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Robotic Assembly of Lunar Inflatable and Erectable Structures

Claire Stevlingson

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Problem and Concept Solution Overview

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Early Lunar Settlement Logistics


Mare Tranquillitatis


Artemis 3 to Apollo site rather than south pole


Safe Apollo-class "free return" transportation trajectory during early SLS missions while the system is being thoroughly vetted


In conjunction with SLS mission transport or on future Starship ride

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  • Many existing concepts for lunar surface development are complicated, costly, and time consuming
  • 3D Printing, Microwave Sintering
  • No optimized solution has been found that utilizes the best aspects of all concepts for an initial, early phase, quicker and safer surface habitat

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  • Uses regolith as building material
  • Complicated machinery
  • Time consuming
  • Useful for later phases
  • Costly
  • Higher safety risk
  • More redundancy needed

ISRU and 3D Printing

Crewed Construction

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Three Types of Structures

  • Class 1 - Pre Integrated Eg., Apollo, MALEO – Early Stage, No building equipment needed, quick certification and commission(C&C)
  • Class 2 - Erectable and Deployable – Early Stage, Minimum Equipment, more involved C&C
  • Class 3 - ISRU based – 3D Printed, Sintered, Dry Packed – Complex machinery involved. Best for later stage evolution for permanent settlement

  • RALIES is an early hybrid strategy habitat that attempts to optimize lander payload, C&C, time to commission and maximizes crew exploration and science during initial phases of settlement

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Hybrid Approach


Autonomous construction robots excavate and level base and landing site


Assemble Erectable kit using autonomous robots


Deploy inflatable, pressurized habitat inside structure with airlocks

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Early Lunar Surface Settlement Buildup

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Erectable Structure Shield

Deployable Pressurized Habitat


Thermal Barrier


Kilopower (10kW) Radiator

Kilopower (10kW) Radiator

Structure Side View

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Inner and Outer SPRUNG-like Structure (Whipple Shield)


Inflatable Pressurized Habitat with Airlock

Section View

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Key Features

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Mare of Tranquillitatis Landing Site


Autonomous Site Preparation


Erectable Sprung-like Structure


Inflatable Inner Habitat


Connecting Airlock

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  • Mare Tranquillitatis Landing Site
  • Equatorial ideal for direct ground-ground communication
  • Heritage site from previous Apollo missions
  • “Skylight Pit” and other lava tube tunnels closeby for potential future habitat use
  • Smoother terrain

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2. Autonomous Site Preparation

  • Capable of clearing, compacting, leveling, thermal barrier, dust removal
    • Critical for any lunar base construction
    • Already in use for terrestrial applications
  • Able to prepare site with minimal human intervention
  • Simple, already proven site preparation techniques and excavation tools can be utilized

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Typical Concepts for Lunar Excavation Tools

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3. Erectable (SPRUNG) Structure

  • Can be constructed using autonomous robots for quick and simple initial shelter
  • Offers protection from micrometeorites and dust
  • Provides thermal and radiation shielding
  • Modularity offers expansion for future development
  • No foundation requirements means easier construction for lunar surface
  • Can be adaptable to any size (fit inside lava tubes)

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3. Erectable Structure





Rapid Construction

Design Flexibility

Performance & Durability

Lower Overall Costs

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4. Inflatable Inner Habitat

  • Easiest and quickest way to produce a pressurized habitat
  • Deployment can be monitored by on-site robots to verify pressurization and placement within the structure
  • Able to have simpler deployment with help from autonomous robots
  • Provides immediate shelter for incoming astronauts with high reliability and little production time
  • Also able to be modular for future expansion

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5. Air Lock

NASA JPL Hybrid Inflatable Suit Lock

  • Able to be transported in a stowed configuration
  • Can be expanded and inflated for use inside of SPRUNG structure to connect pressurized inflatable to SPRUNG exit

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Autonomous Construction Robots

Erectable and Inflatable Habitat Kits

Quicker, Safer, More Effective Site Prep!

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Next Steps

  • Produce a timeline for the ConOps to coincide with the Artemis timeline
  • Perform cost estimate for launching with erectable and inflatable structures using SLS or Starship once information becomes available
  • More detailed design on erectable and inflatable interior for use by crew
  • Initial landing plan and redundancy options

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