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Recording Options

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To get started with WeVideo, go to the Clever Portal and click on the WeVideo icon.

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Then choose to sign in with your Google account.

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Choose to create new with the following options: Video, Recording, GIF, Podcast. Choose Video.

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Choose where to save the edit. Then choose to start editing.

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Choose My media to access the recording feature.

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Choose record. Then you will choose to either record webcam, screen, or webcam and screen.

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This will show that you are ONLY recording using your computer web camera.

The window will count down preparing you to record.

If you choose to record your webcam only.

BE CAREFUL about your what you are recording. Please make sure to check your surroundings.

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You can also choose to record only an application window or chrome tab. BE CAREFUL about your what you are recording. Please make sure to check your surroundings and what is being displayed on your computer screen in the tabs.

The window will count down preparing you to record.

If you choose to record your screen only.

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You can also choose to record only an application window or chrome tab. BE CAREFUL about your what you are recording. Please make sure to check your surroundings and what is being displayed on your computer screen in the tabs.

The window will count down preparing you to record.

If you choose to record your webcam and screen.

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When you are finished recording, click stop sharing at the bottom of your screen.

Afterwards, you will see the recording. It depends on which recording you chose to do; webcam, screen, or webcam and screen together. You can choose to play to view and then record again if you want to redo the recording. You can also choose to save and then the recording will save to your my media section in WeVideo and you can use it in your WeVideo creation.

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Click the finish button once you are ready.

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Preparing to Export: Make sure to make your video public and then choose the destinations. Then click export.

Toggle this switch on to be green to show the video is public for others to view.

Choose the destination.

Click Export

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Once your video is finished processing, Share the blue link with students. One way to share is in Google Classroom.

Copy this link (ctrl C) and share with students.