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Karma Memes

Tuesday 1/15, If absent:

  • Karma and Reincarnation Reading
  • Karma and Reincarnation Handout - Take picture for your Unit 4 Notes: Slide 11
  • List of Karma Memes (link)
  • Answer Karma Meme Questions on your Unit 4 Notes: Slide 12

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Karma Memes Directions:

  • Choose one Karma Meme.
  • Copy & Paste into your Unit 4 Notes, Slide 12.
  • Make a claim if this meme accurately represents the idea of Karma.
  • Defend your thinking with two pieces of evidence from the article.

If Absent:

Karma Memes Handout (link)

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Tuesday, 1/15/2019 - Hinduism: Karma Memes EXAMPLE

Slide 12

Picture of Meme:

Make a claim if this meme accurately represents the idea of Karma.

This meme accurately represents the idea of Karma because the law of karma means that whatever actions and thoughts we think build up and add to our karma. Squidward purposefully not saying a mean or sarcastic comment will help build up good karma.

Defend your thinking with a piece of evidence from the article. (Use citation!)

“The universe gives back to us what we have given to it.” (Karma and Reincarnation, page 1)

This means that Squidward holding back from saying a mean comment will help his karma later on.

Defend your thinking with another piece of evidence from the article.

(Use citation!)

“The more we practice the same behavior, the more difficult it is to resist or change the bad behavior.” (Karma and Reincarnation, page 1)

This meme shows that Squidward was actively practicing the same good behavior over and over so that he does not have to resist or create any bad behaviors.

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Karma Memes Grading:

Total - 4 points

4 - Has all 3, plus explained quotes

3 - Has all 3 points

2 - Missing parts of assignment

1 - Insufficient Evidence

Make a claim if this meme accurately represents the idea of Karma.

+1 point

Defend your thinking with a piece of evidence from the article. (Use citation!)

“Evidence”. (citation) - +1 point

Explanation of evidence - .5 point

Defend your thinking with another piece of evidence from the article.

(Use citation!)

“Evidence”. (citation) - +1 point

Explanation of evidence - +.5 point

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Karma Memes Rubric:






__ Meets 3

__ Student accurately explains what each quotes, the meme means, and how the evidence helps to prove claim

__ Student has strong claim correctly supporting thoughts on accuracy of meme’s karma

__ Student supports claim with minimum 2 pieces of evidence from the article

__ Student has weak or missing claim


__ Student has weak or missing evidence

__ Student does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge about karma.