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Week 7

Web Design + Interaction

COMD 2451

Fall 2024

For today’s class,

open up:

  • This Slide Deck
  • Visual Studio Code
  • GitHub

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Administrative Stuff

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Midterm Grades

I am currently working on Midterm progress reports.

Midterm scores (P, BL, U, SA) do not show on your final grade record but give you and your advisors a snapshot of where you are at this point. I will alert you when they are available.

Midterm assessment for this class will include 2 quizzes, attendance, and seven weeks of homework assignments.

If you are missing the quiz: you may have a chance to make it up. Ask me ASAP.

If you are missing homework: get it in! All grades are cumulative so even a partial score is better than a zero.

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Midterm Assignments Submitted

If you are missing assignments, you should have emails from me. Grade so far is made of:

Quiz (10% of grade)

Attendance (15% of grade)

Assignments (35% of grade):

  • 100%: you’re done!
  • <100%: can make corrections, resubmit. I will regrade.
  • “Needs Grading” - Received but not graded yet.
  • “In Progress” = You must resubmit; I cannot view it!
  • “ - ” = Not submitted

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Always Read Assignment Instructions!




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Week 6 Review: Information Architecture

Last Week we learned

You should know…

Information Architecture Definition

Information Architecture(IA) is the design and structure of information spaces for understanding and findability.

IA Tools and Practices

Several user testing and expert tools help designers structure their website: Heuristics, Taxonomy, Controlled Vocabulary, Content Mapping, Affinity Diagram, User Task Flow, Site Map, and Wireframes.

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Preparing for your Final Project (Portfolio Website)

More Details

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Final Project Requirements: Both parts required

  • Presentation

● Cover page

● Project Proposal ✅

● Mood Board ✅

● Style Guide ✅

● CSS Stylesheet, HTML file

● Supporting images/sketches ✅

● “Thank you” page with your portfolio URL and email address


Can use Powerpoint, Google Slides, Keynote, etc.

2) Portfolio Website

● Home page 🚧

● Portfolio pages

● Image Gallery 🚧

● Portfolio samples and description

● Resume

● Contact Form


Must be a working website at your personal domain

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Portfolio Website Requirements

  • URL of your website on a domain you own (or your github url)
  • One css stylesheet shared by all pages of your website
  • Responsive design for at least 2 display sizes (desktop + phone)
    • Navigation that works on desktop or phone
    • Site looks good and is usable at both widths
  • Page with at least one paragraph of text
  • Gallery with at least 4 images
  • Resume
  • Contact Form that can be submitted to send you an email

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Sample Portfolio Website





* Resume page is also required (although not shown here)

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Sample Resumes




Contact info

(email, phone)

About paragraph

(you can change this to a paragraph)

Work experience


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Responsive Web Design + Layout

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Responsive Web Design Topics

● What is Responsive Design?

● Grids and Breakpoints

● Media Queries

● Responsive Frameworks

● Activity: Grid Layout

● LAB: Begin building your responsive page template

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What is Responsive Web Design?

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Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Responsive Web Design: “...design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.

“The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries.”

Source: Responsive Web Design – What It Is And How To Use It. (January 12, 2001). Smashing Magazine. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/01/guidelines-for-responsive-web-design/

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Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Source: Muhammad Rafizeldi (MRafizeldi). (November 14, 2013). Responsive Web Design for Desktop, Notebook, Tablet and Mobile Phone.png. Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Responsive_ Web_Design_for_Desktop,_Notebook,_Tablet_and_Mobile_Phone.png

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Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Source: Jes Kirkwood. (February, 26, 2018). 11 powerful examples of responsive web design. InVision. https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/examples-responsive-web-design/

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Ways CSS can help achieve responsive design

  • Classes and containers
  • Grids and breakpoints

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Classes and Containers

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Containers and Positioning

Everything on a web page is a box.

Layout is determined by:

  • Box dimensions and type
  • Positioning scheme (normal flow, float, positioning)
  • Relationships between elements
  • External info (e.g., viewport size, intrinsic dimensions of images, etc)

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Review: Body


contains everything in the viewport.

Think of the body as a box around the whole viewport!

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Containers and Positioning

To make our layout flexible, we must create containers for our content. Then we have to define their position with box offset properties.


<h1> Headline

Hero <img>

Call to Action




Notice the body is a container for the containers!


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Review: Block vs Inline

Block-Level Element: An HTML element that starts on a line of its own. Examples: <p> <h1> <ul> <li> <div>

Inline Elements: An HTML element that flows between surrounding text. Examples: <img> <b> <i>

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Think of containers as boxes that hold other boxes of content. Any block-level element can be a container. Designers often use the <div> element to serve as a container.

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Review: Classes and IDs

Classes let you create a special category of HTML elements styled in the same way. Any element using that class gets those styles for its content.

IDs are similar to class but you can have ONLY ONE of each ID per page.


<article class=”column1”>

<section class=”column2”>


.column1, .column2 {

some: css;



<article id=”top_story”>

<section id=”second_story”>


#top_story {

some: css;


We can only use top_story on ONE element in the whole html file.

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Positioning and Layout

The way block-level elements (boxes) are laid out depends on 3 things:

  • Does it follow normal flow?
  • Floats
  • Positioning schemes

Source: https://chenhuijing.com/blog/understanding-positioning-in-css/#%F0%9F%8E%99

REALLY helpful article for understanding CSS layout

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What’s the “Normal” flow?

It’s how the containers naturally lay out based on the order we write them in our code.

Top to bottom, left to right

<div id=”left”>



<div id=”articles”>





<div id=”right”>





<h1> Headline

Hero <img>

Call to Action




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YOU can set an element’s behavior to:

  • hug the left side of its container float: left;
  • Hug the right side of its container float: right;

Boxes that are given a float property are considered out of the flow.

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Positioning Schemes

CSS allows us to determine the position of box elements so to get them to behave outside of the Normal Flow, where each item appears on a new line and the next one appears below it.

Let’s look at these positioning schemes:

  • Static Positioning (default)
  • Relative Positioning
  • Absolute Positioning
  • Fixed Positioning
  • Sticky Positioning

Source: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_position.asp

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Positioning and Layout

The way block-level elements (boxes) are laid out depends on 3 things:

  • Does it follow normal flow?
  • Floats
  • Positioning schemes

Source: https://chenhuijing.com/blog/understanding-positioning-in-css/#%F0%9F%8E%99

REALLY helpful article for understanding CSS layout

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Box Offset Properties

h2 {

position: absolute;

left: 100px;

top: 150px;


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Box Offset Properties

h2 {

position: absolute;

left: 100px;

top: 150px;


Absolute position always starts from top left corner of container element



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Box Offset Properties

It’s not what you might expect. It tells you where you start from, then move in the opposite direction of that.

Top. “Move the box x distance down, starting from the top of where it is now”

Left. “Move box x distance, starting from the left side of where it is now”

Bottom. “Move the box x distance up, starting from the bottom of where it is now”

Right. “Move box x distance, starting from the right side of where it is now”

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Explained another way

Source: https://chenhuijing.com/blog/understanding-positioning-in-css/#%F0%9F%8E%99

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Source: https://chenhuijing.com/blog/understanding-positioning-in-css/#%F0%9F%8E%99

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Source: https://chenhuijing.com/blog/understanding-positioning-in-css/#%F0%9F%8E%99

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Source: https://chenhuijing.com/blog/understanding-positioning-in-css/#%F0%9F%8E%99

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Video: Positioning

Now that you’ve tried the different types of positioning, this video should clarify a few things:



Take notes, and at the end of the video, I’ll ask you to:

Name two major differences between absolute and relative positioning.

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Code along!

  • Open up the repository link
  • Download the files and put them in a folder
  • Drag the folder onto Visual Studio Code to open it

We will adjust the CSS as we go along and see how it changes things

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Relative Positioning

Relative Positioning: Shifts the elements from its original position to the top, left, right or bottom.

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Absolute Positioning

Absolute Positioning: position is fixed relative to the closest positioned containing element.

It will move up and down with its container as the user scrolls.

h1.example {

position: absolute;

top: 0px;

left: 500px;

width: 250px;


p {

width: 450px;


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do

elusmod tempur incididunt ut

labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minum veniam, quis

nostrud exercitation ullamco

laboris nisi ut alquip ex ea

commodo consequat.

Duis Aute irure dolor in

reprehendeerit in voluptate


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Box Offset Properties: Fixed Positioning

Fixed Positioning: Places elements in an exact or absolute location relative to

the browser window, e.g. always in the top left or always in the footer.


h1 {

position: fixed;

top: 30%;


margin: auto;




<p>Lorem ipsum dolor…</p>

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Box Offset Properties: Overlapping Elements

The z-index defines what objects sit in front when they overlap. The higher the number is, the closer to the top it will be.

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Box Offset Properties: Float ing Elements

Float: Turns a box element such as an <ingredient> or a <p> piece of text into a block-level element that floats to the left or right in the browser. Breaks the element out of the normal flow.

In this example, the initial Cap “L” floats to the top left edge of the rest of the paragraph. It will scroll with the content as the user scrolls.

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Using Floats to Place Elements Side-by-Side

If you set a series of containers to float: left; they will display beside each other, along the width of the browser window, as long as there is space.

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Clearing Floats to Correct the Alignment

The clear property allows you to force the block to render in the next line.

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Grids and Breakpoints

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960 Pixel Wide 12-Column Grid

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960gs: 960 Pixel Wide 12-Column Grid

One of the first grid frameworks that uses a CSS file was created by 960.gs. The CSS file is located in the Handouts directory in the Class Folder or at 960.gs.

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Responsive Grid Frameworks

There are other frameworks, like the W3.CSS framework below that do not rely on fixed widths. These allow columns to shrink and expand with the size of the device window.

A col-1 block is 8.33% or 1/12th of the width of the screen.

A col-12 block fills 100% of the screen width.

Four equal width blocks stretching across the screen has 4 col-3 blocks.

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Responsive Grid Frameworks



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Putting it All Together

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Semantic Web Page

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Two Columns

Suppose we have a narrower

viewport, such as tablet, portrait


We want to change the layout so

that we have a maximum of two


You will see that the articles that

used to be side by side are now

stacked in one column.

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One Column

Narrower devices, like an iPhone

12 Mini, may require a single

column of content to be read


The articles are now shifted to a

single column.

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One Column + Hiding Extra Stuff

After collapsing content to a

single column you may decide

some content is not important.

Removing unimportant content

provides more room for the

important stuff.

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Even More Room

Mobile devices use graphic shortcuts for content that would normally appear in the navigation menu, utilities or footer.

Hamburger and meatball menu icons are familiar. Different devices may have preferred icons or locations for this content.

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Revealing Content

CSS allows you to hide and reveal

content by setting the visibility and

z-index of blocks.

When the hamburger menu is

activated, a new block is revealed

on top of the other content.

.menu-expanded {

position: absolute;

margin: 0, 0;


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Resumes (Grid VERY helpful here!)




Contact info



About paragraph

Work experience


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So How Do You Do That?

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1.Set the viewport

2.Arrange content on a grid

3.Use media queries to detect device size

4.Apply a responsive framework

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1.Set the Viewport

The Viewport is the user’s visible area of a web page. Add the following to the <head> section of your HTML document:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

What do the variables mean?

width=device-width sets the page width to the width of the device

initial-scale=1.0 sets the initial zoom level

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Viewport Meta tag

Source: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_rwd_viewport.asp

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2. Arrange Content on a Grid

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2. Arrange Content on a Grid

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3. Use Media Queries to Detect Device Size

Use a Media Query to detect the size of the user’s screen. When you know the size of the user’s screen you can direct CSS to style content to fit.

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {

/* For mobile phones: */

[class*="col-"] {

width:100%; }


In this example, any class starting with “col-” will have a width set to 100% for screens up to 768 pixels wide. Any blocks using a narrower column width will expand to the width of the screen and add a line break before displaying the next block.

Source: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_rwd_mediaqueries.asp

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Other Media Queries

You can use media queries to find not only the screen width, but also detect specific devices. There are dozens of possible screens. For now, we will just use minimum screen size to detect phone, tablet or desktop screens.

/* iPads (portrait and landscape) -----------*/@media only screen and (min-device-width:768px)and (max-device-width:1024px){/* Styles */}

/* iPhone XS Max, XR -----------*/@media only screen and (min-device-width:414px)and (max-device-height:896px)and (orientation:landscape)and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio:3){/* Styles */}

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4. Apply a Responsive Framework

A number of Responsive Web Design frameworks are available. These are essentially preset CSS stylesheets you can use with your HTML files.

Each requires you to include classes from the responsive CSS stylesheet that correspond to the framework.

Some of these frameworks include:

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Responsive Frameworks

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w3.CSS Framework

We will use the w3.CSS framework in this class to build a responsive web template that will look good in multiple screen sizes.

W3.CSS contains a set of CSS classes that you can use to define columns, rows background colors and containers for your responsive web page.

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w3.CSS Framework

Container classes

w3-row Container for responsive classes, no padding

w3-row-padding Container for responsive classes, 8px left & right padding

w3-content Container for fixed size centered content

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w3.CSS Framework

Column classes

w3-half Occupies 1/2 of the window (medium & large screens)

w3-third Occupies 1/3 of the window (medium & large screens)

w3-twothird Occupies 2/3 of the window (medium & large screens)

w3-quarter Occupies 1/4 of the window (medium & large screens)

w3-threequarter Occupies 3/4 of the window (medium & large screens)

w3-rest Occupies the rest of the column width

w3-col Defines one column in a 12-column

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w3.CSS Framework

w3-row Container for responsive classes, no padding

w3-row-padding Container for responsive classes, 8px left & right padding

w3-content Container for fixed size centered content

l1-l12 Responsive column widths for large screens (must use w/ w3-col)

m1-m12 Responsive column widths for medium screens (must use w/ w3-col)

s1-s12 Responsive column widths for small screens (must use w/ w3-col)

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w3.CSS Framework

We will use the w3.CSS framework to build a responsive web template that will look good in multiple screen sizes.

Find the responsive.html file in the Class Folder and open in vs code.

The first thing you will notice is the <HEAD> has two CSS <LINK> tags.

<head><title>W3.CSS</title><metaname="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><linkrel="stylesheet" href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css"><linkrel="stylesheet" href="my-styles.css"></head>

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w3.CSS Framework

The next thing you will notice is there are w3 classes for the <header>, <section> and <article> tags.

Let’s look at a few of them.�

<header class="w3-container w3-green">

w3-container defines basic styles for containers in the framework.

W3.CSS also has a number of preset values for background colors.

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w3.CSS Framework

The next part defines the styles for rows and columns.

<section class="w3-row">

<article class="w3-col s12 m4 l4">

w3-row defines the section as a row.

w3-col defines each articles as a column with a specified width.

The s12, m4 and l4 figures indicate how many columns across each block in that row will take up. You can change these to whichever width you like.

You can also create different configurations of rows and columns.

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LAB: Responsive Portfolio

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LAB and Homework: Responsive Portfolio

Download the responsive template files, then Open these files in VS Code.

Note: read the w3schools w3.css material before doing this assignment (see next page).

Edit the html file with your name and your own gallery images. Rename it to “index.html” so it works in GitHub. See what happens if you change colors or add more than three blocks to a row.

Explore the resume template and notice how it is structured. Update the “resume.html” file with your information. Write down any questions you have about how it is organized.

When you are happy with your index.html and resume.html, create a new GitHub repository called “week7responsive”, and upload all your files (including html, css and assets). Copy the repository link and paste it in the Week 7 Assignment page in Brightspace. Upload any photos that you use in the /assets/ folder also.


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Reading Homework

  • Read the documentation on W3.CSS: https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/default.asp(Sections: HOME through Buttons; Lists, Images, Inputs, Icons, Responsive, Layout, Navigation, and Grid.)
  • Review the W3Schools sections on HTML Links and Image Maps



  • Reading Response (submit on Brightspace):

What are some good uses for hyperlinked image maps on a website or app?

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Quiz & Attendance

Quiz: week after next -- Bug bash! (need to know your coding well to identify errors in code)

We will START ON TIME!!!

Be prompt or you will miss the quiz 😱!