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Images, metadata, and gamification of Wikidata

Magnus Manske


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E pluribus unum


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The Wikidata ecosystem


Site links etc.

Third-party users

(e.g. VIAF, Histropedia)

Site links


and other WMF projects


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Using Wikidata on Wikipedia et al.

  • Language links
  • Data transclusion via template (e.g. Infobox)
  • Relevant Wikidata edits in Recent Changes
  • Listeria list generation


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Example: Commons infobox, made entirely from Wikidata


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Listeria bot

  • Uses SPARQL queries in templates
  • Updates lists on all Wikimedia wikis
  • Keep track of changes, missing articles on your Wikipedia etc.


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Wikisource and Wikidata

Scanned pages�on Commons

Article (e.g. biography)�as transcluded sections�from transcribed pages

Wikidata item

about the Wikisource article

Wikidata item

about the subject described�in Wikisource article

Statement P921�(“main subject”)

Transcribed pages�on Wikisource

Wikipedia article�about the subject described�in Wikisource article


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External identifiers

  • Wikidata as a linked data hub
  • “Don’t store all the data, but link to it”
  • Path from external databases, through Wikidata, to other external databases (example query)
  • Queryable via SPARQL, even across databases
  • External IDs now searchable on Wikidata
  • Find items by external ID in Resolver
  • Get correlations of two external IDs via BEACON






Simon Iain Hay

author of:

Spatiotemporal mathematical modelling of mutations of the dhps gene in African Plasmodium falciparum.

Main subject:

PPPK-DHPS�(gene in Plasmodium falciparum)

Entry about that gene in GeneDB

Person in VIAF


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Searching for external IDs

Use SPARQL, e.g. SELECT ?q { ?q wdt:P214 “VIAF_number” }

Or, just new this week: Search on Wikidata:


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  • Takes “catalogs” of external identifiers
  • Name, description, type, URL
  • Match them to Wikidata
  • Semi- and fully automated matches
  • Support functions for manual matching
  • Can also edit Wikidata for you
  • Allows third parties to download matches
  • Over 1100 catalogs online


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  • “Reverse Mix’n’match”
  • Start with a CSV file
  • Generic, stand-alone application
  • Widely used in GLAM
  • Now works directly with Wikidata
  • Find by (fuzzy) name/type match
  • Video tutorials


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Science hub

  • Internally connecting genes, proteins, phenotypes, publications, authors, GO terms, locations etc.
  • Externally connecting to many scientific databases (“semantic web”)
  • Wikidata holds key data, but is not trying to replicate all the databases!
  • Scholia tool


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  • Parse scientific literature
  • 30.000 pages/day
  • Extract keywords and data
  • Link up with Wikidata
  • Funded by WMF since 2017


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GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums)

  • Institutions
  • Creators
  • Artwork
  • >300 000 paintings in Wikidata, >284 000 linking to Creator item,�~ 93 000 with Commons file
  • Viewer tool: Crotos


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Wikibase for Commons

  • Store file metadata ({{Information}}, licenses, GPS, EXIF…) in wikibase on Commons
  • Machine-readable/-writable/-queryable
  • Multilingual
  • Using Wikidata items where appropriate
  • New multi-content revisions under development


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  • Show Wikidata items, Wikipedia articles, Commons images, Flickr free images on the same map
  • Shows Wikidata items without an image (red circles)
  • Upload files and add them to Wikidata (works also from mobile!)


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  • Simple, mobile friendly tool
  • Have eyes on an object/person and wonder if there is an image on Wikidata?�Just start typing the label…
  • Can also list objects near you (with detailed address, �where available)
  • Directly upload from the tool
  • Great for going through your picture collection!


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  • Find Commons files for Wikidata items with no image, audio etc.
  • Can use Wikipedia articles, Commons site search, coordinates in Commons files, Commons categories etc.
  • Option to hide unsuitable matches in the future (so results get more relevant over time)


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  • >200K pre-matched file candidates for Wikidata
  • Using full-text search
  • Free files from Commons & Flickr (and maybe more?)
  • One-click Flickr => Commons
  • One-/two-click �Commons => Wikidata
  • Also as files=>items


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  • Wikidata lends itself to “atomic edits”
  • Many good additions to Wikidata can be automatically extrapolated from existing data, but require human oversight
  • Example: Images on a Wikipedia article are likely to depict the article subject, but many false negatives
  • Simples Yes/No answers, skip-able
  • “Distributed Game” lets others add their own sub-games via JSON
  • Designed for mobile


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  • Use a list of items or a SPARQL query
  • See values for specific properties in a table
  • Add item links right in the table


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  • New entity type, like item or property
  • Word forms
  • Part of an effort for a free, machine-readable dictionary
  • Links between Items and Lexemes
  • Relationship with Wiktionary is … under development


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  • Mix’n’match
  • WikiShootMe!
    • São Paulo
  • Free Image Search Tool
    • Brazilian food (only one item???)


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