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Latin America�Culture Shock

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Shock 1:�Storytime!

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Shock 2:�Four Quarters


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  • Your Text Here

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Shock 3:�Money Talks

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Shock 4:�Riddle Me This

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Riddle 1

K’aspi chakicha frezada k’epicha.

It has legs as thin as sticks, yet carries a big warm blanket.

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Riddle 2

Saqtan, qimpim, yanun, mikun.�You knock him down, then roll up his sleeves, before you cook and eat.

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Riddle 3

P’unchaupi puñuq tutapi takiq.�It sleeps all day and sings at night.

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Riddle 3

Wakna patamanta yuraq sunkha machu k’amimuwashan.

His beard is white like an old man'’s, and he yells at me from atop the hill.��

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Shock 5:�People of the Sun

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Tonatiuh’s Face- the face of the sun, Lord of Heaven, around which takes place all daily and periodic phenomena.

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Claws of the sun god- The Sun God is supposedly suspended in space by its claws. We see a human heart in its claw.

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Jaguar Sun (The first sun): Aztecs believe this age was ruled by giants who were eventually eaten by jaguars.

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The Winds Sun- the gods turned man into apes so they could hang onto the Earth during terrible hurricanes.

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