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Tues. 10/11 & Wed. 10/12�English Day 20!


1. Fill in your planner with the homework

2. Take out ISN

HW: Find new choice novel for 2nd Quarter�Finish any overdue or missing work

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  • Turn in mosaic project
  • Video of historical context
    • Teacher will check reading logs while we’re reading
  • Read chapters 6 and 7
  • Answer comprehension questions using text evidence

English Day 20

Learning Target: I can finish reading chapters 6 and 7 of Animal Farm and answer a question from each chapter using textual evidence.

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Turn in your mosaic project to the front desk.

Please make sure your name is on it and put it in your class period’s pile.

If you are not done with your mosaic, grab a blank piece of paper off the desk. Late mosaics will not be accepted after Monday, 10/17 and will go in the gradebook as “0 incomplete.”

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Q1 Reading logs

  • Add up the total number of pages you have read this quarter. Circle this number on your reading log page.
  • If you didn’t get a signature, that is OK for this first log (don’t worry about it).
  • The teacher will come around the room during the video and record your total number of pages.

***Even Day: If you read 2,500 or more, Mrs. Z will give you your first prize on Monday!��If you are not done with your log, grab one off the desk. Late logs will not be accepted after Monday, 10/17 and will go in the gradebook as “0 incomplete.”

This is a formative grade based on the scale below:��1,000+ pages: 4�800-950: 3.5�750: 3

550-700: 2.5

500: 2

300-450: 1.5

250: 1

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Understanding the historical context

You may take notes over the video in your notebook to use on the test and essay we will do at the end of the novel!

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Chapter 5 Questions (pick 1)

  • What happened to Mollie after she was accused of being friendly with the men on the neighboring farm? Why do you think she did this?
  • How did Napoleon and Snowball differ in their ideas about running the farm?
  • What were the two issues that the animals had to decide between when it came time to vote to have a windmill or not?
  • What freedom, or privilege, did Napoleon take away from the other animals after his dogs chased Snowball off the farm? Why do you think he took this privilege?
  • Why did the animals accept Squealer's explanation for Napoleon's change of mind about the windmill without any questions?.

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Read ch. 6 & follow along in book with the audio (Pg. 73)

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Chapter 6 Questions (pick 1)

  •  How were the animals "rewarded" for their hard labor? What does this show us?
  • Why had Napoleon decided to engage in trade with the other farms in the area? 
  • How did Squealer convince the animals that no rule against trade with the humans had ever existed? Why?
  • How had the rule about animals sleeping in beds changed when the pigs moved into the farmhouse? Why?
  • Who did Napoleon blame for the destruction of the windmill? Why?

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Read ch. 7 & follow along in book with the audio (Pg. 84)

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Chapter 7 Questions (pick 1)

  • Why was it important for the animals to conceal their food shortages from the outside world? 
  • How was Napoleon able to convince the other animals that Snowball was a total traitor?
  • Which animal did Napoleon's dogs attack without warning? Why do you think they did this?
  • Why do you think the hens were actually working with Snowball? If not, why did they confess to being with Snowball? 
  • Why was the slaughter of the animals, who confessed to being traitors especially horrifying to the other animals? 
  • Why did Napoleon ban the singing of "Beasts of England"?

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Have a great Day!