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Digital Formative Assessments

Karen D’Elia

Coord. Teacher - Instructional Technology

Office of Magnet Programs



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Digital Formative

Assessment Tools

  • Answer Garden
  • BrainPOP, BrainPOP ESL, & BrainPOP Jr.
  • Discovery Education
  • Go Formative
  • Google Forms, Sheets, & Flubaroo (add on)
  • Vizia

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Answer Garden

Digital Resource



Answer Garden

Free app!

Ask a question and students’ answers appear

in a word cloud format.

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Digital Resource



BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr. & BrainPOP ESL

Username: _________

Password: _________

Teacher Code: _________

Free Apps

Awesome Features Include:

movies, quizzes, Make-a-Map, FYI, Activities,

Plus….BrainPOP Educators

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Discovery Education

Digital Resource



Discovery Education

Teacher Login

Username: wcpss+employee ID#

Password: employeeID#

Student Login

Username: wcp+student ID#

Password: student ID#

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Go Formative

Digital Resource



Go Formative


Send students to goformative.com/#signup.

Students sign up and enter your Class Code.

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Google Forms, Sheets and Flubaroo

Digital Resource



Google Forms

Great tool to use to embed YouTube videos!

No iPad App!

See below.

For iPad:

  • Access Google Forms through a web browser: https://drive.google.com
  • Sign in with your WCPSS email info.
  • Tap the menu option (hamburger) to the left of My Drive.
  • Tap Desktop Version.
  • Tap New > More > Google Forms.

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Google Forms and Quizzes

Helpful Hints:

  • Select Required if you want the students to answer a question.
  • Select Send to get options to share your quiz.
  • Be sure to select Automatically collect respondent’s WCPSS username.
  • Click on the link icon to get a link to your quiz. Click in the Shorten URL box to get a short URL. Press Ctrl-C to copy the shortened link.
  • Click on Responses (rather than Questions) and the green square to see your students’ responses in Excel. Select Create a New Spreadsheet.
  • Click Learn More if you would like more options for choosing a form response destination.

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Google Forms, Sheets and using

the Add-on app Flubaroo

  • Create the assessment in Google Forms.
  • Send/Share the test.
  • Complete the test so you will have a set of correct responses.
  • Have your students complete the test.
  • View the responses in a new spreadsheet.
  • In Google Sheets, click on Add-ons.
  • Get/Open Flubaroo.
  • Grade assignment.
  • Select a grading option for each question.
  • **** Select which submission will be used as an answer key.
  • Click continue.

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Digital Resource



Integrate assessment items such as quiz questions, polls, and open-ended questions. Your first question should ask the students their first name and last initial so they don’t have to enter their email IDs.

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Thank you!

Session Evaluation