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Do Now

What’s the point of a castle?

What Are We Doing Today?

European Feudalism!

April 16, 2021


Day in the Life - if you didn’t finish it

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Loosely organized system of rule where�powerful local Lords divided their lands�among lesser Lords (called vassals)

Vassals pledged service and loyalty to the greater Lord

Pledges between Lords and vassals by feudal contracts

Fief, or estate, given to vassal - in addition to protection

Vassal needed to give 40 days military service & money

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Structured Society

Monarchs, or kings/queens, were at the top

Lords beneath monarchs, held largest fiefs

Lords had vassals, who had more� vassals, and so on

Vassals may have pledged loyalty� to several Lords

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The World of Nobles

Knights - mounted warriors

At 7 years old, boys went to the Lord’s�castle to train

How to keep armor and weapons in good condition

At end of training, knelt before an older knight

Tournaments (mock battles) came about when feudal battles decreased

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A Knight's Tale

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Fortification of homes and lands by nobles

Included a keep (a tower), a fence, and a moat (water-filled ditch)

Stock up on supplies in case of sieges

Invaders may tunnel under walls

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Look Familiar? (Think Disney…)

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Interior of a Medieval Castle

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“Lady of the manor” took over husband’s duties while away fighting

Supervised vassals, managed home, agricultural/medical tasks

Land given as part of dowry - couldn’t get it if husband died

Expected to know how to weave, spin, supervise servants

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Knights required to do this

Be brave, loyal, and true to their word

Warfare: fight fairly; treat captured knight � well or release if agreed to pay ransom

Supposed to put women on a pedestal - protected, cherished

Troubadours (wandering poets) adopted the � above

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Go to the website on Google Classroom and create your own unique coat of arms. Get creative!

I do want to see them, however. Here’s how you do it:

  • Make your coat of arms.
  • Go to the laptop’s start menu. Find (Or search for) the Snipping Tool
    • Click on it.
  • Draw a box around your coat of arms with the snipping tool.
  • Save it. Then attach it into an e-mail and send it to me, please!