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Be Together Every Step of the Journey

By Jeffrey Xavier Monteiro

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The Current Airtime User…

  • Gen-Z
  • Mobile is a must
  • Energized with other people
  • Always online, always watching videos
  • Up to date on pop culture
  • Finds memes funny
  • Uses plenty of emojis
  • Social media is their natural habitat

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Current Airtime Core Features

  • Create Rooms with different groups of friends to hang out, and feel comfortable
  • Watch YouTube videos, hand-picked TV shows and movies, or listen to music
  • Share personal photos or videos
  • Video chat with up to 10 friends at once and see reactions in real time
  • Send animated stickers, sound reactions, and masks
  • Choose privacy settings with a Secret room, or create a Party room

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Suggested Initiatives

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Mindfulness Summary

To improve the the wellbeing of our users, Airtime will launch a mindfulness and mental wellness initiative, offering curated content that focuses on group meditation, mindfulness exercises, and more! Reactions, stickers, and sounds will be adjusted to better align with the content and improve the user experience. In addition, in-app notifications will be limited to promote a quiet space. Users can be together and express themselves in a way that improves their mental wellbeing!

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Why Mindfulness?

“Fully 70% of respondents thought anxiety and depression were a major issue among their peers.” - Economist

“‘The current rate of anxiety is 31 percent in adolescents,’ says Dr. Elena Mikalsen, head of the Psychology Section at the Children's Hospital of San Antonio in Texas. ‘It’s an epidemic. It’s a mental health emergency.’” - Voanews

“The American Psychological Association found that almost one-third of teens say they feel sad or depressed and overwhelmed due to stress.” - Apa

“What we found is that while more than a third (36%) of Americans have attended a health and wellness workshop or event in the past 12 months, Generation Z is leading the way when it comes to practicing wellness.” - Eventbrite

"’If students are not mentally OK, they're not going to be able to be successful in the classroom,’ Pertuz said. ‘That's just not possible. … So if you make it a campuswide priority, everyone wins because everyone is able to focus on things they need to focus on.’" - Educationdive

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Mindfulness User Stories

  • As a user, I want to quickly find mindfulness and mental wellness content so that I can easily improve my mental health with friends.
  • As a user, I want to engage with my friends using reactions, stickers, and sounds that align with mindfulness and mental wellness so that I can express myself in a positive way.
  • As a user, I would like to mute in-app notifications while consuming mindfulness and mental wellness content, so that I can stay present.

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Mindfulness Mockups�View Prototype on Figma

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Mindfulness Metrics

  • Average time spent co-consuming mindfulness and mental wellness content
  • Average number of mindfulness and mental wellness engagements per room session per user
  • Average length of videos frequently selected from mindfulness and mental wellness category
  • Average number of members in a room when consuming mindfulness and mental wellness category
  • Does NPS change?
  • Does overall session length increase?
  • Does the frequency a user returns to the app a day increase?
  • Does average time spent co-consuming content increase?
  • Check feedback loops for qualitative data after release: App store, Play store, community team, twitter comments, etc.

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Games Summary

Introducing games - a new way for users to engage and be together! Users will utilize the stage as a way to make player inputs, whether that’s selecting a correct answer, taking a vote, or playing a new round. Additionally, the stage will show in-game progress and results such as who won the current round and what the correct answer was. The first games to be rolled out are Trivia and Mafia. If the first round of games are received positively by users, new releases will follow, including premium games, which can be bought for a small fee.

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Why Games?

“Overall, 84% of teens say they have or have access to a game console at home, and 90% say they play video games of any kind (whether on a computer, game console or cellphone).” - Pewinternet

“Popular group video chat app Houseparty, which rose from the ashes of the now defunct Meerkat, is adding games to its offering, as it looks to generate revenue without relying on intrusive ads.” - Socialmediatoday

From Nerdy to Norm: Gen Z Connects Via Gaming conducted by Whistle, 68% of Gen Z males agree that gaming is an important part of their identity - Aaaa

“58% of HQ Trivia’s most engaged audience is between the ages of 13 – 24.” - Civicscience

“According to eMarketer, mobile is expected to top TV in terms of daily screen time this year. Many of us will spend that time gaming. Those of us who use gaming apps spend an average of 6.5 hours a week on them, and 78% use them daily.” - Thinkwithgoogle

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Games User Stories

  • As a user, I want to select a game from a list of games so that I can queue a game to play in my room.
  • As a user, I want to make player inputs on the stage so that I can play the game and see my friends.
  • As a user, I want to easily play another round of a game so that I continue to compete and have fun with my friends.
  • As a user, I want to see who won the game so that I know who the winner is.

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Games Mockups�View Prototype on Figma

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Games Metrics

  • Time spent co-consuming games content
  • Average number of game rounds played in a session
  • Average time to complete one round of game
  • Average number of players in a game
  • Does NPS change?
  • Does overall session length increase
  • Does frequency a user returns to the app a day increase
  • Does average time spent co-consuming content increase?
  • Check feedback loops for qualitative data after release: App store, Play store, community team, twitter comments, etc.

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Premium Movies Summary

Users love watching movies with their friends on Airtime! However, they are limited in selection. To expand the selection and monetize, Airtime will introduce premium movie purchases, allowing users to pay to gain access to a movie with the experience closely matching going to a movie theater. The time a movie is accessible to user is limited to avoid copyright violations. If movie purchases are received positively by users, Airtime can add more movies to their library and make adjustments to pricing vs the mechanism for how long users will have access to the movie / who has access to the movie e.g. a single user can buy a movie for his or her whole room vs pay per seat in a room, 24 hour rental at a low price vs permanently own a movie for a higher price.

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Why Premium Movies?

“The members of Gen Z have all but abandoned traditional television viewing, opting to consume shows, movies and other digital content on their phones, tablets and laptops.” - Cnbc

“The group wants deeper interaction with content, as 45% said they like the option of being able to control the content of a movie or TV show.” - Mobilemarketer

“At home teens are consuming an average of 2.2 hours per day on TV and movies, with two-thirds of them watching on a mobile device. What are they watching? Netflix and YouTube were the most cited content destinations.” - Etcentric

“Market research firm Packaged Facts found that U.S. Gen Z teens and young adults have a buying power exceeding $500 billion, a number comparable to the GDP (gross domestic product) of several countries, including Belgium, Poland, Sweden, Thailand and Venezuela.” - Cstoredecisions

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Premium Movies User Stories

  • As a user, I purchase a premium movie so that I can experience quality content with my friends.
  • As a user, I can see a list of premium movies so that I purchase premium movie content for my room.
  • As a user, I will see a notification on the stage if a premium movie is playing and I have not purchased it so that I am aware why I do not have access to a premium movie.
  • As a user, I can save my payment information so that I can purchase premium movies faster in the future.
  • As a user, I can use the stage to make inputs for interactive premium movie prompts such as Bandersnatch so that I can be more immersed in my viewing experience.

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Premium Movies Mockups�View Prototype on Figma

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Premium Movies Metrics

  • Time spent co-consuming premium movie content
  • Average number of movie purchases per user
  • Average number of room members while premium movie content is on the stage
  • Most frequently purchased premium movies
  • Average number of engagements during premium Content per user vs average number of engagements per room session per user
  • Does the number of engagements per room session increase?
  • Does average time spent co-consuming content increase?
  • Does NPS change?
  • Does overall session length increase?
  • Does the frequency a user returns to the app a day increase?
  • Does average time spent co-consuming content increase?
  • Check feedback loops for qualitative data after release: App store, Play store, community team, twitter comments, etc.

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Teams Summary

Helping users be together and experience authentic connection is only the first step. Airtime has the unique opportunity to grow with users, especially as they enter the workforce. Airtime gives team leaders and members a single place to save and engage in shared content. Leaders can give their teams a shared-vision and alignment by curating content using a shared team library. Additionally, team leaders can purchase premium content ranging from ebooks to online courses to level up their teams. Members can contribute and engage in dialogue for each piece of content through comments. Through Teams, Airtime can be with users for every step of their social and professional journeys.

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Why Teams?

“Younger generation managers are more likely to embrace remote working, both for their employees and their staff. Three-quarters (74 percent) of millennial and Gen Z managers have team members who work a significant portion of their time remotely...By 2028, 73 percent of all teams are expected to have remote workers.” - Cnbc

“Ninety-one percent of Gen Z said technological sophistication would impact their interest in working at a company.” - Shrm

“Generation Z embraces technology to an extent unmatched by previous generations. Screens and technology have always been a part of their lives and they expect to access information and engage in educational activities through their devices. Nearly 60% of Generation Z sees YouTube as their preferred way to learn. Learning approaches that incorporate technology and online instruction are the way to reach this group.” - Forbes

“But far from isolating themselves through technology, students in Generation Z see technology as a way to engage with others. According to Barnes and Noble College eight out of ten students prefer to study with friends and they mainly use Skype to connect with their peers.” - Bncollege

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Team User Stories

  • As a team leader, I want a main team room that functions as a private room for my team so that we can watch content and engage together.
  • As a team member, I can engage team content using reactions, stickers, and sounds so that I can express myself in an insightful way.
  • As a team member, I can make contributions in the form of comments on a piece of team content so that I can share my thoughts and engage with the team.
  • As a team owner, I can purchase premium content for my team so they don’t have to worry about payments and so they can focus on consuming the content I provide.
  • As a team leader, I can search for professionally curated content so that I can align my team with the content we consume and improve their skills.
  • As a team leader, I can save content to the team library, so my team can conveniently find all team content in one place and so my team is aligned with the content we consume together.
  • As a team leader, I can upload files to the team library so that my team can discuss documents, PDF’s or photos together.
  • As a team leader, I can make an announcement regarding a piece of content, so that I can ensure my team has a clear message and direction.
  • As a team leader, I can assign roles to my team members so they have the appropriate user privileges within the team.
  • As a team member, I can view content from the team library in a breakout room, so that I can consume team selected content and make contributions at my own pace.
  • As a team member, I can add members of my team to a breakout room, so that I can collaborate or discuss a piece of team content with a fellow team member.
  • As a team owner, I can view team analytics on a piece of individual team content so that I can learn how my team members have engaged and received the content I shared with my team.

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Teams Mockups�View Prototype on Figma

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Team Metrics

  • Average number of team members per team
  • Average amount of team content consumed a week
  • Time spent co-consuming with the team in the main team room
  • Average number of engagements per main team room session
  • Average number of team contributions per team content
  • Average number of contributions per team member
  • Average time a team member spends in a breakout room
  • Average number of team members in a breakout room
  • Does the number of engagements per room session increase?
  • Does average time spent co-consuming content increase?
  • Does NPS change?
  • Does overall session length increase?
  • Does the frequency a user returns to the app a day increase?
  • Does average time spent co-consuming content increase?
  • Check feedback loops for qualitative data after release: App store, Play store, community team, twitter comments, etc.