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Building Strong Student Relationships

Tips and tricks to build strong relationships and create an inclusive classroom environment

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  • Agenda/Warm-up/Icebreaker
  • Rationale: Why build strong relationships with students?
  • “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like!”- Rita Pierson Ted Talk
  • Dinner Party Activity - share
  • Big Ideas - Tips and Tricks

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Icebreaker: Have you ever?

put your cameras on if….

  • Have you ever played a game in class
  • Have you ever taken your students on a field trip
  • Have you ever taught siblings?
  • Have you ever visited a students home?
  • Have you ever been interviewed by a student?
  • Have you ever attended a students extra curricular activity?
  • Have you ever called home to celebrate a students achievement?
  • Have you stayed in touch with an alumni student?
  • Have you ever had a discussion group with your class?
  • Have you ever introduced your students to your family?
  • Have you ever had a class party?
  • Have you ever had a guest speaker in your class?

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Warm-Up: Directions

  • Get the paper student figure.
  • Use a sharpie to write one word to describe how you think students might be feeling about coming back to the building.
  • Once you have written your word, pass the paper student to next table mate! If you do not know your table mates, introduce yourself!!!

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What do we want for our students?

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Why build strong relationships with students?

Takeaways from the video:

  • Be likable - show students you care about their well being!
  • Seeking first to understand, rather than being understood
  • Apologize - be human! When kids know you make mistakes they know it is okay for them to make mistakes

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The Triangle of Education




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“Curriculum is the safety net of reform!” - Sharon Delesbore


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Beginning should be biggest focus first 3-4 weeks

Relationship Building

Teacher needs:

  • Get to know students
  • Tell your students they can do it!
  • Identify classroom dynamics
  • Have students identify their interests and how they best learn
  • Assess student skills
  • Build student skills as related to your class
  • Create class routines

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Create positive Student Interactions

Interpersonal and Social Skills

Teacher needs:

  • Be nice!
  • Stay positive
  • Correct behaviors NOT people
  • Be vulnerable
  • Apologize
  • Take the time to understand students
  • Create lessons that are relevant to student interests

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Facilitate a Positive Learning Environment!

Student Centered

Teacher needs:

  • Strong facilitation skills
  • Setting a good climate for student learning
  • Well planned and organized
  • Meets the goals and objectives
  • Monitors and assess student progress

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Develop Student Skills

Plan lessons for ALL

Teacher needs:

  • Know and prepare lessons for students in front of you
  • Differentiate appropriately
  • Align with PLC
  • Consistently answer the four critical questions
  • Support struggling students

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Activity: We are having a dinner party!

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What does that look like in the classroom?

  • Be nice! See the good in ALL students!
  • Directly tell students that they have the ability to do well. You can do this!
  • Build students confidence
  • Students need ONE positive adult who believes in them - more than ONE is not harmful
  • Acknowledge their successes, even small ones!
  • Let students take risks, with your guidance

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Communicating Positive Expectations

Your belief in them will inspire their success!

  • Monitor the way you call on students. Make sure that you give all students chances to participate in class. Call equitably!
  • Try to increase the amount of time you wait between asking a student a question and moving on.
  • Give students hints and clues to help them succeed in class. Tell students directly that you believe that they have the ability to do well.

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Correcting Students in a Constructive Way

  • Correct in a private location
  • Treat students as you want your own children treated
  • Stay calm
  • Avoid frustration

Steps to Use When Correcting Students:

  • Review what happened
  • Identify and accept the student's feelings
  • Review alternative actions
  • Explain the building policy as it applies to the situation
  • Let the student know that all students are treated the same
  • Invoke an immediate and meaningful consequence
  • Let the student know you are disappointed that you have to invoke a consequence to his or her action
  • Communicate an expectation that the student will do better in the future

Remember: Students will recall how you made them feel long after they have forgotten the consequence they earned as a result of their actions.

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Developing Positive Classroom Pride

Strategies to Develop Positive Classroom Pride:

  • Display student work
  • Positively reinforce students verbally
  • Show off the class's achievements
  • Speak to the accomplishments of all your students
  • Be sincere in your pride in your students
  • Look for opportunities for students to be proud in all areas
  • Develop parental pride in student accomplishments
  • Develop pride in improvement in addition to pride in excellence

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Creating a safe and inclusive environment for ALL!

  • Set up a space for ALL in mind!
  • Create rules with classes - post for all to see or make accessible
  • Set up a safe learning space - communicate, be vulnerable
  • Routines, routines, routines!!!
  • Foster curiosity
  • Encourage courageous conversations
  • Facilitate meaningful inquiry and dialogue
  • Ask for help when needed - guest speakers, team teaching etc.

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Demonstrate Care

“Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like!”

  • Rita Pierson

Strategies to Show You Care:

  • Share what you feel comfortable sharing about your personal life
  • Display an interest in your students' personal lives
  • Greet students as they enter the classroom
  • Pay attention to students who display strong emotions
  • Sincerely listen to students
  • Empathize with students

Don’t hold kids to a higher standard than yourself!

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Preventing and Reducing Frustration and Stress

Frustration and Stress Prevention/Reduction Techniques:

  • Play relaxing music
  • Display peaceful posters
  • Modify your lesson plans to reflect your students interests
  • Take your students for a walk
  • Ask a neighboring teacher to take a difficult student for a period of time
  • Assign your students independent reading time
  • Stay organized
  • Observe a colleague who does it well
  • Share staff duties
  • Share frustration strategies

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Take the Time…


  • to create routines
  • to build trust
  • to listen
  • open up about yourself (what are you willing to share?)
  • to use humor
  • to share stories
  • to meet family and friends

Instructionally: create a student Notebook

  • A paper notebook to keep student info and records
  • to review before and after assessments
  • to assist in any way, give clues and help students participate
  • To create many opportunities for students to be successful

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Surface Level Activities

Take the first 3 weeks to meaningfully build relationships with your students, create routines and establish a strong classroom environment!

  • Icebreakers
  • Scavenger Hunts
  • Breakout rooms
  • Learning style inventories
  • Jeopardy
  • Kahoot
  • Telephone game
  • Myers-Briggs Test
  • Skill building activities
  • *pre-assessments

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  • How to send an email or communicate with you or other teachers
  • How to send a remind or text message
  • Make a phone call
  • Make a positive phone call home to parents
  • Introduce students to each other
  • Mindfully create groups
  • Create activities with your students in mind
  • Change activities and skills often
  • Share your interests
  • Have fun with your students, show your fun side!

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Deeper activities Who I am poem sample 1...

I am basketball on a snowy driveway.

I am fishsticks, crinkle-cut frozen french fries and frozen mixed vegatables.

I am primarily white, upper-middle class neighborhoods and raciall diverse schools.

I am Donkey Kong, Ms. Pac Man, Atari 2600 and sports video games.

I am football on Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.

I am "unity in diversity" and "speaking from your own experience."

I am triple-Wahoos, earning three degrees from the University of Virginia.

I am diversity, multicultural education, identity, introspection, self-reflection, and social action.

I am Daffy Duck, Mr. Magoo, Hong Kong Phooey, Foghorn Leghorn, and other cartoons.

I am Tae Kwon Do, basketball, the batting cages, a soccer family, and the gym.

I am a wonderful family, close and loving and incredibly supportive.

I am films based on true stories and documentaries

I am the History Channel, CNN, ESPN, BRAVO, and Home Team Sports.

I am a passion for educating and facilitating, personal development and making connections.

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Who I am poem…

Summer’s sample

I am a little of this and a little of that

I am a bipoc female, with a lot to say

I am passionate or loud, depends on who you ask and on what day

I am adopted by a white family, who wanted a sister for their son!

I am very well traveled, though motion makes me sick

I am American, though it is sometimes hard admit

I am more Takoma Park, I have a lot in common with hippies

I am a three time Blazer; student, teacher and now a proud mama!

I am a chef, though an amateur one at best

I am sure I would rather cook than do almost anything else except rest!

I am action movies mostly; suspenseful and thrilling

I am fast driving, road rage and wind in my hair

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Activities that help students build skills

  • Sketching and drawing
  • Acting out or roleplaying
  • Math and language puzzles
  • Charades - great vocabulary review or builder
  • Lab Skills
  • Writing Short Stories
  • Reading Skills
  • Debating Skills

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