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Python Packaging for Production

My experiences from deploying

a website and a processing pipeline

By Michael Cooper

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What not to do in production


git checkout

No packaging

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What not to do in production

Not reproducible

Hard to automate

Packages can be more than just code

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setuptools + debian

setuptools: code and data files

debian packages: dependencies, daemons, configuration, users, file permissions

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Folder structure

  • rocky-server
    • setup.py
    • rocky_server
      • __init__.py
      • main.py
      • more_code.py
      • templates
        • index.html
      • static
        • favicon.ico
    • DEBIAN
      • control
      • conffiles
      • etc...

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from setuptools import setup, find_packages��# Setup the project�setup(� name = 'rocky-server'� , version = '0.3'� , packages = find_packages()�� , install_requires =� [ 'fastavro'� , 'gevent'� , 'flask'� , 'requests'� ]

, ...� )

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Running the code:


from setuptools import setup, find_packages��# Setup the project�setup(� ...�� , entry_points =� { 'console_scripts':� [ 'rocky-server = rocky_server.main:main'� , 'rocky-tools = rocky_server.more_code:main'� ]� }

, ...� )

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Data files:


from setuptools import setup, find_packages��# Setup the project�setup(� ...

� , package_data =� { 'rocky_server' : # NOTE: package/folder name, not pip name

[ 'templates/*.html'� , 'static/favicon.ico'� , 'static/*.png'� ]� }�� , ...


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Location of data files

import pkg_resources��favicon_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename("rocky_server", "static/favicon.ico")�print favicon_file�# Output: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rocky_server/static/favicon.ico

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During development

It must be installed for pkg_resources to work.

But I don't want to uninstall & install every time.

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During development



pip install -e .

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michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ mkvirtualenv rocky-server�New python executable in rocky-server/bin/python�Installing distribute.............done.�Installing pip...............done.

�(rocky-server)michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ pip install -e .�Obtaining file:///home/michaelc/code/proxy/rocky-server� Running setup.py egg_info for package from file:///home/michaelc/code/proxy/rocky-server

� ........snip.........

Successfully installed rocky-server


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Test without -e before deploying!

Because you will have missed something

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Debian packaging

In production: use the package manager!

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Metadata about your package:


Package: rocky-server�Version: 0.5�Section: companyX�Priority: optional�Architecture: all�Depends: python, python-fastavro, python-flask(=0.9-53), python-gevent(>=0.13.6), python-requests�Maintainer: Michael Cooper <mic159@gmail.com>�Description: A testing web server

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Building a deb: layout=deb

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ mkdir pkg-root

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ python setup.py install --install-layout=deb --prefix=/usr --root=pkg-root

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Building a deb: control file

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ mkdir pkg-root

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ python setup.py install --install-layout=deb --prefix=/usr --root=pkg-root

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ cp -r DEBIAN pkg-root/

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Building a deb: make .deb

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ mkdir pkg-root

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ python setup.py install --install-layout=deb --prefix=/usr --root=pkg-root

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ cp -r DEBIAN pkg-root/

michaelc@mic:~/code/rocky-server$ fakeroot dpkg --build pkg-root rocky-proxy.deb

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Its up to you


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pip - to - deb

pip install






* experimentation required

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Or, look at "stdeb"


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Use a Makefile

so you can test locally, and run on your CI server.

And make changes as needed.

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Configuration files


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Configuration files

Copy default files into pkg-root


If the configuration file is edited, upgrades will not revert the file

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users: DEBIAN/postinst

daemons: upstart

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#!/bin/sh��mkdir -p /var/lib/rocky-server��# create rocky-server groupif ! getent group rocky-server >/dev/null; then� addgroup --system rocky-server�fi��# create rocky-server userif ! getent passwd rocky-server >/dev/null; then� adduser --system --ingroup rocky-server --home /var/lib/rocky-server \� --no-create-home --gecos "rocky-server..." \� --disabled-login rocky-server�fi

# It should own its directories?�chown -R rocky-server:rocky-server /var/lib/rocky-server�chown rocky-server:rocky-server /etc/rocky-server/config

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description "Rocky Server"��env USER=rocky-server�env GROUP=rocky-server

# Log stdout/stderr to /var/log/upstart/rocky-server.log�console log��script� exec start-stop-daemon --chuid $USER --group $GROUP --exec /usr/bin/rocky-server --start -- \� --port 3000�end script

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Version management

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Version management

What we set it to:



Version numbers are in:



What we did:

sed in Makefile (please suggest better way)

Ignore setup.py

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Version management: What we did

# Makefile�GIT_COMMIT ?= HEAD�BUILD_NUMBER ?= 0�PKG_VERSION_DATE = $(shell date +%Y%m%d -u)�PKG_VERSION_GIT = $(shell git rev-list $(GIT_COMMIT) --abbrev-commit --max-count 1)�PKG_VERSION := $(PKG_VERSION_DATE)-$(BUILD_NUMBER)-$(PKG_VERSION_GIT)��$(BUILD)/DEBIAN/control: DEBIAN/control� sed s/VERSION_PLACEHOLDER/$(PKG_VERSION)/ $< > $<.out� install -D -m 0644 $<.out $@� rm $<.out

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The full debian build chain

The hard way?

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