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Introduction to the Lightning Network



March 19th 2019

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  • Please note the copyright notice at the end of the slide deck
  • The pdf version - which you probably read has some weird formatting problems.
  • This slidedeck is crowd funded (see last slide) if you wish to learn more or contribute
  • I do not take any guarantee that the information in this slide deck are 100% correct.
    • Sometimes I made simplifications: which I point out
    • Also I could just have misunderstood something or just made a mistake

3 of 235

After this talk you will hopefully understand this slide!






Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice









Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package







4 of 235

Outline: Understand the Lightning Network

  • Construction of Payment channels (RSMCs)
  • The payment process (based on invoices)
  • Trustless routing of payments via a network of channels (HTLCs)
  • Source based onion routing (SPHINX mix Format)
  • Transport Layer (Noise XK - Noise Protocol Framework)
  • Messaging / peer protocol
  • Gossip Protocol
  • Advanced Topics
    • Future enhancements to the BOLTs
    • Privacy considerations
    • Security breaches
      • By (poor) Implementations
      • By Services

5 of 235

Chapter 0: Prologue

  • Bitcoin
    • Is secure
    • Solved the double spending problem
    • Created decentralized e-cash
    • Does not scale

6 of 235

Chapter 0: Prologue

7 of 235

Why Lightning network?

  • Transform Bitcoin to an electronic cash system
    • Allow arbitrary amount of transactions
    • Get currency / cash property instead of store of value
  • Make payments more anonymous
    • Don't store all payments on chain
  • Allow for instant peer to peer payments
    • No need to wait for block confirmations
  • In other words to scale Bitcoin
  • And of course because…
    • we can … (:

8 of 235

3 Building blocks of the Lightning Network

  • Duplex Micropayment Channels
    • Revocable Sequence Maturity Contracts (RSMCs)
    • Penalty based invalidation mechanism
  • Value transfer in a network of payment channels
    • Comparing the payment process in Bitcoin with the Lightning Network
    • Hashed Time Lock Contracts (HTLCs)
    • Onion Routing based on the SPHINX Mix Format
  • Communication protocol
    • Transport layer with strong encryption
    • The peer protocol
    • Gossip protocol to create a P2P network

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Construction of Payment channels (RSMCs)

(Chapter 1)

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Purpose of a trustless bidirectional payment channel

  • Sending payments between two partners
    • Instantly
      • Like updating a balance sheet
      • Only bound by network traffic over the internet
    • No direct involvement of the blockchain (as long as everyone plays by the rules)
  • No need for any partner to trust the other side
    • The bitcoin network (and the blockchain) needs to be trusted
    • The bitcoin network will settle conflicts if they arise
  • No fees or overhead when sending payments within the channel
  • Payments can go in either direction back and forth
  • Scale usage of Bitcoin
    • transfer of value can be achieved without hitting the blockchain

→ How can this technically be possible?

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A comparison with HTTP

  • HTTP is a Request Response Protocol by design
    • You (the client / Browser) can make a request
    • The server gives you a response
  • According to the protocol a server cannot initiate communication with a client

  • How can a website (e.g. Twitter) give us a notification that some new data is there?
    • By abusing the protocol
    • aka: Server push, long polling,
    • Took us about 10 years to figure that out

12 of 235

How does a HTTP server push work?

  • You load a web page
  • Javascript (AJAX) initiates an HTTP request
  • Server looks if he has some information for the client
  • If yes → response
  • If no → defer answering to that request to some time in the future
    • If new information for the client is available
    • If client opens a new page and can't receive that response anymore
    • Just as a heartbeat mechanism to ask the client to make a new request
  • From an end user perspective the server has initiated a conversation
    • The end user is usually not aware of the fact that an AJAX Request is outstanding

More details at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_technology

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Payment channels are constructed by deferring the publication or broadcast of some TXs to the future

  • Bitcoin is not a request response protocol
    • Rather a broadcast / gossip protocol
  • What exactly is being deferred to the future?
    • Transactions spending outputs are held back from being broadcasted
    • Later Transactions are purposely tried to be double spent
      • Obviously only one of the transactions can be actually spent
      • Lightning is about making sure it is the correct one
    • We look at this in the next couple slides
  • Payment channels are to Bitcoin what HTTP Server Push is to HTTP
    • Just a non obvious use of the Bitcoin protocol
    • It took us a little while to figure this feature of Bitcoin out (as for HTTP)

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A payment channel is a 2-2 multisig Address together with some (smart?) contract

  • A 2-2 multisig Address means that the output script of a transaction requires 2 keys in order to be able to spend the transaction
  • It is a form of Pay to Script Hash
    • scriptPubKey (OUTPUT): OP_HASH160 <scriptHash> OP_EQUAL
    • scriptSig (INPUT): ...<signatures>... <serialized script>
  • Case of a m-of-n multi-signature
    • The OUTPUT script (scriptPubKey) as above
      • OP_HASH160 <scriptHash> OP_EQUAL
    • The INPUT Script to spend the scriptPubKey looks like this:
      • scriptSig: 0 <sig1>...<serialized script>
      • Script: OP_m <pubKey1> … OP_n OP_CHECKMULTISIG

15 of 235

The secret smart contract (RSMC)

  • The 2-2 multisig wallet has some funds
    • Seen on chain
  • Who owns these funds?
    • Channel partners do not share the 2 private keys
    • Depends on how the funds are being spent
  • The Transaction spending from the 2-2 Wallet
    • Will be kept secret (if possible)
    • Will encode the balance
    • Is called a commitment transaction (has to be signed BEFORE publishing funding tx)
  • Technical details
    • Will be heavily attempted to be double spent (which by the bitcoin protocol is impossible)
    • Secures funds with timelocks
    • Allows for conditional hashed time locked outputs (used in routing)
  • Revocable sequence maturity contract

16 of 235

Funding Transaction

Funding Transaction

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(100 mBTC)

Alice's & Bob's Key

Output x

(100 mBTC)

Alice's Key
















Legend for colors:

Broadcasted and mined

Not boradcasted

Should be broadcasted

Should not be broadcasted

Cannot by minded

(Consumed outputs are already spent)

17 of 235

Funding Transaction

Funding Transaction

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(100 mBTC)

Alice's & Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 1

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output x

(100 mBTC)

Alice's Key





<sig1>... <serializedScript>
















18 of 235












Funding Transaction

Funding Transaction

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(100 mBTC)

Alice's & Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 1

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output x

(100 mBTC)

Alice's Key





<sig1>... <serializedScript>





This Commitment Transaction (CTX1) encodes the balance sheet of the channel.

It can be broadcasted to the blockchain at any time

Funding Tx must use segWit outputs to prevent malleability











19 of 235

With CTX2 Bob updates the channel Balance

Funding Transaction

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(100 mBTC)

Alice's & Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 1

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 2

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key


double �spending?

Bob effectively sends 10 mBTC

to Alice

20 of 235

Anybody seeing a problem with this?

Funding Transaction

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(100 mBTC)

Alice's & Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 1

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 2

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key


double �spending?

21 of 235

Bob broadcasts CTX1 which is successfully mined

Bob just effectively stole 10 mBTC from Alice

Funding Transaction

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(100 mBTC)

Alice's & Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 1

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 2

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

22 of 235

Goal: Make old CTXs somehow unpublishable

  • Modify the output of the CTX
  • Fraudulent publishing will punish the publisher
  • For example by giving the silent party the opportunity to claim all outputs of the CTX

Funding Transaction

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(100 mBTC)

Alice's & Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 1

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 2

Input (100 mBTC)


Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

23 of 235

We modify the output scripts of CTXs that it can be spent by either one of the two Transactions

Commitment Transaction 1b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)



ScriptPubKey: (Output0)


Script: (Input Script to be able to spend Output1)







Revocable Delivery 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Relative Time Lock (144)

Breach Remedy Tx 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's & Alice's

Revocation Key #1


double �spending?

24 of 235

Within 144 Blocks after CTX1b is mined only Alice can spend Output1 (if she has Bob's Revocation Key)

Commitment Transaction 1b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)



ScriptPubKey: (Output0)


Script: (Input Script to be able to spend Output1)







Revocable Delivery 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Relative Time Lock (144)

Breach Remedy Tx 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's & Alice's

Revocation Key #1

25 of 235

After 144 Blocks Bob can redeem his 10 mBTC & Alice can't spent BRTX1b without Bob's Key

Commitment Transaction 1b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)



ScriptPubKey: (Output0)


Script: (Input Script to be able to spend Output1)







Revocable Delivery 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Relative Time Lock (144)

Breach Remedy Tx 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's & Alice's

Revocation Key #1

26 of 235

A new Commitment Transaction is only signed if the other party reveals their previous revocation Key

Commitment Transaction 1b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)



Revocable Delivery 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Relative Time Lock (144)

Breach Remedy Tx 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's & Alice's

Revocation Key #1

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Revocable Delivery 2b (Bob)

Input (20 mBTC)

Output 0 (20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Relative Time Lock (144)

Breach Remedy Tx 2b (Bob)

Input (20 mBTC)

Output 0 (20 mBTC)

Bob's & Alice's

Revocation Key #2

27 of 235

Assume CTX1b is published and mined. Alice should immediately publish BRTX1b to punish Bob's breach

Commitment Transaction 1b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(70 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(30 mBTC)



Revocable Delivery 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Relative Time Lock (144)

Breach Remedy Tx 1b (Bob)

Input (30 mBTC)

Output 0 (30 mBTC)

Bob's & Alice's

Revocation Key #1

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Revocable Delivery 2b (Bob)

Input (20 mBTC)

Output 0 (20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Relative Time Lock (144)

Breach Remedy Tx 2b (Bob)

Input (20 mBTC)

Output 0 (20 mBTC)

Bob's & Alice's

Revocation Key #2

























28 of 235

Some remarks on presented simplifications

  • In order to be able to ascribe blame both sides get their own CTXs
    • Commitment Tx 1b, 2b, 3b,... (for Bob)
    • Commitment Tx 1a, 2a, 3a,... (for Alice)
  • Transactions for every channel update
    • The Revocation Deliver TXs and the Breach Remedy TXs are adapted accordingly
  • For every Update of the CTXs new Revocation Keys have to be created
    • Otherwise revealing the key once would not help for future updates
      • Future Breach Remedy Transactions could be spent directly
    • They are created from a Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet
  • The Commitment Transactions will have even more outputs to support HTLCs
    • HTLC outputs will be needed for routing third party payments through one's channel
  • Reading suggestion for a payment channel construction with less Overhead

29 of 235

Some remarks on dust outputs

  • In Bitcoin outputs MUST have a certain amount otherwise
    • the fees will be higher to spend the output than the amount attached to it
    • the blockchain can be spammed
  • Dust limit depends on the script and is a few hundred satoshis.
  • If outputs in the commitment transaction are below the dust limit
    • they will be omitted
    • added to the fees
  • While lightning supports tiniest payments those amounts cannot always be enforced on chain
  • Making tiny payments / routing tiny amounts might make you lose those
    • Lighting implementations can be configured to not accept payments under a certain threshold

30 of 235

Standard to_local witness script for commitment txs

31 of 235

Summary of what we have achieved now

  • Bidirectional payment channel is opened with one on chain transaction
  • Channel can stay open for arbitrary time
  • The newest Commitment Transaction encodes the balance of a channel
  • Old Commitment Transactions are invalidated to prevent broadcasting them
    • Achieved by sharing private keys to effectively allow the other side to spend the output
  • The balance sheet can instantly be updated
    • Effectively allowing each party to send funds to the other party
    • Both parties need to collaborate for this to happen
    • Blockchain doesn't need to get involved
    • No fees for updating the balance within the payment channel

Where is the (Lightning) Network of payment channels?

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The Payment Process on the Lightning Network

(Chapter 2 / BOLT 11)

33 of 235

Comparing the payment process of on chain Bitcoin and off chain Lightning Network payments

  • Bitcoin address is like a bank account number
  • Bitcoins can be sent to that address
  • Payment requests in Bitcoin exist to have a smoother User experience
  • Lightning cannot send money to another lightning node without invoice
    • unless you use dirty low level routing tricks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwl-0cY6KkU)
    • Spontaneous payment extension by lnd in progress
  • In Lightning the recipient or payee first has to issue an invoice
  • The payer in lightning pays the invoice in return for a secret preimage
    • You could probably call it a receipt.

What does it have to do with routing and the fact that lightning is a network?

Also look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol12GrAy8yk

34 of 235

Direct physical Payment with cash

  • Ask for the price

How much?

35 of 235

Direct physical Payment with cash

  • Ask for the price

10 $

How much?

36 of 235

Direct physical Payment with cash

  • Ask for the price
  • Give the money

10 $

37 of 235

Direct physical Payment with cash

  • Ask for the price
  • Give the money
  • Get the receipt

10 $

Here is your receipt

38 of 235

Direct physical Payment with cash

  • Ask for the price
  • Give the money
  • Get the receipt

Step two and three are atomic.

(At least ideally they should be atomic)

Here is your receipt

10 $

39 of 235

Direct on Chain Payment with Bitcoin

  • Ask for the price
  • Broadcast transaction

1 mBTC

40 of 235

Direct on Chain Payment with Bitcoin

  • Ask for the price
  • Broadcast transaction
  • See within blockchain

1 mBTC

Look in Blockchain

41 of 235

Direct on Chain Payment with Bitcoin

  • Ask for the price
  • Broadcast transaction
  • See within blockchain

Payment is still somewhat "atomic"

payee must have received the payment.

Payment can't be interrupted

1 mBTC

Look in Blockchain

42 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash.

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment

10 $

10 $

Here is your receipt

Here is your receipt

43 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash.

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic

10 $

10 $

Here is your receipt

Here is your receipt

44 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash.

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic
    • Can it though?

10 $

10 $

Here is your receipt

Here is your receipt

45 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash.

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic
    • otherwise

10 $

I have no receipt yet!

Yeah 10$ for me (:

46 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash.

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic
  • Make a contract!

I give you $10 IF you prove you have given $10 to payee

47 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash.

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic
  • Make a contracts!

I give you $10 IF you provide me with a receipt!

I give you $10 IF you prove you have given $10 to payee

48 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash (+ service fee)

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic
  • Make a contracts!

I give you $10 IF you provide me with a receipt!

I give you $10 IF you prove you have given $10 to payee

49 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash (+ service fee)

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic
  • Make a contracts!

10 $

Here is your receipt

50 of 235

Indirect physical payment with cash (+ service fee)

  • Assume there is a third party (e.g. Bank, another person) that should forward your payment
  • Should be atomic
  • Make a contracts!

10 $

Here is your receipt

11 $

Here is the receipt

51 of 235

Huge risks in the physical world

  • Badly written contract
  • Forgery with the receipt
  • Court case more time consuming than losing the money

→ Programmable smart contracts in Lightning (Hashed Time Locked Contracts)

10 $

Here is your receipt

11 $

Here is the receipt

52 of 235

Hashed time locked Contracts

  • It is just a regular bitcoin transaction with a special script inside
  • A conditional Payment
  • The transaction is locked for a certain time
    • Which it takes to forward the payment and get the receipt
  • The receipt is a secret random (in best case unique) value called preimage
  • The Hash of the preimage is called the payment hash
    • Can be seen as an identifier for this particular payment
  • It's like the legal contract from the cash setting but without the disadvantages
    • Cheaply enforceable by publishing the contract (bitcoin transaction) to the bitcoin network
    • Much cheaper than the court system
    • Not possible to have a misunderstanding

53 of 235

Hashed time lock contracts in payment channels

  • Payment channels enable the direct atomic payment between two neighbors that share a channel
  • Nodes build a network and payment in the network resembles the situation of indirect payments with cash
  • Hashed Time Locked Contracts or HTLCs solve this problem
  • HTLCs are just another output in the commitment transaction
    • They can be enforced on chain if channel fails
    • They can settle off chain if the preimage is provided

  • Before explaining details of routing: How is the payment hash sent over?

54 of 235

BOLT 11 invoices - following the prefix b32 encoded

  • Prefix with amount (e.g: lnbc13u)
  • Timestamp
  • P - payment hash
  • D - description of the payment
  • N - pub key of recipient
  • H - SHA-256 commitment of purpose
  • X - expiry
  • C - min_final_cltv_expiry
  • F - fallback address
  • R - routing info (one or more fields)
    • Pubkey, short_channel_id, fee_base_msat, fee_proportional_millionths, cltv_expiry_delta
  • signature

55 of 235

Invoices should be kept secret (privacy breaches)

  • Amount
  • Time (window of a potential payment)
  • Description
  • Fallback address
    • Could be a lie but an expensive one if used
  • R field
    • Can reveal hidden channels / nodes
      • In particular short_channel_id points to the on chain funding tx as it contains
        • Height
        • Index
        • Output
    • Can reveal channel balances (field is used for routing suggestions)
  • Recipient pubkey (with signature) verifies (!) the authenticity of all that data

56 of 235

Trustless routing of payments through a network of payment channels

(Chapter 3 / BOLT 03 )

57 of 235

Purpose of a trustless network of payment channels

  • Sending payments between any two partners
    • With proper behaviour almost Instantaneously
      • Only bound by network traffic over the internet
    • No direct involvement of the blockchain (as long as everyone plays by the rules)
  • No need for any partner to trust intermediary nodes
    • The bitcoin network (and the blockchain) needs to be trusted
    • The bitcoin network will settle conflicts if they arise
  • Increasing privacy in comparison to Bitcoin transactions
    • Unlike in Bitcoin not every payment made is visible to everyone
  • Scale usage of Bitcoin

→ How can this technically be possible?

58 of 235

A trusting (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.35 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.35 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.3 BTC

59 of 235

A trusting (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.35 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.35 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.3 BTC


0.1 BTC to Charlie

60 of 235

A trusting (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.75 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.25 BTC

0.3 BTC


0.1 BTC to Charlie

61 of 235

A trusting (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.75 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.25 BTC

0.3 BTC


0.1 BTC to Charlie

I am honest and forward the payment

62 of 235

A trusting (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.4 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.4 BTC

0.25 BTC

0.4 BTC


0.1 BTC to Charlie

I am honest and forward the payment

63 of 235

Alice needed to trust Bob to forward the payment

  • Both payment channels needed to negotiate new commitment transactions for both sides
  • Could we change the output of the CTXs so that routing works trustless?
  • Idea (aka Hashed Time Locked Contract - HTLC):
    • Add another conditional output to the Commitment Transactions
    • It can only be spent by the recipient
      • within a certain time frame
      • if the recipient can provide the preimage of some hash
    • After the timeframe the sender can reclaim the funds

64 of 235

Offered HTLC outputs

  • B

65 of 235

Offered HTLC outputs

  • B

66 of 235

Offered HTLC outputs

  • B

67 of 235

Received HTLC outputs for incomming HTLCs

  • B

68 of 235

HTLC-Timeout & HTLC Success Transactions

  • B

69 of 235

Key derivation (BOLT 03) for increased privacy

  • Each commitment tx uses a unique set of keys
    • localpubkey
    • remotepubkey
  • HTLCs use (based on per_commitment_point)
    • local_delaydpubkey
    • revocationpubkey
  • Reason ability to share as little information as possible with watching service
    • per_commitment_secret
    • revocation_base_point
    • delayed_payment_basepoint
  • Changing localpubkey / remotepubkey prevents guessing of commitment tx id
  • Regular / unilateral close should not be seen by the watching service
    • As well as the funding tx which also should not have been identified as such

70 of 235

Some properties of the key derivation

  • Deterministic way to generate secretes
  • In particular past secrets can be computed from current one
  • No need to store all previous revocation secrets
  • Revocation pubkeys are blinded
    • revocation_basepoint
    • remotes per_commitment_point
  • Technical details described in BOLT 03

71 of 235

A trustless (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.35 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.35 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.3 BTC


0.1 BTC to Charlie

Some Hash H of R

72 of 235

A trustless (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.35 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.35 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.3 BTC


0.1 BTC to Charlie

Some Hash H of R

Some Hash H of R

73 of 235

A trustless (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.3 BTC

Some Hash H of R


0.1 BTC

I can't claim 0.1 BTC without knowing R (within some time)

If Bob doesn't provide R

I can soon claim back 0.1 BTC

74 of 235

A trustless (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.55 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.4 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.3 BTC

Some Hash H of R


0.1 BTC

I can't claim 0.1 BTC without providing R (within some time)

I pay charly if she can provide R (within some shorter time)


0.1 BTC

75 of 235

A trustless (Lightning) Network of payment channels


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.3 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.5 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.3 BTC

Some Hash H of R


0.1 BTC


0.1 BTC

Tell Charlie R


76 of 235

Bob checks that R hashes to H


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.55 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.4 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.4 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.4 BTC

Some Hash H of R


0.1 BTC


I can only claim 0.1 BTC by providing R to Bob


77 of 235

If successfully check


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.55 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.4 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.4 BTC

0.15 BTC

0.4 BTC

Some Hash H of R


0.1 BTC


Great! Now I can also claim 0.1 BTC because I know R


78 of 235

Bob claims to settle htlc after releasing R


0.25 BTC

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.5 BTC


0.65 BTC

channel A-B

2-2 Multisignature Wallet

0.8 BTC


0.4 BTC

channel B-C

0.25 BTC

0.4 BTC

0.25 BTC

0.4 BTC

Some Hash H of R


Bob must have payed Charlie otherwise he would not have known R.

I didn't need to trust him.



79 of 235

Source based Onion Routing - Sphinx Mix format

Setting up htlcs

(Chapter 4 / BOLT 04)

80 of 235

Why using the SPHINX mix Format?

  • Payer wants to be able to send money without being exposed
  • Payee doesn't want to be exposed
  • Routing nodes have to be able to send back an error message
  • Routing nodes should only know as little information about the payment as possible
    • Payment hash (will stop with payment decorrelation)
    • An upper bound for the amount (will stop with AMP)
    • Know incoming channel
    • Know outgoing channel
  • Routing nodes want to be able to verify the authenticity of the onion
    • HMAC checks at every hop
  • Research community will tell you
    • It's very compact - uses only little data
  • Better than slides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toarjBSPFqI

81 of 235

Assuming enough capacity on all channels





Send 300 satoshis without direct payment channel





sid: 74

82 of 235

Create onions starting from David (no payment hash)

  • Header
    • Version Byte
    • 33 Byte compressed secp256k1 pubkey
      • Not the sender Pubkey (node_id / static key)
      • But an ephemeral pubkey from the sender for David!
  • Payload
    • 1300 Hops_data
    • 20 x 65 Bytes
      • 1: realm (currently 0)
      • 32 per_hop
      • 32: HMAC
      • … filler
  • HMAC
    • 32 Byte to verify the integrity

83 of 235

Per_hop data includes the amount and route info

  • Header
    • Version Byte
    • 33 Byte compressed secp256k1 pubkey
      • Not the sender Pubkey (node_id / static key)
      • But a pubkey from the sender for David!
  • Payload
    • 1300 Hops_data
    • 20 x 65 Bytes
      • 1: realm (currently 0)
      • 32 per_hop
      • 32: HMAC
      • … filler
  • HMAC
    • 32 Byte to verify the integrity
  • 8: short_channel_id
  • 8: amt_to_forward
  • 4: outgoing_cltv_value
  • 12: padding (for backwards compatibility)

84 of 235

Per_hop payload for david (simplified!)


8: amt_to_forward

8: short_channel_id





Send 300 satoshis without direct payment channel





sid: 74




85 of 235

Onion for David (without HMAC and filler)


8: amt_to_forward

8: short_channel_id





Send 300 satoshis without direct payment channel





sid: 74





Ek D

86 of 235

Payload for Charlie (Simplified)


8: amt_to_forward

8: short_channel_id





Send 300 satoshis without direct payment channel





sid: 74





Ek D




87 of 235

Onion for Charly (without HMAC and filler)


8: amt_to_forward

8: short_channel_id





Send 300 satoshis without direct payment channel





sid: 74





Ek D




Ek C


88 of 235

Payload for Bob (simplified)


8: amt_to_forward

8: short_channel_id





Send 300 satoshis without direct payment channel





sid: 74





Ek D




Ek C





89 of 235

Onion for Bob without HMAC and filler


8: amt_to_forward

8: short_channel_id





Send 300 satoshis without direct payment channel





sid: 74





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

90 of 235

Some notes on the presented simplifications

  • The onions themselfs are the payload of the update_add_htlc message
    • Described later in the peer protocol
  • The message contains the payment hash
  • The message offers an htlc with an actual amount
    • Usually nodes offer the amount that they are supposed to forward
  • Alice constructs the onion and uses ephemeral keys for every hop
    • Onions are encrypted with a Diffie-Helmann shared secret between
      • Hops ephemeral key (generated by Alice)
      • Hops node_id (static key)
  • Onions are always 1366 bytes in length
    • Even if it is the last hop
    • The onions are padded with junk data
      • Padding process left out but described in BOLT 04
    • This prevents a routing node to guess its position in the route by the length of the onion

91 of 235

Transport Layer - The Noise Protocol Framework

(Chapter 5 / BOLT 08)

92 of 235

Communication is encrypted and authenticated

  • Communication is done by messages between peers
  • Messages are sent in a session
    • Encrypted
    • And authenticated with a 16 Byte MAC
  • Messages are prepended with a header
    • The header contains the message length
    • The header is encrypted
    • The header is also authenticated with a MAC
  • MAC makes messages safe against malicious interference
  • Encryption makes messages private

93 of 235

Lightning uses the Noise Protocol Framework

  • 2 phases
    • Handshake phase
      • Exchange of DH public keys, hashing, creating a session key
    • Transport phase
      • Shared key will be used to send encrypted messages
  • Noise Protocol Framework can create 12 fundamental handshake patterns
    • Sender
      • N - No static key for initiator
      • K - static for initiator known to responder
      • X - Static key for initiator xmitted (transmitted) to responder
      • I - Static key for initiator immediately transmitted to responder
    • Responder
      • N - No static key for Transponder
      • K - Static key for responder known to initiator
      • X - Static key for responder xmitted to initiator

94 of 235

Lightning Network uses the Noise XK pattern

  • X - Static key for initiator xmitted (transmitted) to responder
  • K - Static key for responder known to initiator


< -- s

--> e, es (act 1: send ephemeral key to responder)

<-- e, ee (act 2 send responders ephemeral key to sender)

--> s, se (act 3 authenticate sender)

95 of 235

Payload security properties achieved by XK

  • Sender authentication resistant to key-compromise impersonation (KCI).
    • The sender authentication is based on an ephemeral-static DH ("es" or "se") between the
      • sender's static key pair and
      • the recipient's ephemeral key pair.
    • Assuming the corresponding private keys are secure, this authentication cannot be forged.
  • Encryption to a known recipient, strong forward secrecy.
    • This payload is encrypted based on
      • an ephemeral-ephemeral DH as well as
      • an ephemeral-static DH with the recipient's static key pair.
    • This payload cannot be decrypted assuming
      • the ephemeral private keys are secure,
      • and the recipient is not being actively impersonated by an attacker that has stolen its static private key

96 of 235

Identity hiding properties achieved by XK

  • Initiator
    • Encrypted with forward secrecy to an authenticated party
  • Responder
    • Not transmitted,
    • Passive attacker can check candidates for the responder's private key
      • and determine whether the candidate is correct.
    • An attacker could also replay a previously-recorded message to a new responder
      • determine whether the two responders are the "same"
        • (i.e. are using the same static key pair)
      • Does the recipient accept the replay message?
  • Warning! Identities may be exposed through other means including:
    • Payload fields
    • Traffic analysis
    • Metadata such as IP addresses

97 of 235

Key setup for the Transport layer

  • Each Lightning Network node is identified by a static node_id (pubkey)
    • Curvepoint on secp256k1 curve which is also used in bitcoin
    • Private key is derived from a mnemonic seed
  • The Transport layer uses ephemeral session keys before actual data transfer
    • Authenticated key agreement handshake
    • Based on the Noise Protocol Framework
      • Whatsapp, WireGuard, I2P
      • http://noiseprotocol.org/noise.html
  • Message exchange phase
    • Authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) cyphertexts
    • Key rotation after a key is used 1000 times
      • I.e. every 500 messages
      • Each messages goes through 2 separate but identical encryption processes

98 of 235

Authenticated Key Agreement Handshake

  • Following the noise framework e and s are public keys
    • s is the node_id (also called the static key)
    • e is an ephemeral key used to for setting up the cryptographic session
  • ee, es, se, ss are a notation for a Diffie Hellman Key exchange in which
    • The first letter is the key from the local side
    • The second letter is the key from the remote side
    • Attention!
      • Can be confusing when sending messages from responder to initiator

99 of 235

Processing of handshake data

  • Handshake data including keying materials is hashed into a session-wide "handshake-digest" h
  • h is never transmitted during the handshake
  • h is used as a MAC in the AEAD messages
  • If a MAC check fails during the handshake process the connection is immediately terminated
  • Privacy Risk:
    • Man in the middle could disturb operations by making handshakes fail all the time
    • User might be tricked to upgrade the node
      • Potentially like the electrum phishing hack from a malicious source

100 of 235

Handshake State

  • Each side maintains these variables
    • Chaining key: ck
    • Handshake key: h
    • Ephemeral key: e
    • Static keypair: s (ls for local, rs for remote) usually the node_id is taken
  • Functions to be used
    • ECDH(k,rk) with k is a privatekey and rk is a curvepoint.
      • Elliptic curve Diffie Hellman
      • Return is the SHA256 of the DER-compressed format of the generated point
    • HKDF(salt, ikm)
      • HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
      • https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5869
    • ChaCha20-Poly1305 (IETF Variant)
      • encrypt(k, n, ad, plaintext)
      • decrypt(k,n, ad, ciphertext)

101 of 235

Noise protocol instantiation

  • Noise Protocol Framework needs three cryptographic functions
    • Hashfunction: SHA-256
    • Elliptic curve: secp256k1
    • AEAD: ChaChaPoly-1305 as the composion of ChaCha20 and Poly1305
      • Specified in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7539
  • Official Name:
    • Noise_XK_secp256k1_ChaChaPoly_SHA256
  • Hash of official name is hashed to a digest to initialize the starting handshake state:
    • h = 0x2640f52eebcd9e882958951c794250eedb28002c05d7dc2ea0f195406042caf1
  • ck = h
  • h = sha( h || "lightning" )

102 of 235

Noise protocol setup: Act 1 --> e, es (50 bytes)

  • e = genKey()
  • h = SHA-256(h || e.pub.serialize())
  • es = ECDH(e.priv, rs)
  • ck,tmp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k1,0,h,"")
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Send m =0 || e.pub.serialize() || c

103 of 235

Noise protocol setup: Act 1 --> e, es (50 bytes)

  • e = genKey()
  • h = SHA-256(h || e.pub.serialize())
  • es = ECDH(e.priv, rs)
  • ck,tmp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k1,0,h,"")
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Send m =0 || e.pub.serialize() || c

  • v, re, c = read(m)
  • h = SHA-256(h || re.serialize())
  • es = ECDH(s.priv, re)
  • ck, tmp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)
  • p = decrypt(tmp_k1, 0, h, c)
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Important! MAC check in decrypt. This allows us to know the authenticity of the ephemeral key e.

104 of 235

Remember senders e and receivers re are the same

  • e = genKey()
  • h = SHA-256(h || e.pub.serialize())
  • es = ECDH(e.priv, rs)
  • ck,tmp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k1,0,h,"")
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Send m =0 || e.pub.serialize() || c

  • v, re, c = read(m)
  • h = SHA-256(h || re.serialize())
  • es = ECDH(s.priv, re)
  • ck, tmp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)
  • p = decrypt(tmp_k1, 0, h, c)
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Important! MAC check in decrypt. This allows us to know the authenticity of the ephemeral key e.

105 of 235

That is exactly the DH-Key exchange

  • e = genKey()
  • h = SHA-256(h || e.pub.serialize())
  • es = ECDH(e.priv, rs)
  • ck,tmp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k1,0,h,"")
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Send m =0 || e.pub.serialize() || c

  • v, re, c = read(m)
  • h = SHA-256(h || re.serialize())
  • es = ECDH(s.priv, re)
  • ck, tmp_k1 = HKDF(ck, es)
  • p = decrypt(tmp_k1, 0, h, c)
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Important! MAC check in decrypt. This allows us to know the authenticity of the ephemeral key e.

106 of 235

Noise protocol setup: Act 2 <-- e, ee (50 bytes)

  • e = genKey()
    • H = SHA-256(h || e.pub.serialize())
  • ee = ECDH(e.priv, re)
  • ck,tmp_k2 = HKDF(ck, ee)
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k2,0,h,"")
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Send m =0 || e.pub.serialize() || c

107 of 235

Noise protocol setup: Act 2 <-- e, ee (50 bytes)

  • e = genKey()
    • H = SHA-256(h || e.pub.serialize())
  • ee = ECDH(e.priv, re)
  • ck,tmp_k2 = HKDF(ck, ee)
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k2,0,h,"")
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Send m =0 || e.pub.serialize() || c

  • v, re, c = read(m)
  • h = SHA-256(h || re.serialize())
  • ee = ECDH(e.priv, re)
  • ck, tmp_k2 = HKDF(ck, ee)
  • p = decrypt(tmp_k2, 0, h, c)
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Important! MAC check in decrypt. This allows us to know the authenticity of the ephemeral key of the responder e.

108 of 235

Pay attention to the notation of e, re and ee

  • e = genKey()
    • H = SHA-256(h || e.pub.serialize())
  • ee = ECDH(e.priv, re)
  • ck,tmp_k2 = HKDF(ck, ee)
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k2,0,h,"")
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Send m =0 || e.pub.serialize() || c

  • v, re, c = read(m)
  • h = SHA-256(h || re.serialize())
  • ee = ECDH(e.priv, re)
  • ck, tmp_k2 = HKDF(ck, ee)
  • p = decrypt(tmp_k2, 0, h, c)
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)

Important! MAC check in decrypt. This allows us to know the authenticity of the ephemeral key of the responder e.

109 of 235

Noise protocol setup: Act 3 --> s, se (66 bytes)

  • c = encrypt(tmp_k2, 1, h, s.pub.serialize())
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)
  • se = ECDH(s.priv, re)
  • ck,tmp_k3 = HKDF(ck, se)
  • t = encrypt(temp_k3, 0, h, "")
  • sk,rk = HKDF(ck, "")
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k1, 0, h, "")
  • rn = 0, sn = 0

Send m =0 || c || t

110 of 235

Noise protocol setup: Act 3 --> s, se (66 bytes)

  • c = encrypt(tmp_k2, 1, h, s.pub.serialize())
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)
  • se = ECDH(s.priv, re)
  • ck,tmp_k3 = HKDF(ck, se)
  • t = encrypt(temp_k3, 0, h, "")
  • sk,rk = HKDF(ck, "")
  • c = encrypt(tmp_k1, 0, h, "")
  • rn = 0, sn = 0

Send m =0 || c || t

  • v, c, t = read(m)
  • rs = decrypt(tmp_k2, 1, h, c)
  • h = SHA-256(h || c)
  • se = ECDH(e.priv, rs)
  • ck, tmp_k3 = HKDF(ck, se)
  • p = decrypt(tmp_k3, 0, h, t)
  • rk, sk = HKDF(ck, se)
  • rn = 0, sn = 0

111 of 235

Encrypting Messages

  • Message m with sendingkey sk and nonce sn
  • l = len(m)
  • Serialize l into 2 byte big-endian integer
  • Encrypt l (using ChaChaPoly-1305, sn, sk) to obtain HMAC lc
    • sn = sn + 1
  • Encrypt m in the same way to receive ciphertext c
    • sn = sn + 1
  • Send lc || c

112 of 235

Decrypting Messages

  • Read exactly 18 bytes header as lc
  • Decrypt lc (using ChaCha20-Poly1305, rn, rk)
    • Obtain size l
    • Check HMAC
    • Increment nonce rn
  • Read exactly 16 + l bytes as c
  • Decrypt c (using ChaCha20-Poly1305, rn, rk) to obtain plaintext p
    • Increase nonce rn

113 of 235

Lightning Message Key Rotation

  • Keys should be rotated regular basis
  • Every message uses a key twice
  • Keys are rotated after being used 1000 times
    • So every 500 messages
  • k is the sk or rk
    • ck from the end of ACT 3
    • ck', k' = HKDF(ck, k)
    • Reset the nonce for k to n = 0
    • k = k'
    • ck = ck'
  • Using ping and pong messages helps rotating keys more quickly

114 of 235

Messaging / Peer Protocol

(Chapter 6 / BOLT 01 / BOLT 02)

115 of 235

Purpose of the Peer Protocol

  • Establish communication between two peers that are connected
  • Assumes a working authenticated and encrypted Transport Layer
    • (on top of a single TCP socket)
  • How will two nodes be able to maintain a RSMC (and HTLCs)?
  • How will onion packages be sent between peers?
  • Channel Management and operation of the channel
    • Channel establishment
    • Channel close
    • Normal Operation
      • Sending, accepting and forwarding payments
      • Updating fees
    • Message Retransmission (as communication transports are unreliable)

116 of 235

Format of Lightning messages

  • 2 byte type field (big endian)
  • Variable length payload
    • Max: 65535 Byte
  • Format of the payload confirms to the type
  • Even typed messages MUST be specified and MUST NOT be sent otherwise
  • It's ok to be odd
  • Logical groups of types
    • 0 - 31 Setup & Control
    • 32-127 Channel establishment and closure
    • 128-255 channel operation including setup and settlement of htlcs
    • 256-511 gossip protocol

117 of 235

The init message

  • First message after setup of the Transport layer
  • Resent after reconnection
  • MUST be the first lightning message
  • Shares information about supported / deprecated features
    • See BOLT 09
  • Features allow for upgrading the protocol
    • Local features are relevant for the channel
    • Global features are relevant for the network
  • Type 16:
  • Data
    • 2: gflen
    • gflen: globalfeatures
    • 2: lflen
    • lflen: localfeatures

118 of 235

The error message

  • Usually not exposed to userland
  • Type 17:
  • Data
    • 32: channel_id
      • Before funding_created it is the temporary_channel_id
    • 2: len
    • len: data
    • lflen: localfeatures

119 of 235

The ping and pong messages

  • Type 18: (ping)
  • Data:
    • 2: num_pong_bytes
    • 2: byteslen
    • byteslen: ignored
  • Type 19: (pong)
  • Data:
    • 2: byteslen
    • byteslen: ignored

  • Nodes MUST NOT use sensitive data in ping & pong messages
  • Synthetic traffic to fake activity to defend against packet & timing analysis
  • Leads to frequent key rotation of the transport layer (every 500 messages)

120 of 235

Establishing a channel

(Chapter 6a / BOLT 02)

121 of 235

Establishing a channel

  • Initializing and authenticating a peer connection
  • 5 messages
    • open_channel
      • Suggests a channel with certain parameters
    • accept_channel
      • Aggrees to the channel
    • funding_created
      • Sends its signature for first commitment tx
    • funding_signed
      • Sends 2nd sig for commitment tx
    • funding_locked
      • Sends next_per_commitment_point (if funding tx has enough confirmations)

122 of 235

The open_channel message (type 32) ---->

    • 32: chain_hash
    • 32: temporary_channel_id
    • 8: funding_satoshis
    • 8: push_msat
    • 8: dust_limit_satoshis
    • 8: max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat
    • 8: htlc_minimum_msat
    • 2: to_self_delay
    • 2: max_accepted_htlcs
    • 33: funding_pubkey
    • Basepoints (as in BOLT 03 for privacy reason with watchtowers)
      • 33: Revocation
      • 33: Payment
      • 33: Delayed_payment
      • 33: Htlc
      • 33: first_per _commitment
    • 1: channel_flags, 2: shutdown_len, shutdown_scriptpubkeyv

123 of 235

The accept_channel message (type 33) <----

    • 32: temporary_channel_id
    • 8: dust_limit_satoshis
    • 8: max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat
    • 8: channel_reserve_satoshis
    • 8: htlc_minimum_msat
    • 4: minimum_depth
    • 2: to_self_delay
    • 2: max_accepted_htlcs
    • 33: funding_pubkey
    • Basepoints (as in BOLT 03 for privacy reason with watchtowers)
      • 33: Revocation
      • 33: Payment
      • 33: Delayed_payment
      • 33: Htlc
      • 33: first_per _commitment
    • 2: shutdown_len, shutdown_scriptpubkey

124 of 235

The funding_created message (type 34) ---->

  • 32: temporary_channel_id
    • MUST be same as in open channel message
  • 32: funding_txid
    • Tx has to be non malleable and MUST NOT be broadcasted at that time
  • 2: funding_output_index
  • 64: signature
    • Valid signature using the funding_pubkey for the initial commitment tx
    • If incorrect channel MUST be failed

125 of 235

The funding_signed message <----

  • 32: channel_id
    • Funding_txid ^ funding_output_index
  • 64: signature
    • 2nd signature for the first commitment tx
    • If invalid
      • fail channel
      • MUST NOT broadcast the funding_tx
    • If valid SHOULD broadcast the funding_tx

126 of 235

On Transaction Malleability and the need for segWit

  • After signatures for commitment tx are exchanged via funding_signed
    • Funding tx is published by A
    • B can catch this funding tx
  • If B malleates the tx it gets a new txid
  • Ways to malleate the tx via
  • B can try to publish the malleated version
  • Commitment tx refers to txid
  • If txid of funding tx is malleated the commitment tx becomes worthless
  • B can now blackmail A
    • A cannot access the funds A provided without the help of B
    • Since B did not invest some funds this way for blackmail is "cost free" for B
  • Segwit mitigates the possibility to malleate a transaction

127 of 235

The funding_locked message (type 36) ----> <----

  • 32: channel_id
  • 33: next_per_commitment_point
    • As defined in BOLT 03 Key derivation
    • Used for next commitment transaction
      • Yes every commitment transaction uses a different basepoint
      • Future base points cannot be derived from old ones
        • This shall improve the privacy
        • Especially when using watching services

  • Funding_locked message is necessary for the channel to become operational
    • Sender MUST wait until minimum_depth of funding tx before sending this message
    • Recipient SHOULD forget the channel if message does not come
      • Mitigates DoS attack risks.

128 of 235

Closing a channel

(Chapter 6b / BOLT 02 / BOLT 05)

129 of 235

3 ways for closing a channel (BOLT 05)

  • The good (Mutual close)
    • 1 closing transaction
    • Similar to commitment tx but no pending payments
    • Part of BOLT 02 - peer protocol
  • The bad (unilateral close)
    • The protocol was breached
      • Look out for "... MUST fail the channel" in the BOLTs
      • Could be accidentally e.g. hardware failure
    • One side publishes latest commitment transaction
    • Part of BOLT 05 - onchain
  • The ugly (revoked transaction close)
    • One party (deliberately?) tries to cheat
    • Software bugs
    • Part of BOLT 05 - onchain

130 of 235

The good way - Mutual Close (always preferable)

  • Excludes the time lock of the funds
    • Partners can spend the funds directly

  • Fee can be negotiated when closing takes place
    • Potentially saves fee

  • 2 Messages are included
    • shutdown
      • To signal intend
    • closing_signed
      • Mainly to negotiate fees

131 of 235

The shutdown message

  • Type: 38
  • Data
    • 32: channel_id
    • 2: len
    • len: scriptpubkey (one of the following script templates)
      • P2SH: OP_HASH160 20 20-bytes OP_EQUAL
      • P2WPKH: OP_0 20 20-bytes
      • P2WSH: OP_0 32 32-bytes

  • MUST NOT be before funding_created / funding_signed messages
  • MAY be done before funding_locked messages
  • No future add_update_htlc messages will be accepted
  • No future update messages will be accepted

132 of 235

The closing_signed message

  • Type: 39
  • Data
    • 32: channel_id
    • 8: fee_satoshis
    • 64: signature

  • All htlcs must be settled / cleared in the current Commitment Tx
  • If fees of one roundtrip of closing_signed message are equal
    • SHOULD sign and broadcast the closing tx
    • MAY close the connection
  • Fee_satoshis should converge
    • MUST propose a value strictly between received fee_satoshis and previously-sent one.
  • No real risk for DOS as channel partner could fail the channel

133 of 235

The bad way - Unilateral / Force Close

  • The most recent commitment transaction is pushed to the chain
  • Channel stops immediately to be operational
  • Almost exact channel state is seen on chain
    • Balance
    • All fully committed htlcs in flight whose outputs are higher than dust
      • Including preimages
  • Spend htlcs with either
    • Htlc - success transactions (assuming knowledge of the preimage)
    • Htlc - timeout transactions

134 of 235

The ugly way - Revoked Transaction Close

  • An old commitment transaction was published
  • Revocation secrets have been shared via revoke_and_ack message
    • We see how in the following 'normal channel operation' part
  • Other side claims all funds within a time lock
    • This is the penalty mechanism that incentivises both parties to be honest and not go for the ugly way
    • For the mechanism to work there should always be a channel reserve on channels so that there is actually some penalty to collect.
  • A watching service can help to do so
  • If no claiming with the time lock the breaching party can spend their outputs
  • This case should never ocurr

135 of 235

Normal operation of a channel

(Chapter 6c / BOLT 02)

136 of 235

3 messages are necessary to operate a channel

(Chapter 7c / BOLT 02)

137 of 235

The 5 stages for a htlc to become valid

Alice wants to offer a payment to Bob of 15 mBTC

  • Pending on the receiver
  • In the receivers latest commitment tx
  • Receivers old commitment tx is revoked, update is pending at the sender
  • In the senders latest commitment tx
  • Senders old commitment tx is revoked

138 of 235

The 5 stages for a htlc to become valid

  • Alice wants to offer a payment to Bob of 15 mBTC

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 2a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(80 mBTC)


139 of 235

  • Alice sends an update_add_htlc message to Bob

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 2a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(80 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(65 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)



140 of 235

2. Alice sends a commitment_signed message to Bob

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 2a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(80 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(65 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)


141 of 235

3. Bob sends a revoke_and_ack message to Alice

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 2a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(80 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(65 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(65 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)




142 of 235

4. Bob sends a commitment_signed message to Alice

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 2a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(80 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(65 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(65 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)



143 of 235

5. Alice sends a revoke_and_ack message to Bob

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 2a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(80 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(65 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(65 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)



144 of 235

Only now Bob SHOULD forward the htlc!

Commitment Transaction 2b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(80 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 2a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(80 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3b (Bob)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(65 mBTC)

Alice's Key

Output 1

(20 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)


Commitment Transaction 3a (Alice)

Input (100 mBTC)

Output 0

(20 mBTC)

Bob's Key

Output 1

(65 mBTC)


Output 2

(15 mBTC)



145 of 235

The update_add_htlc offers a htlc to another node

  • Type: 128
  • Data
    • 32: channel_id
    • 8: id
      • Htlcs are building a sequence of channel states MUST increment by one
    • 8: amount_msat
      • Amount offered
    • 32: payment_hash
      • As given in the invoice and used in the htlc scripts
    • 4: cltv_expiry
      • Timelock should fit channel parameters and relate to the path for routing
    • 1366: onion_routing_packet
      • Always has this size
      • Is even needed in the case of the last node
      • Contains a session key for DH and HMAC
  • Includes no signature (Remember Transport has strong authentication)

146 of 235

The commitment_signed message

  • Type: 132
  • Data:
    • 32: channel_id
    • 64: signature
      • For the other side to be used and verified to sign the commitment tx
    • 2: num_htlcs
    • num_htlcs*64: htlc_signatures
      • Each htlcs should have a different payment hash
      • Basepoint changed for each commitment tx
        • Thus signatures change

147 of 235

The revoke_and_ack message

  • Type: 133
  • Data
    • 32: channel_id
    • 32: per_commitment_secret
      • MUST generate the current (previous) per_commitment_point
      • SHOULD be generated following the key derivation protocol (BOLT 03)
        • Otherwise node MAY fail channel
        • Compact / efficient key storage
      • Acts as revocation key
    • 32: next_per_commitment_point

148 of 235

4 reasons for removing an htlc

  • Payment preimage is being supplied
    • update_fulfill _htlc
  • Htlc is timeouted
    • update_fail_htlc
  • Htlc failed to route (at a later node of the path)
    • update_fail_htlc
  • Malformed
    • update_fail_malformed_htlc
  • Only a node that received an htlc can remove it
    • For simplicity

149 of 235

The update_fullfil_htlc message

  • Type: 130
  • Data:
    • 32: channel_id
    • 8: id
    • 32: payment_preimage

  • Obviously the payment_preimage MUST hash to the payment hash
  • The next commitment tx can leave this htlc out
    • Including it would only waste space
    • Commitment tx are not explicitly updated at this point

150 of 235

The update_fail_htlc message

  • Type: 131
  • Data:
    • 32: channel_id
    • 8: id
    • 2: len
    • Len: reason

  • The SPHINX mix format allows for nodes to send back an error to the unknown initiator of the message
  • The reason is only be readable by the initiator of the payment
  • The initiator can't expect a failure message
    • In intermediate connection could break done before the error message is sent

151 of 235

The update_fail_malformed_htlc

  • Sent if the onion is not parsable
  • Type: 135
  • Data:
    • 32: channel_id
    • 8: id
    • 32: sha256_of_onion
    • 2: failure_code
      • As defined in BOLT 04

152 of 235

Rational for Retransmission messages

  • Communication transports are unreliable
    • Cannot be assumed updates_add_htlc were received unless commitment_signed was received
    • Only store updates upon receipt of commitment_signed
    • This ensures retransmission after channel_reestablishment

  • Type: 136 (channel_reestablish)
  • Data:
    • 32: channel_id
    • 8: next_local_commitment_number
    • 8: next_remote_revocation_number
    • 32: your_last_per_commitment_secret
    • 32: my_current_per_commitment_point

153 of 235

Workflow of a Payment starts with a BOLT 11 invoice

Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice




154 of 235

After receiving the invoice Alice selects a path to David





Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice




Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)

155 of 235

Alice creates the Onion package (starting from David)





Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice




Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package

156 of 235

Alice offers the first htlc to Bob






Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice




Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package


157 of 235

Bob processes the onion and offers an htlc to Charlie






Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice





Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package



158 of 235

Charlie processes the onion and offers htlc to David






Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice






Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package




159 of 235

David checks the amount an releases the preimage






Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice







Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package





160 of 235

Upon receipt of preimage charly claims funds from Bob






Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice








Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package






161 of 235

Workflow of a Payment on the Lightning Network






Payment Hash

R → H(R)

Bolt 11 Invoice









Find a path (for example via Bob and Charlie)





Ek D




Ek C






Ek B

Alice creates Onion package







162 of 235

What can be seen by channel closes on chain?

  • Type of close
  • Channel state
  • Pending htlc outputs
    • If not below dust limit
    • There might be a fight about htlc sizes round the dust limit
      • Nodes have an interest to be larger than the dust limit
      • Privacy aware people might want to be below the dust limit

163 of 235

The Gossip Protocol

(Chapter 7 / BOLT 07)

164 of 235

Purpose of the Gossip Protocol

  • Routing is source based
  • Nodes need to be aware of the topology of the lightning network
    • Which nodes exist?
      • How to connect to them?
      • How to open channels with them?
      • What are channel policies?
    • Which channels exist?
      • What are the policies of the channels for routing?
        • Fees
        • Htlc_minimum_msat
        • Cltv_expiry_delta
        • Channel flags
      • Capacity
  • Share information between peers

165 of 235

4 announcement messages

  • Announcment_signatures
    • Needed to negotiate if the channel shall become public
  • Channel_announcement
    • Makes a channel publicly known to the network
    • Proofs ownership of the channel
  • Node_announcement
    • Shares meta data of a node (like its IP address)
    • Only possible if at least one channel was announced
  • Channel_update
    • Updates channel policies
    • Not yet relevant to the capacity or owners

166 of 235

The announcement_signatures message

  • Needed to negotiate if the channel shall become public
  • Type: 259
  • Data:
    • 32: channel_id
    • 8: short_channel_id
    • 64: node_signature
    • 64: bitcoin_signature
  • The signatures are used / exchanged to construct a channel_announcement message
    • This ensures that a channel is only announced if both parties agree
    • If shared they link (!!!) the onchain funds and addresses to the node_id

167 of 235

The channel_announcement message

  • Makes a channel publically known to the network
  • Proves ownership of the channel
    • Proving funding tx pays to bitcoin_key_1 and bitcoin_key_2
      • Verify that P2WSH funding tx output is of this form
        • 2 <pubkey1><pubkey2> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
      • pubkey1 is nummerically lesser of the DER-encoded funing_pubkeys
    • Proving that node1 owns bitcoin_key_1
    • Proving that node2 owns bitcoin_key_2
  • Bitcoin_key ownership is explicitly done with signatures
  • Node_signatures verify that the nodes agree on the proofs and message

168 of 235

The channel_announcment message format

  • Type: 256
  • Data
    • 64: node_sig_1 (commiting to SHA-256(SHA-256(message[256:])))
    • 64: node_sig_2 (commiting to SHA-256(SHA-256(message[256:])))
    • 64: bitcoin_sig_1
    • 64: bitcoin_sig_2
    • 2: len
    • len: features
      • According to BOLT 09 a mean for backwards compatibility
    • 32: chain_hash
      • 6fe28c0ab6f1b372c1a6a246ae63f74f931e8365e15a089c68d6190000000000 (BTC)
    • 8: short_channel_id
      • Must confirm to the funding tx
    • 33: node_id_1
    • 33: node_id_2
    • 33: bitcoin_key_1
    • 33: bitcoin_key_2

169 of 235

The node_announcement message

  • Shares meta data of a node (like its IP address)
    • Can be spoofed
    • Ipv4 & IPv6 are both supported
    • Can be a tor onion
  • Only possible if at least one channel was announced
  • Type: 257
  • Data
    • 64: signature
    • 2: flen
    • flen: features
    • 4: node_id
    • 33: node_id
    • 3: rgb_color
    • 32: alias
    • 2: addrlen
    • addrlen: addresses

170 of 235

The channel_update message

  • Defines channel policies
    • Mainly for routing (meaning forwarding of htlcs)
  • Type: 258
  • Data:
    • 64: signature
    • 32: chain_hash
    • 8: short_channel_id
    • 4: timestamp
      • Used for others to decide if the channel can be updated
    • 1: message_flags (option_channel_htlc_max)
    • 1: channel_flags (includes direction, availability of the channel)
    • 2: cltv_expiry_delta
    • 8: htcl_minimum_msat
    • 4: fee_base_msat
    • 4: fee_proportional_millionths
    • 8: htlc_maximum_msat (static option not designed to leak balance)

171 of 235

Deleting channels from the network view

  • Attempts to close a channel are not broadcasted via gossip
  • Also successful closing is not broadcasted
    • Can be seen on the bitcoin network by seeing a spending of the funding tx
  • nodes might still try to route htlcs if the mutual shutdown was initiated
  • Channel lifetime can be seen on the blockchain
  • Initial balance (person bringen funds) is public
  • Final balance is public
    • Intermediate payments and utilization of the channel are not seen directly
  • Closing type is public
    • Good: Mutual
    • Bad: Unilateral
    • Ugly: Breach

172 of 235

Querying the gossip protocol for information

  • Nodes can retrieve old gossip messages from peers
  • Query_schort_channel_ids / reply_short_channel_ids_end
    • Ask for channel_announcment and channel_update messages for a specific channel
    • Usually because seen channel_update before a channel_announcement
    • Or because unknow short_channel_ids from reply_channel_range
  • Query_channel_range / reply_channel_range
    • Asks for short channel ids from a starting block up to a certain hight
  • Gossip_timestamp_filter
    • Only channel_updates have a timestamp
    • Sends channel_announcements that correspond to channel_updates
  • Initial Sync
    • Requested in the init message via feature flag
    • Gossip_queries was not part of the initial protocol so initial_routing_sync must be supported
  • Rebroadcasting happens on a basis of newer timestamps
  • Pruning the network by monitoring spends of the funding transactions

173 of 235

Advanced Topics

(Chapter 8)

174 of 235

Future enhancements to the BOLTs

(Chapter 8a)

175 of 235

Some advanced topics to talk about

  • Routing upgrades
    • Rendezvous
    • AMP
    • JIT
  • Channel protocols
    • Eltoo
    • Channel factories
      • Probably done between friends / gives social graph information
  • Autopilots
  • Watch tower solutions
    • Eased up with eltoo by a lot since only newest update tx is needed
  • Scriptless scripts / 2 party ECDSA
  • Impact of Schnorr

176 of 235

Rendezvous Routing

  • Payee defines a rendezvous point
  • Encrypted onion from rendez vous point to payee is included to invoice
  • Payer just extends the onion up to the rendezvous point
  • Severe change in protocol
    • New onion format will be needed
    • Private channels will stay hidden
    • Virtual payment channels (not backed by a funding transaction) will become possible
  • https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-November/001498.html

177 of 235

AMP - Routing (Atomic Multipath Routing)

  • Payee can split the payment across several paths
    • All below the dust limit if that was needed for privacy
  • A special flag in the node announcements signals that a payee supports this
  • Routing nodes don't need to change anything
  • Payment hash for all paths stays the same
  • More nodes will be involved
  • Payments could in future have a uniform size
  • Atomicity somewhat dropped
    • Lightning is not really a connection oriented protocol
    • HORNET protocol is proposed but on hold
  • https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-November/001577.html

178 of 235

JIT - Routing (Just in Time Routing)

  • Logical equivalent to AMP-Routing
  • Way to mitigate disadvantages of source based routing in path finding
  • Solve the issue at a node that lacks outgoing or incoming capacity
  • Rebalance a channel before processing original htlc
    • Proposal exists to reuse payment hash
  • Would mitigate probing attacks as there would probably always be a path of htlcs considering conditional rebalancing
  • https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2019-March/001891.html

179 of 235

Dual funded channels

  • Currently channels are only funded from one node
  • Channel establishment protocol needs to be defined
  • Game theoretic difficulties with fees / locking btc
  • Current proposal allows free of cost probing attack for nodes balance:

180 of 235

Splicing in & Splicing out funds

  • Similar to dual funded channels
  • Change channel capacity while maintaining the channel operational
  • Currently one splicing operation at a time
    • Until enough confirmations no second splicing operation can be achieved
  • Splicing needs at least one on chain transaction and allows for chain analysis
  • https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-October/001434.html

181 of 235

Eltoo channels

  • Symmetric channel protocol
    • Way less implementation overhead
    • Suitable for multiparty channel / channel factories
  • No penalties involved for protocol breach
  • BIP 118 SIGHASH_NOINPUT required
    • Softfork necessary
  • Severe change to watching services
    • they only have to store the latest update transaction
    • Update transactions don't have any information about the channel balance
  • Heavily criticised by some developers
    • channel breaches are not discouraged without penalties
  • https://blockstream.com/eltoo.pdf

182 of 235

Multiparty channels / channel factories

  • Have the funding tx sent to a m-n wallet
  • More efficient with Schnorr and Eltoo
  • Channel protocol has yet to be developed / specified
  • Multiparty channel can create subchannels
    • Private to rest of the multiparty
    • Splicing within the party does not need to be onchain
    • Sub channels can stay operational even if a node in the party becomes unresponsive
  • Force close of the multiparty channel will serve as funding tx for subchannels
  • https://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/file/a20a865ce40d40c8f942cf206a7cba96/Scalable_Funding_Of_Blockchain_Micropayment_Networks%20(1).pdf

183 of 235

Autopilots - Recommendation engines for channels

  • Currently Barabasi Albert model
    • Probability distribution proportional to the degree of nodes
  • Other features could be taken into consideration
    • Past routing statistics
    • Channel balances
    • The fee graph
  • There might be a demand for collaborative autopilots to share information
    • Most likely channel balances
  • Will not be part of the protocol in BOLT 1.1
    • Rather an implementation detail

184 of 235

Watchtower solutions

  • Have a third party pay attention for channel breach
  • Economic incentive not clear
    • Theoretically a watching services could be forced to store an arbitrary amount of data
  • Electrum's lightning implementation is said to come with a subscription based trusted watching service
  • Watching service needs revocation secret
  • Watching service does not necessarily need to be aware of all channel balances
    • Remember key derivation BOLT 03
  • With eltoo channel way more privacy
  • Will not be part of BOLT yet

185 of 235

Scriptless Scripts / 2 party ECDSA

  • Create a 2-2 multisig wallet based solely on ECDSA P2PKH
  • Makes use of homomorphic Paillier encryption
  • Be able to have changing preimages along a route
    • Payment decorrelation
    • Switch to payment points instead of payment hashes
  • Atomic swaps as a regular P2PKH on chain transaction
  • Will probably not be implemented as Schnorr Signatures can do the same
  • https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-May/001244.html

186 of 235

Schnorr Signatures / MuSig

  • Linear signature Scheme
  • Signatures can be added up → One verification
  • Multisig wallets have just one signature
  • Complex scripts / smart contracts can be hidden
  • Can be computed from only knowing pubkeys and sigs.
    • Little communication overhead / protocol required
  • By now implemented in libsecp256k1
  • Desire to push to bitcoin
  • Ability to hide complex scripts / contracts
  • https://blockstream.com/2019/02/18/musig-a-new-multisignature-standard/

187 of 235

Chross chain atomic swaps / American Call options

  • Potentially atomic swaps are possible
    • Sending an onion through multiple chains
    • Recall hash of genesis block was part of channel announcements
  • Atomic swaps on the Lightning Network are in practise probably unusable
    • Atomic swaps together with HTLCs lead to american style call options without fee
    • Pointed out by ZmnSCPxj and CJP
  • Only channels can be traced and linked to nodes
    • Rember private nodes exist and are not announced via gossip
  • Connects addresses of various chains
    • Via the gossip protocol
  • https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2018-December/001752.html

188 of 235

Possible DoS Attack Vectors & spamming attacks

  • Spamming HTLCs on Lightning
    • A channel can only support 483 htlcs in flight
    • Attacker can create onions without preimages
    • Few satoshis sufficient to do this attack
  • Spamming HTLCs to Bitcoin
    • Create many circulare routes through inbound channels
      • Goal to have large commitment transactions
    • Force channel close before releasing the transaction
      • Costs almost nothing for attacker but channel partner (if they funded) the channel pays fees
  • Spam the gossip protocol
    • Mainly update messages for fees / channel policies. Comes technically at no cost

189 of 235

Privacy Considerations

(Chapter 8b)

190 of 235

The Lightning Network as spying tool?

  • The Gossip protocol takes away a great deal of privacy
    • Channel announcements
      • Blockchain transactions that create a payment channel are referenced
      • Node_id's of channel partners are referenced
    • Node announcements
      • IP addresses of nodes are announced
      • Closing channels links blockchain transactions and ownership of coins with the ownership of a server
  • Private Nodes / channels can be compromised by BOLT 11 strings
  • Probing channels for balance via corrupted onions
  • Invoices link payments to IP addresses
  • Payment_hash links onions across different hops

191 of 235

192 of 235

Demonstrating private Channels


193 of 235

Transaction related to a Lightning network channel?

Tx-hash: 1d5b....e432

194 of 235

Spent by

195 of 235

Spent by

Tx-hash: 1d5b....e432

196 of 235

Spent by

Tx-hash: 1d5b....e432

197 of 235

Lightning node on chain wallets

  • Currently don't seem to provide privacy features
  • Funding tx has
    • 2-2 multisig output
    • Optionally a regular change output
    • Such tx do not have to be funding tx
  • Mutual close will be hard to connect to a channel
  • Unilateral / breach close could more easily be identified
  • Lightning nodes wallets could include privacy features in future
    • like coin join
    • Other measures from https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Privacy

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Channel probing attack for channel balance

  • Source based routing was a requirement
  • An attacker can request routing a cycle route to herself
    • And never release the preimage
  • If route is successfully set up information about channel balance is revealed
  • This attack is free as
    • setting up htlcs comes at literally no cost.
      • Only networking & small computational overhead
  • This gives a lower / upper estimate about channel balances…
    • As long as JIT Routing is not implemented

  • Users might share channel balance for services like route / path finder

199 of 235

The Lightning Network a tool to increase privacy?

  • Single payments can be hidden and are not stored to the blockchain
  • Nodes can run on tor onions
  • Running nodes without announcing them or channel partners is possible
    • Rendez vous routing will increase such an operation by a lot
  • Payments are sent via onions and hard to trace, correlate
    • Scriptless scripts will allow for per hop preimages
  • No routing tables or public information about channel balances
  • Future AMP-Routing might create standard sized payments
    • making traffic analysis even more difficult as onions cannot be correlated
  • Random overpayment allowed by protocol to obfuscate onions
    • C-lightning has a configurable max fee rate that nodes are willing to pay
    • Overpayment will be between max accepted fee and the actual fee

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Security breaches by poor implementations

(Chapter 8c)

201 of 235

Implementations can (deliberately) compromise privacy

  • Protocol does not guarantee perfect privacy
    • Remember IP addresses and Bitcoin addresses can be linked via gossip
  • Poor implementations yield a risk
    • Even without bad intend
  • Some points to watch out for will be discussed
    • The goal is to have a growing list of points to check for with the open source implementations

202 of 235

Not randomizing CLTV deltas in route construction

  • From Bolt 7 : routing gossip:
    • If a route is computed by simply routing to the intended recipient and summing the cltv_expiry_deltas, then it's possible for intermediate nodes to guess their position in the route. Knowing the CLTV of the HTLC, the surrounding network topology, and the cltv_expiry_deltas gives an attacker a way to guess the intended recipient. Therefore, it's highly desirable to add a random offset to the CLTV that the intended recipient will receive, which bumps all CLTVs along the route.
  • Possible infringement:
    • Create a popular implementation / plugin that uses the minimum CLTV deltas

203 of 235

Implementations avoiding random overpayments

  • From Bolt 4 : Onion Routing:
    • If the amount paid is more than twice the amount expected:
  • SHOULD fail the HTLC.
  • SHOULD return an incorrect_or_unknown_payment_details error.
    • Note: this allows the origin node to reduce information leakage by altering the amount while not allowing for accidental gross overpayment.
  • Possible infringement:
    • Create a popular implementation / plugin that never overpays.
    • Nodes do not have to do overpayments
      • C-lightning does random overpayment to an amount up to the maximum accepted fee rate for the payments
      • Other implementations could use other measures

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Man in the middle attacks of the Noise protocol

  • From Bolt 08 : Transport
    • Authenticating each message sent ensures that a man-in-the-middle (MITM) hasn't modified or replaced any of the data sent as part of a handshake, as the MAC check would fail on the other side if so.
    • A successful check of the MAC by the receiver indicates implicitly that all authentication has been successful up to that point. If a MAC check ever fails during the handshake process, then the connection is to be immediately terminated.

  • This means that a poor implementation in which checking the MAC is omitted allows for man in the middle attacks
    • In my opinion unlikely to happen

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Bolt 02 bolt 03 basepoints unpredictable commitment tx

The various _basepoint fields are used to derive unique keys as described in BOLT #3 for each commitment transaction. Varying these keys ensures that the transaction ID of each commitment transaction is unpredictable to an external observer, even if one commitment transaction is seen; this property is very useful for preserving privacy when outsourcing penalty transactions to third parties.

Possible infringement:

Don't follow the spec for key derivation (will not be detected)

206 of 235

Ephemeral keys on the Transport layer

  • Noise XK handshake uses ephemeral keys
  • It is not specified in a deterministic way which keys should be chosen

Possible infringement:

  • A node could reuse the ephemeral keys from onion routing
  • A node could reuse the commitment_base_points / secrets

207 of 235

Dual funded channels used to probe for offchain balance

  • Current dual funded channel proposal has no means of stopping to probe peers for their onchain liquidity

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Security breaches by services

(Chapter 8d)

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3rd party services for lightning can compromise privacy

  • General gist services increasing the user experience often do this by trading for data
  • We will explain how some services can explicitly be constructed to collect data
  • The thoughts here should be taken into consideration for any third party service and are not particular for services on top of lightning

210 of 235

Lightning explorers like 1ml.com

  • Users can claim "their" node and provide authenticated meta data
  • Web users showing interest in certain nodes can be tracked

211 of 235

Custodial services with KYC are an obvious risk

  • Centralized exchanges implementing lightning
  • Custodial Wallets
    • Tip bots
  • Web services
    • Web shops
    • Payment provider

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Decentralized Exchanges

  • Zigzag.io / sideshift.ai
    • Can correlate an onchain tx with a lightning invoice
    • Can collect meta data like IP address of the user
  • Submarine swaps
    • Same as zigzag.io

213 of 235

Implementations (wallets) / plugins

  • Implementations can obviously know anything
  • C-lightning offers plugins
    • Plugins can basically access all data of the node
    • Potential ideas for critical plugins
      • Routing service
      • Autopilot
      • Watchtower service
      • Escrow services

214 of 235

User Interfaces / UX improving tools

  • Remote control apps:
    • Can basically do everything a plugin / implementation can do
    • Examples
      • Spark-wallet (c-lightning)
      • Zap-wallet (lnd)
  • Hardware projects can theoretically lead to a security breach (examples which should checked before using them)
    • Casa node
    • Hodlhodl
    • Raspiblitz
    • Hardware wallets (work in progress)
    • Point of sale systems

215 of 235

References and helpful links

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Backup Slides

217 of 235

A standard Bitcoin Transaction has 6 data fields

( The following is a brief summary of https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Transaction#Input )

  • Version number (4 Bytes)
  • In-Counter (1-9 Bytes)
  • List of inputs (depending on the Value of <In-Counter>)
  • Out-Counter (1-9 Bytes)
  • List of Outputs (depending on the Value of <Out-Counter>)
  • Lock_time (4 Bytes)


218 of 235

Bitcoin Transaction with 3 inputs and 2 outputs

219 of 235

Data consists mainly of executable scripts!

220 of 235

A chain of Bitcoin Transactions with 2 UTXO

  • Outputs are references by the inputs
  • The Script in the output defines how the transaction can be spent
  • Owning Bitcoins means being able to spend the output of an unspent transaction
    • Provide an input script
    • Concatenate it with with some outputscript of an unspent transaction
    • The combined Script needs to evaluate to True

221 of 235

Spending a Pay-to-PubkeyHash (standard TX)

  • ScriptPubKey (aka the Output Script)
  • ScriptSig: (aka the Input Script)
    • <sig> <pubKey>
  • Explainations
    • OP_CODES are the instructions of the script language within Bitcoin
    • <data> is depicted like html tags with lesser than and greater than signs
    • The complete script is concatenated as Input || Output and then being executed on a Stack machine


A video dissecting a P2PKH transaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n4g3eYX1UI

222 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script



Data is pushed on the stack

223 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script




Data is pushed on the stack again

224 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script





The OP_CODE OP_DUP is being executed by pushing the top element to the stack again

225 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script




The OP_CODE OP_HASH160 is being executed:

It takes the top element of the Stack


226 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script





The OP_CODE OP_HASH160 is being executed:

It takes the top element of the Stack

The RIPEMD-160 Hash is calculated

By design of the input and output script this will be the Hash of the Public Key (aka the Bitcoin Address)


227 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script





The OP_CODE OP_HASH160 is being executed:

It takes the top element of the Stack

The RIPEMD-160 Hash is calculated

And the result is pushed back on the stack

By design of the input and output script this will be the Hash of the Public Key (aka the Bitcoin Address)


228 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script






Data is pushed on the stack again

229 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script




OP_EQUALVERIFY checks if the two top elements of the stack are equal.

While checking the elements will be removed

Like the instruction set in the ALU of the CPU OP_CODES know how much data they need to consume (and will do so or fail otherwise)



230 of 235

Execution of Pay-to-PubkeyHash Script



OP_CHECKSIG evaluates that the PubKey which was the top element fits to the signature which was the 2. Element on the stack

If this fits together ownership is proven and the Transaction will be added to the block with a new Output script.

After being mined the transaction is now considered to be spent. Double spending cannot take place since the assumption was that the output was not spent yet.



231 of 235

The Bitcoin miners will build the next block

  • Collect published and valid transactions
    • In particular the hashes of the transactions
    • Most likely those that offer highest mining fees
    • Mining fees are leftovers of inputs which have not assigned to outputs
    • As many as there is space within the block
    • Start with one special transaction which has no input generating the block reward as an output
  • Take some additional meta data
    • The hash of the previous block
    • The nonce (and extra nonce as part of the coinbase)
  • Compute the merkle tree of all the hashes
  • Look out for a hash collision with respect to the mining difficulty
  • If your Tx was in: Congratulations you now sent bitcoins

232 of 235

Let's talk lightning!

233 of 235

I love taking photographs of lightning bolts...

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Copyright notice

  • This slide deck is openly licensed with a creative commons license CC-BY-SA-4.0.
  • You are
    • free to
      • Share
      • Remixe
    • As long as you
      • Link to the original work
      • State my Name and Website
      • Mark changes in your derivative work
      • Use the same license for your derivative work
  • Screenshots in this slide deck are taken by me but the design of the websites might be protected by copyright
  • This slide deck uses parts of the lightning-rfc which is licensed as CC-BY (the lightning developers)
  • The graphics from the backup slides are taken from https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Transaction and are Public Domain

Thanks to Marietheres Viehler (aka journalspiration) for the design of the title slide.

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About this slide deck

The purpose is to help spreading education about the Lightning Network Protocol so that the technology will be adopted more quickly by more people. This shall be my contribution to the Bitcoin / Lightning Network Community.

This slide deck - to the best of my knowledge - is the most comprehensive work making an introduction to the BOLT standard. I will hold several talks about this slide deck in Juni 2019 at the Bitcoin / Lightning Residency organized by Chaincodelabs who will also record the talk. So watch out for them because actual presentations of the slide deck will probably be more valuable than just the slides you're holding in your hand.

The slides are part of my effort to create a book about the lightning network. You can follow that effort at: https://github.com/renepickhardt/The-Lightning-Network-Book or you can support the effort at my fundrasing pages at: https://tallyco.in/s/lnbook or at: https://www.patreon.com/renepickhardt or at 1GZx8tWgDd21Rd8b1QdMrzdZGHgyfVkzaD part of this effort also consists of creating video tutorials and teaching materials on my Youtube Channel over at: https://www.youtube.com/user/RenePickhardt

This work was funded (sorted by amount of contribution from top to bottom) by: Me personally, fulmo.org, everyone who contributed to the above mentioned fundraiser and George Danzer.

Thank you to the lightning Developers and people in various telegram groups for helpful discussions