhere state can change (i.e. a value can be generated or a variable mutated) reveal the value of square(5).

We observe the incorrect value, and confirm we never enter the branch and see ‘output 2’

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Common Strategy - printf debugging (5/5)

  • printf is the ‘C’ function for displaying text on the console
    • (The equivalent in C++ is std::cout)
  • The idea of printf debugging is that we can print a value at a particular point in our source code to discover the state of our program.


Try to find the bug!

oops, an error in our functions return value--should be (a*a)

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Tradeoffs - printf Debugging

  • Pros
    • Can help narrow down where bugs occur
    • You can observe values at run-time
    • You get an idea of where execution is.
    • Can ‘pretty print’ or otherwise format your data output.
  • Cons
    • You may need to make many educated guesses in long running programs
    • You are also modifying the source code directly, and need to remember to remove your output statements
    • It requires you to rebuild your software
      • Recompilation for every small change can be expensive in terms of time
    • It requires you to build additional infrastructure which may or may not be needed
      • Meaning: Not every object has or needs to be printed out, but you will need to see a textual representation of that object


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#3 Delta Debugging

(A technique to help us narrow our search space for where a bug occurs)


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Strategy for debugging - Delta Debugging (1/3)

  • With the printf debugging strategy, you are trying to shrink your delta of where an error could occur.
    • This is called Delta debugging


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Strategy for debugging - Delta Debugging (2/3)

  • With the printf debugging strategy, you are trying to shrink your delta of where an error could occur.
    • This is called Delta debugging


Potential bug could be anywhere

141 of 200

Strategy for debugging - Delta Debugging (3/3)

  • With the printf debugging strategy, you are trying to shrink your delta of where an error could occur.
    • This is called Delta debugging


Our search space for the bug is somewhere in this range -- that’s where we can gather information.

(Note square function is included in our delta because it is in our search space of where we put the writeln statements.)

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Reminder: Turn on warnings (-w)

  • Note, revisiting our note about warnings -- the D compiler is smart enough to statically compute that we can not reach line 20 ever.
    • We’ll treat that warning as an error with -w
      • (or we can treat it as a true warning with -wi if we wanted to proceed, but I generally recommend -w)


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#4 printf debugging revisited

Improving our printf debugging using our programming language


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(Aside) printf Debugging in C and C++ with preprocessor

  • There are some programming techniques you can use to help you find and report bugs conditionally
  • In other programming languages like C or C++ you utilize something called ‘the preprocessor’ which does textual replacement before compiling our code
    • The preprocessor allows us to:
      • Choose to conditionally have our printf statements show up at compile-time
      • Write a Macro (a textual replacement function)


Check out this video for C and C++ and notes on the preprocessor


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Conditional Compilation in DLang (-debug flag)

  • In the D programming language we can pass the ‘-debug’ flag to the compiler.
    • The debug flag will only execute additional error checking code as needed.
      • This is useful while in development.
      • Observe the two different outputs
  • Learn more:




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Conditional Compilation in DLang (version flag)

  • Additionally, you may want to have specific code for ‘version’ identifiers that you define, or are standard
    • (e.g. the operating system or architecture are standard version defines)
  • Again, this is a slightly cleaner way to support platform specific code or APIs
  • Learn more:




147 of 200

Tradeoffs - Conditional Compilation to Debug

  • Pros
    • Can make the code slightly cleaner with identified blocks
      • Syntactically cleaner (my opinion) than C or C++ #ifdef blocks
    • Encourage error checking
      • No run-time cost, catch the errors before deployment
    • Can easily turn on and off
  • Cons
    • Still requires source modification
    • Another layer of information flow that may make things difficult to understand.
    • Code could expand beyond expectations with version or debug and make compile times increasingly long
    • Again, adds visual ‘clutter’ to the programmers mental model of how code actually executes


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Breaking Old Habits

  • Here are some techniques we have seen:
    • 1. scan and look
    • 2. utilizing our compilers
    • 3. delta debugging
    • 4. printf debugging
    • 5. printf with conditional compilation
    • 6. printf with macros
  • However, while in practice they are valid--I want to break some old habits
  • **I want your first resource to be to use an interactive debugger the next time you encounter a bug.**
    • (i.e. not scatter little print statements in your program)


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Short 5 minute break

  • 3 hours and 15 minutes is a long time.
  • I will try to never lecture for more than half of that time without some sort of ‘break’ or transition to an in-class activity/lab.
  • Use this time to stretch, check your phones, eat/drink something, etc.


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Interactive Debuggers

Tools that allow introspection into code at run-time e.g., GDB


Yes....you will have a part of this -- debuggers save you time!

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Interactive Debugger

  • Interactive debuggers allows us to inspect our program without source modification
    • (They can sometimes however be a form of dynamic binary instrumentation)
  • Today I want to show you how to use an interactive debugger so you can resolve your DLang bugs
    • Using GDB (or the debugger associated with your operating system/IDE) will be your first line of defense!


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How Debuggers Work

  • Debuggers work by attaching to a running process
    • (This means we debug at run-time)
    • Typically debuggers use special system calls in the operating system to handle events that take place within the specific process they are attached to.
  • For linux users, you can investigate ptrace
    • For other operating systems there is an equivalent system call you can further look at.


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Compiling with Debugging Symbols to help GDB

  • Adding debugging symbols when compiling your program, provides more information to the debuggers when you execute your program
    • Information like source file and line number become more clear
    • Typically you can recover symbols for variable and function names in your source files as well
    • (Extra debugging information is stored typically in a ‘symbol table’ or other auxiliary data structure)
  • Takeaway:
    • When compiling, use ‘-g’ to get debugging symbols
      • Note: With DLang you may have to use both: `-g -gf` (On Linux) and `-g -gc` (on Mac with lldb) to get all of the debugging symbols.


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Running your program with GDB

  • Most often, when you execute your program, you are going to execute it within gdb.
    • GDB provides you a command-line interface to interactively explore and execute your program
  • Starting GDB
    • From within GDB you can type ‘run’ or ‘r’ to start executing your program
    • Or alternatively ‘start’ which will pause your program (using a breakpoint) at the main function.


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GDB Live Code

Sample code available in course repository at: https://github.com/MikeShah/C-SoftwareEngineering/tree/master/3 (gdb.d)


156 of 200

GNU Debugger GDB (1/3)

  • I am going to teach you how to use the GNU GDB Debugger today
  • This is a free debugger available on Windows, linux, and Intel-based Mac


157 of 200

GNU Debugger GDB (2/3)

  • I am going to teach you how to use the GNU GDB Debugger today
  • This is a free debugger available on Windows, linux, and Intel-based Mac


You can use whatever debugger you like, but I will show examples in GDB for you to follow along with.

Most IDEs have the same functionality and methodology that I will show, perhaps a different workflow

Mac on M1/M2 (Apple Silicon) should use LDC2 with lldb which is similar

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GNU Debugger GDB (3/3)

  • I am going to teach you how to use the GNU GDB Debugger today
  • This is a free debugger available on Windows, linux, and Intel-based Mac


One other note is that you’ll occasionally see me press ‘Ctrl+L’ to quickly clear the screen of my terminal window.

Typing ‘refresh’ should also work.

159 of 200

Let’s dive in

  • I want to spend some time looking at a simple piece of code
  • Starting with a simple example is a good way to start!
    • (Here’s what we’ll cover)
      • Compiling with debug symbols
        • -g -gf (linux)
        • -g -gc (ldc2 on mac)
      • Running GDB
        • start or run
      • Starting a program
      • Executing each line one at a time
      • Listing the source code
      • Setting some breakpoints


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Round 2 -GDB TUI (Text User Interface)

  • Many folks do not know--GDB provides a textual user interface
  • You can use Control-x 1 (or Control-x 2) to enable it.
    • Note: It can take a little practice to switch into the TUI Mode
    • I prefer to just launch with tui: gdb ./prog --tui
  • Ctrl-x o will cycle you through the windows in the tui mode
  • You can additionally type ‘list’ if you want to see the source code you are looking at.
    • list linenumber (e.g. list 10)


161 of 200

Breakpoints and stepping through code

  • The basic workflow when debugging is to set a ‘breakpoint’ ‘br’ at a specific function or line in your program.
  • This pauses execution until you decide to resume.
    • You can
      • ‘continue’ - Continues execution until the next breakpoint
      • ‘step’ - step to the next line of code that will execute
      • ‘next’ - execute the next instruction
  • After you set a breakpoint you can:
    • display them: ‘info breakpoints’
    • remove them ‘delete breakpoint 1’ (e.g. deletes first breakpoint)
    • save breakpoints filename
      • source filename (loads the breakpoints)


162 of 200

Breakpoints and stepping through code

  • Note: In D -- you’ll put a breakpoint at _Dmain to reach the start of your program


163 of 200


  • When you are at a breakpoint, you want to observe a value
    • From now on--you do not have to litter your code with ‘std::cout’ statements.
  • The ‘print’ command allows you to do that.
    • print variable
      • (or in hex: print/x variable)
    • And you can also ‘dereference if it’s a pointer’
      • e.g., print *variable
    • And you can also print the address of a variable
      • print &variable


164 of 200


  • You can use a ‘watch’ to interrupt your program and set a break every time that a variables value is modified.
    • e.g.,
      • watch i’ in a loop
      • (Then use ‘continue’ to continue execution)


165 of 200

Conditional Breakpoints

  • If you want to monitor variables in a loop, you can set conditional breakpoints that watch for a particular condition
  • e.g.
    • br gdb.d:37 if i>20
    • The above line puts a break point at line 13 if the function called encourgers a breakpoint


166 of 200

Backtrace (retrieving the call stack)

  • Segmentation faults can be one of the more common errors you encounter, and often you’ll have to changes of state over time.
  • You can use the ‘backtrace’ command to see ‘how’ or otherwise what functions were called to get you in that location.
    • You can use the command ‘bt’ to review where the program crashed by retrieving a program stack
    • Then ‘info args’ or ‘info frame’ to


167 of 200

GDB - Attach to a running process

  • (using gdb2.d)
  • Graphics applications like we have been working on run in infinite loops
  • If you have already started executing a program, you can attach a debugger to it
    • ps -elf | grep program_name
    • look for the Process ID (PID)
    • sudo gdb attach {PID number}
      • Usually you’ll need root privileges
    • Helpful hint: Use ‘finish’ to execute until a function is finished in case you are in some library of code when you attach to a process.
      • (Or otherwise use ‘up’ to move up the call stack)


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Slightly More Advanced Example (time travel)

  • (gdb3.d example)
  • More advanced debuggers allow for ‘time travel’ and reverse debugging
    • target record-full
      • next
      • reverse-next
      • reverse-step


169 of 200

Slightly More Advanced Example (polymorphism)

  • (gdb3.d example)
  • Many IDEs do not support some of the more advanced features
  • How do we know object types?
    • whatis object_name
  • How do we know how an object is behaving?
    • info vtbl object_name


170 of 200

More debugging resources

  • Check out the following tutorial specifically in DLang with GDB
    • (Again from me)


171 of 200

More debugging resources

  • Mac folks on M1
  • Here’s something on lldb to get you started on DLang.
  • Important Note:
    • Generally speaking, lldb debugger works with the LDC2 compiler for DLang
    • Mixing and matching gdb with code from LDC2 on Mac M1/M2’s may not work.


172 of 200

More debugging resources - DDD (1/2)

You are welcome to explore more tools and use them in this course

  • A visual debuggers like (DDD) may be helpful.
    • This debugger visualizes data structures
    • https://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/
  • Tools like source trail or other tools may additionally help you investigate and learn about your codebase.


173 of 200

More debugging resources - DDD (2/2)

  • Here’s an example of DDD in practice
    • Launched with: ddd ./gdbexample2
  • Uses the same gdb commands we learned, but also a GUI interface
    • This tool works on Linux
    • The point of me showing you this, is other IDEs you use (CLion, Visual Studio, XCode) provide nice interfaces as well.


174 of 200

Text Editors and IDEs

  • There are many text editors and IDEs
    • As you know, I mostly work in VIM and terminal
    • If you’d like, here’s a resource for getting started with VSCode
    • I may in the future do more, but right now I won’t do much with integrations, but you are welcome to explore, integrate GDB, d-scanner, etc.


175 of 200

(Aside) Debugging on Mac

  • Mac users with Intel-based Mac’s should be able to use gdb
  • Otherwise -- newer Mac’s (on Apple Silicon) should prefer LLDB
    • There is some limited ‘text user interface’ by typing in:
      • lldb
      • then type ‘gui’


176 of 200

Debugging Summary

  • Debugging Techniques
    • Use your debugging tools!
    • Compile with ‘-g’ while developing
    • Treat warnings as errors that need to be fixed (-Werror).
    • Use -w -wi -wo
      • Produce warning messages
    • Use two compilers
    • GDB will help you solve your problems much quicker than guessing and recompiling.


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Debug and Release Builds

Other considerations to be careful of when distributing software to the masses


178 of 200

Debug and release builds (1/2)

  • Recall that we used -debug
  • Just a note that we typically call this a ‘debug build’
  • When we do not include debug symbols, we call that the release build.
    • Question to audience: Why might we not want to give to consumers a ‘debug build’


179 of 200

Debug and release builds (2/2)

  • Recall that we used -debug
  • Just a note that we typically call this a ‘debug build’
  • When we do not include debug symbols, we call that the release build.
    • Question to audience: Why might we not want to give to consumers a ‘debug build’
      • Hackers can see extra information!
      • Note: You can use various tools (strip on linux for example) to remove debugging information.


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Some General Tips on Code Writing and Debugging


181 of 200

List of Tips to write better software and ease debugging

  • Use defensive programming techniques to strengthen your code
    • use assert and static assert (we’ll learn more soon!)
    • Break your program into smaller pieces (modularize as necessary)
      • Take advantage of different programming paradigms
  • Do write tests (-unittest)
  • Do think a little bit before writing code
    • Explain to someone else, draw a picture, etc.
  • Make very small changes to programs, then proceed to add more
  • Take breaks
    • Walk away, and revisit the problem a little later when your mind is fresh


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Closing Thoughts (1/2)

  • Question to audience: Are there any weaknesses to debugging?


183 of 200

Closing Thoughts (2/2)

  • Question to audience: Are there any weaknesses to debugging?
    • One thing to consider is ‘code coverage’ and this comes hand-in hand with testing
      • We’ll only be able to use our debugging skills on portions of the code that actually executes
    • There’s also some difficulty of debugging optimized builds
      • Some debuggers support this better than others


184 of 200


  • Anything unclear from the lecture before we move forward?


185 of 200

In-Class Activity


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In-Class Activity

  • Complete the in-class activity from the schedule
    • (Do this during class, not before :) )
  • Please take 2-5 minutes to do so
  • These make up a total of 5% of your grade
    • We will review the answers shortly


187 of 200



188 of 200

A Code Smell

  • You will be working on refactoring some of your previous code into your project
    • (Refactoring a larger architectural design can often be quite expensive in a large project)
  • Some patterns (like the singleton) or anti-patterns can be detected automatically for us using static and dynamic analysis tools
    • But otherwise, experience is the best teacher for bad code... i.e.
    • Introducing...the code smell!


189 of 200

Refactoring Code


(Reference from Stranger Things--a great Netflix series!)

190 of 200

Code Smell - Non-Canonical Operators (1/2)

  • What does this code do? How to improve it?


191 of 200

Code Smell - Non-Canonical Operators (2/2)

  • Solution:
    • Function should be ‘const’
    • Parameter passed in should be ‘const’


192 of 200


193 of 200

Linux Debugging Example

  • dmd -g -debug -gf test.d -of=prog
  • info functions passByRef...
    • Find all the names
    • demangle _D4test22passReferenceTypeByRef
  • Or
    • Don’t forget to do
      • br test.passReference...


194 of 200


Compile in debug code


Compile in debug level <= level


Compile in debug identifier ident


Link in libname as the default library when compiling for symbolic debugging instead of libphobos2.a. If libname is not supplied, then no default library is linked in.


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One ‘teaser’ C++ Design Idiom

(With a fun name--we’re going to observe this later on in the semester)


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PIMPL Idiom (“Pointer to Implementation”)

  • It’s an interesting experiment to think about ‘hiding’ your code.
  • One way we can hide implementation in our interfaces, is to put the member variables behind a pointer
    • This is where the name, pointer to implementation comes from.
    • Question to audience: What do you think this helps you do? And do you think you can hide information from the debugger?
  • We’re going to review this pattern later on, but you can read more here: https://en.dreference.com/w/cpp/language/pimpl


197 of 200

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)


198 of 200

INVEST Acronym


199 of 200

Open Closed Principle


200 of 200

List of debugging papers from Prof. Guyer: https://www.cs.tufts.edu/comp/150BUGS/#schedule

  • Memory Safety
  • Sept 11 Memory safety, GC (No paper)
  • Sept 13 Valgrind [PDF] How to Shadow Every Byte of Memory Used by a Program
  • Sept 18 Safe-C [PDF] Efficient detection of all pointer and array access errors
  • Sept 20 SoftBound [PDF] SoftBound: highly compatible and complete spatial memory safety for C
  • Sept 25 Delta Debugging [PDF] Yesterday, my program worked. Today, it does not. Why?
  • [PDF] Isolating cause-effect chains from computer programs
  • Sept 27 LCLint [PDF] Static detection of dynamic memory errors
  • Oct 2 Marple [PDF] Marple: a demand-driven path-sensitive buffer overflow detector
  • Oct 4 Cyclone [PDF] Experience with safe manual memory-management in cyclone
  • Oct 9 No class Substitute Monday schedule
  • Oct 11 DieHard [PDF] DieHard: probabilistic memory safety for unsafe languages
  • Exterminator [PDF] Exterminator: Automatically correcting memory errors with high probability
  • Bonus paper GC vs malloc [PDF] Quantifying the performance of garbage collection vs. explicit memory management
  • Oct 16 [PDF] Enhancing server availability and security through failure-oblivious computing
  • Information Flow
  • Oct 18 TaintCheck [PDF] Dynamic Taint Analysis for Automatic Detection, Analysis, and Signature Generation of Exploits on Commodity Software
  • Oct 29 Bolt [PDF] Bolt: On-Demand Infinite Loop Escape in Unmodified Binaries
  • Oct 31 Terminator [PDF] Termination proofs for systems code
  • Nov 6 Terminator [PDF] Principles of Program Termination
  • Nov 8 Type qualifiers [PDF] Detecting format string vulnerabilities with type qualifiers
  • Nov 13 More type qualifiers [PDF] Flow-sensitive type qualifiers
  • [PDF] Using CQUAL for Static Analysis of Authorization Hook Placement
  • Nov 15 SqlCheck [PDF] The essence of command injection attacks in web applications
  • Nov 20 [PDF] Secure program execution via dynamic information flow tracking
  • Typestate
  • Nov 27 QVM [PDF] QVM: An Efficient Runtime for Detecting Defects in Deployed Systems
  • Grab bag
  • Nov 29 GenProg [PDF] Automatic Program Repair with Evolutionary Computation
  • [PDF] GenProg: A Generic Method for Automatic Software Repair
  • Dec 4 Bug Isolation [PDF] Scalable Statistical Bug Isolation
  • Dec 6 Last paper [PDF] Software Needs Seatbelts and Airbags
  • Extra Papers
  • Date FastTrack [PDF] FastTrack
  • Date RacerX [PDF] RacerX