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�Monthly Safety Training�February

Training Manager: Ronnie Allerkamp

Phone: 270-745-5403

Email: Ronnie.Allerkamp@wku.edu

Department of Facilities Management

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Agenda / Training Topics

  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • COVID-19
  • Emergency Action Plan

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Bloodborne Pathogens


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What Are Bloodborne Pathogens?

    • Microorganisms present in human blood that can cause disease
    • Primary workplace pathogens
      • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
      • Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
      • Hepatitis C virus (HCV)

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    • HIV leads to AIDS
    • HIV attacks and depletes the human immune system
    • Early HIV symptoms resemble flu virus
    • HIV antibody test is the only way to know for sure
    • HIV does not survive outside the body
    • No cure yet

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Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)

    • Results in chronic liver disease, liver cancer and death
    • Symptoms
      • Jaundice, fatigue, �and abdominal pain
      • No appetite, nausea, �and vomiting
    • Vaccine is available
    • HBV can survive outside the body and in dried blood at least 7 days

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)

    • Most common chronic bloodborne infection
    • Results in chronic liver disease, liver cancer and death
    • Symptoms can take years to manifest
      • Flu-like symptoms, jaundice, dark urine, �and fatigue
      • Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, �and abdominal pain
    • Treatment is marginally effective
    • Can live on surfaces and in dried blood for up to 3 weeks

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Transmission of Pathogens

    • Contaminated sharp objects or needles
    • Broken skin, including rashes
    • Mucous membranes
      • Eyes
      • Mouth
      • Nose

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Routes of Exposure

    • Contact with bleeding co-worker
    • Contact with blood while administering �first aid
    • Touching a contaminated surface
    • Assigned to clean up blood
    • Contact with contaminated products or equipment in restrooms
    • Using a tool covered in dried blood

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Protect Yourself

    • Take universal precautions
    • Use personal protective equipment
    • Follow safe work practices
    • Get the hepatitis B vaccination
    • Follow decontamination and disposal procedures

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Take Universal Precautions

    • Treat all blood and bodily fluids as if infected
    • Use barrier protection to avoid contact with infected bodily fluids
    • Immediately clean up and decontaminate surfaces and equipment

Image Credit: OSHA

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Exposure Incident

    • Wash cuts and skin thoroughly
    • Rinse nose and mouth
    • Flush eyes with �clean water or sterile solution
    • Clean all contaminated surfaces
    • Report all incidents

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  • Maintain six (6) feet away from all other employees, customers, and visitors unless closer interaction is absolutely required to perform job duties (e.g., health care examinations)
  • If job duty requires closer contact a face mask must be worn at all times during the period of close contact

  • Limit gatherings to groups of ten (10) or fewer unless authorized by DFM Director
  • Wear face mask when in a small group
  • Have group gatherings outside when possible
  • Face to face interaction should be minimized to the greatest extent practicable: Meeting should be conducted via telephone or Internet if possible

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Everyone must wear a face mask at all times when in below situations

  • Cloth Mask (WKU/Sodexo provided): Must be washed daily and air dried
  • Cloth Mask (Personal): Must be washed daily
  • Disposable Mask (Work provided): Good for only one use

Notes: Masks will NOT contain any words, symbols, or logos other than those associated with Sodexo or WKU

  • In public areas or shared spaces within
    • Buildings
    • Vehicles
    • Classrooms
  • Within 6 feet from another person

Face Mask Types

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Cover Yourself

Should comfortably fit

towards the bridge of


The chin doesn’t

need to be covered

but doing so helps

you get a good seal

around the mouth

Many masks will fit

snugly on the chin

Fit Matters

Should fit just tight

enough to prevent

frequent repositioning

Should fit firmly

but be comfy

against skin

There can be slight gaps

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Mask Reminder

Make sure your mask meets CDC Guidelines!

Ensure your mask:

  • Fits properly
  • Has 2-3 layers of fabric
  • Is made of a tightly woven, breathable material

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Keep your vision clear!

  • Be aware of how wearing a mask affects your vision
  • If your peripheral or lower vision is impared, physically turn your head down or side-to-side to view your surroundings.
  • If your mask is causing your glasses to fog, use the Defogging Spray available in the Stock Room.

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Hand Washing

Hand Sanitizing

Palm to Palm

Between fingers

Back of hands

Base of thumbs

Back of fingers



Rinse and wipe dry (turn off water with paper towel

Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds

Apply the product on the palm of one hand

Rub hands together

Cover all surfaces until hands feel dry (20 sec)

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  • Have you had any of the following COVID-19 symptoms since your last day at work or the last time you were here?

    • A fever (Temperature above 100.3 F)
    • A New Cough
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • Chills or repeated shaking with chills
    • New Muscle pain or headache
    • Sore throat
    • New loss of taste or smell
    • Gastrointestinal symptoms (i.e. diarrhea, vomiting, etc.)

  • Is there anyone in your household that is showing COVID-19 symptoms or who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?

  • Have you been in close contact with anyone that tested positive for COVID or exhibiting signs or symptoms of fever, persistent cough or shortness of breath consistent with COVID-19 who has not been tested or is still awaiting testing?

    • If yes, was the person running a fever of 100.4 or greater, coughing, and/or experiencing shortness of breath?
    • If yes, was the person a household member, intimate partner, or an individual you had close contact with for a prolonged period of time without following social distancing protocols or wearing a mask?

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COVID Positive or Exposed to COVID

Sodexo and Temp Employees

  • Contact DFM Safety Manager, Tim Salloum, at 270-745-5403
    • Call within 4 hours of receiving test results or being informed of being identified of exposure
    • Leave a message with Name and Call back number if no answer
    • Stay home until receiving clearance from DFM Safety Manager

WKU Employees

  • Contact WKU Assistance Line at 270-745-2019
    • Call within 4 hours of receiving test results or being informed of being identified of exposure
    • Stay home until receiving clearance from WKU Assistance Line

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Emergency Action Plan


  • Building Evacuation
  • Fire / Explosion / Smoke
  • Tornado / Severe Weather
  • Earthquake

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Building Evacuation

  • Evacuation Routes are posted throughout building
  • Alert Others
  • Shut down equipment if it presents hazards if unattended
  • Take coat/jacket, purse/wallet, keys, cell phone with you
  • Help those needing assistance

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Building Evacuation


  • Close your door (Do not take extra time to lock)
  • Proceed to nearest exit. Walk (Do not run) / Do not use Elevators
  • Once outside find the primary assembly area
  • Don’t re-enter the building until “all clear” is given

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Fire / Explosion / Smoke

  • Alert others
  • Confine the fire if possible
  • Use Fire Extinguisher (For Small Fires)
  • Pull Fire Alarm if not yet sounded for bigger uncontained Fires
  • Use fire escape routes

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Fire / Explosion / Smoke


  • Don’t enter smoke filled rooms
  • Feel doors for heat (Do not open doors that are warm)
  • Kneel as low as possible before entering a room
  • Call WKU Police Department at 911 to report the fire
  • Once outside find the primary assembly area
  • Don’t re-enter the building until “all clear” is given

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Tornado / Severe Weather

Tornado Warning issued:

  • Relocate to designated tornado shelter (Basement)
  • Take keys, jackets, cell phones with you
  • Do not use elevators
  • Avoid glass windows
  • Sit on floor of the shelter covering upper body and head with a jacket or heavy cloth

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Tornado / Severe Weather


Tornado Warning issued:

  • Wait for “all clear” to be given
  • May be necessary to evacuate depending on damage

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During Earthquake:

  • Take cover under a sturdy desk or table
  • Stay away from exterior walls and windows
  • Protect head and neck
  • Do not go outside until shaking stops
  • If already outside find an open space
  • Stay calm

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After Earthquake:

  • Be prepared for aftershocks
  • Move cautiously
  • Do not use elevators
  • Do not use matches or candles
  • Open Windows and leave immediately
  • Go to the assembly area and wait for “all clear”

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Check on Learning

Please complete this digital ‘Check on Learning’ to confirm you completed this training.


QUESTIONS can be emailed to


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