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The Process of Cleaning Bones

Sophia Krieg

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This is the mandible of a deer I found in the mountains.

I felt it was appropriate to treat it as a larger specimen since the teeth still had fragments of food in the cusps. In that bucket, I have a solution of 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part water. This solution would be more effective for a larger piece like this. It sat in this solution for about 4 months.

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Here is the final product

I felt it was necessary to keep my appendages safe, so I used nitrile exam gloves to lift the specimen out of the hydrogen peroxide solution and rinse it in clean water. Upon doing so, I rested the mandible on the seran wrap to allow a sterile environment for it to dry.

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Here I am examining the mandibular structure

The bone was fleshy and rotting when I received it, so I was able to examine the properties and integrity of the bone I could not have observed prior to the cleaning process.

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The elk pelvis

This gigantic specimen will take me all summer to finish, and is the biggest out of my whole collection.

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Maggots and estimated time of death

These blowfly larva, or maggots were discovered in a layer of fatty tissue. I estimate the time of death for this deer to be 5-7 days prior to discovery because of the insect activity. The decedent was found in a manmade pond, so the eggs had to have been laid in between 8-24 hours before I found this.

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Maggots continued

These larvae were found on the scapula of a whitetail deer. I brought this specimen to my house about 3 weeks ago and it is currently sitting in a bucket of dish soap and water to degrease, or remove the fat that adhered to the bone structure.

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The deer itself

The image shown is of my dad and his boss dragging the deer after I pulled it out of the pond. The remains have been torn apart by animals native to the Colorado mountains.

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Close up of the body

This was a truly remarkable find for me. I find a huge specimen like this gets me exhilarated.