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Everything is InSite:

Site-worthy Stuff for Google Sites


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John (Jay) Salerno

Director of Educational Technology | Newington (CT) Public Schools



Presentations Landing Page:


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Session Description

Google Sites has now made the creation of a website an extremely user-friendly experience. Users are able to edit in real time, easily move and resize objects, and embed anything from another Google App. By utilizing Google Sites, creativity, collaboration and communication is enhanced and can be utilized at all levels for a variety of purposes.


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Why Use Sites?

  • Teacher Websites
  • Department/PLC Resource Sharing
  • Student Projects
  • Student Portfolios
  • Event Details
  • Parent Communication Portal
  • Options are limitless!

Create - Communicate - Collaborate


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Classic Sites vs. New Sites


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Quick Look


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3 Ways to Get to New Sites


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What can we integrate with Google Sites?


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Creating an

“Assets” Folder & Shift+Z


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ColorPick Eyedropper


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Collaborate & Create!


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Naming a New Site


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Themes, Color Palette, & Fonts


NOTE: You can select only ONE theme, emphasis color, and font style for your Site. Google does the rest to keep it clean and clutter-free!

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Themes, Color Palette, & Fonts


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Adding a Logo


OPTIONAL: Adding a logo can give you more emphasis color options and add to the professional look of your site.

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Header Options

Change Image:

  • Upload Image
  • Select Image

Header Type:

  • Large Banner
  • Banner
  • Title Only


Tip: Upload an image or Select one from the gallery, your Drive, or a Search.

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Preview Mode

The “eyeball” icon opens a preview mode which shows what your website looks like with its current edits.

The preview opens in the same tab as your website and has 3 modes, as shown to the right.

To exit preview mode, click on the X in the display mode bar.

After publishing you will learn how to view your site with or without the changes you’ve made since hitting the Publish button.


Smartphone View

Tablet/iPad View

Laptop/Monitor View

Close Preview

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Accessing “Insert” Menus


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Insert Components


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Other Settings


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Adding Collaborators


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Publish Settings


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Using Publish Tools

Make revisions visible to viewers by clicking PUBLISH after editing.

The PUBLISH Drop-down Menu:

  • Change Publish settings
  • Two preview options
  • Unpublish


Use “View published site” to copy/paste a clean copy of your URL for any page of your site.

This view also shows the difference between your recent changes and what you have published.

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Embed Anything!


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Adding A Twitter Feed Not Your Own

  • Click on Profile and Settings
  • Settings and Privacy
  • Widgets
  • Create New
  • Profile
  • Open a New Window
  • Search for the URL of the @ or # you want to follow
  • Copy the URL
  • Paste the URL
  • Copy the embed code and paste in sites


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The Bells and Whistles

From the

Site Analytics

Duplicate a Site

Add a Favicon

On bottom of page:

Add a Footer

From Pages:

Custom Path


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The first day of school shouldn’t be about the syllabus, the rules, a lesson, or you talking about yourself. It should be about the students and ensuring they understand this class is a safe, positive place that gives them hope for a great school year. Create an experience that makes them want to come back on the 2nd day.

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Encourage “Squints”-Taking

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What's your lagniappe?

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Learn More! Stay Connected!


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