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Skill: Participating in Group Discussions

How Do I Talk With a Group of People?

Today, we'll talk about why and how to share attention and take turns when we're talking to people.

Grades: 4-5

Benchmark(s): 4-5.RS.1.1

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👍 Talking kindly and sharing helps you to get along with friends, family, and teachers.

👍 You can learn things you didn't know.

👍 People will think that you're a friendly, respectful person. They will like being around you.

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Pretend you need to teach someone else how to participate in group discussions.

What would you tell them to do or not to do?

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  • Listen to the people who are talking.
  • Decide if you have something to say.
  • Get attention appropriately.
  • Make a comment about what the people were talking about.
  • Take turns and make sure others have enough time to speak.

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Step 1: Listen to the people who are talking.

Think about what the people are saying.

Use a calm body.

Don't interrupt.

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Step 2: Decide if you have something to say.

Maybe the teacher asked a question during class and you know the answer.

Your friends might be discussing a topic that you know something about.

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Step 3: Get attention appropriately.

You could wait for a pause and start talking.

For group discussions in class, you need to raise your hand and wait to be called on first.

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Step 4: Make a comment about what the people were talking about.

Is it connected to the topic people are talking about or is it off topic?

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Step 5: Take turns and make sure others have enough time to speak.

Pay attention to how much you're talking compared to others. It's rude to dominate the conversation.

People will enjoy talking with you more if you give them a turn.

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  • Listen to the people who are talking.
  • Decide if you have something to say.
  • Get attention appropriately.
  • Make a comment about what the people were talking about.
  • Take turns and make sure others have enough time to speak.

Jalen hears a group of students talking about a TV show he has never heard of.

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  • Listen to the people who are talking.
  • Decide if you have something to say.
  • Get attention appropriately.
  • Make a comment about what the people were talking about.
  • Take turns and make sure others have enough time to speak.

Erin’s class is discussing their opinions on the book she just read. Erin really liked it.

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  • Listen to the people who are talking.
  • Decide if you have something to say.
  • Get attention appropriately.
  • Make a comment about what the people were talking about.
  • Take turns and make sure others have enough time to speak.

Eli hears a group of students in the hallway talking about a video game that he also owns.

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  • Listen to the people who are talking.
  • Decide if you have something to say.
  • Get attention appropriately.
  • Make a comment about what the people were talking about.
  • Take turns and make sure others have enough time to speak.

The class is discussing the Boston Tea Party. Charlie was gone for that class, but he knows the basics from previous classes.

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  • Listen to the people who are talking.
  • Decide if you have something to say.
  • Get attention appropriately.
  • Make a comment about what the people were talking about.
  • Take turns and make sure others have enough time to speak.

Jeremy hears a group of students talking about their favorite kinds of pizza and which one is best.

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