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MUST: Moon Utilization

for Science and Technology

Farhood Aghdasi Final Presentation

Space Exploration Architectures

Concept Synthesis Studio

Fall 2015

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  • History

  • Scientists and Lunar Science

  • Lunar Particle Physics Experiment (TWINS)

  • Solar Activity Record

  • Lunar Polar Solar Observatory

  • Debris and Micrometeorite Mitigation using Lasers

  • Advantages

  • Future Efforts and Studies

  • References

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Exploration is What Humans Do

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Scientists Suggested �Lunar Science Activity

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Galactic Cosmic Rays(GCR)




Max E:

320 ZeV

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Lunar Surface, Perfect Environment for Particle Physics Experiment

Lunar vacuum

Low Atmospheric density: 10^(-14) compare to Earth

Low Gravity: 1.622 m/s²

No need to build accelerator like LHC

Free High Energy Particles via Galactic Cosmic Rays

We just need to place target and surround it with large detectors

To Detect:


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TWINS Lunar Surface High Energy Particle Spectrometers

Placed on two opposite sides of the moon

Nearside and Farside – 180 degrees apart

To prove the existence of neutralino, strangelets particles, and antimatter

Surround the largest cryogenic superconducting magnet

Measure the ultra high energy cosmic ray fluxes

Rigidity range up to 54 TeV

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TLSHEPS Superconducting Magnet Scenario

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Nine ultra precise layers of �TWINS

  • Flexible Solar Panel Cylinder
  • Transition Radiation Detector
  • Time of Flight
  • Silicon Tracker Detector
  • Superconducting Magnet
  • Anti Coincidence Counter
  • Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector
  • Oxygen Panel Fiber
  • Electromagnetic Calorimeter

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Lunar Solar Activity Record

  • Geologically dormant

  • No tectonics, weathering processes

  • Earliest history of the Solar System

  • Evolution of the Earth-Moon system

  • Evolution of rocky planets

  • Near-Earth cosmic environment

  • Pristine and unperturbed materials

  • 3-4 Billion years Solar Activity Records

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  • Current Earth based solar records are ambiguous - for few thousand years

  • Vital for understanding and forecasting climate change on Earth

  • Lunar Paleoregolith Solar Activity Record

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Lunar Polar Paleoregolith Mission

  • 3-4 billion year old terrain in the lunar polar highland regions

  • Fetch samples, examine, prepare 3 billion year solar activity chronology to help forecast solar behavior and climate change on Earth

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Lunar Polar Solar Observatory

  • Optical telescope

  • Mounted on the Multipurpose Tower

  • North and South pole

  • No wind and no tectonic activity

  • Continuous view of the Sun

  • Better than anything on Earth or even in orbit

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Unique Platform for Fundamental Astrophysical Measurements

  • Astronomical observations

  • Electromagnetic spectrum

  • Optical Interferometry

  • Radio telescope on the far-side:


Neutron Stars


Black Hole

Entire Universe

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Debris and Micrometeorite Mitigation using Lasers

  • 500,000 space junk

  • V = 17,500 mph

  • Dangerous for future space exploration Missions

  • Early detection by the combination of Radio and Optical telescopes (observation system)

  • React on time in case of any dangerous solar particle events

  • Using Laser Technology to reduce Debris and Micrometeorite

serve as a near-Earth asteroid early warning

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1. Reduce the cost of space exploration missions

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2. Keep our space environment clean and safe

3. Provide large and stable platform for different types of experiments and observatories

4. Provide safe place for astronauts and scientists for scientific activities

5. Provide free and efficient radiation shielding material

6. Provide knowledge about the behavior of magnets in the outside region of Earth’s magnetic field

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Future Actions and Studies

Remind people that the Earth is one country and all humanity are her citizens

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  • http://www.messagetoeagle.com/why-lunar-eclipses-were-considered-bad-omen-in-ancient-times/
  • http://www.skyimagelab.com/apollo17.html
  • https://eastfuturism.wikispaces.com/Stephen+Morrow
  • http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2009/07/13/what-happens-when-things-go-to/
  • http://www.cosmicray.com/
  • http://www.astronomynow.com/news/n1108/18moon/
  • https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/lro
  • http://www.astronomyclub.xyz/lunar-base/power-towers.html
  • http://calgary.rasc.ca/solarspectrum.htm
  • http://www.wired.com/2013/07/moon-ex-iloa-telescope/
  • http://space.io9.com/a-history-of-garbage-in-space-1572783046

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16. http://users.ictp.it/~chelaf/Moon_WP_final.pdf

17. The Moon:Resources http://www.springer.com/us/book/9780387360553

18. Heiken, Vaniman etal., Lunar Source Book http://www.amazon.com/Lunar-Sourcebook-Users-Guide-Moon/dp/0521334446

19 Eckart, P. Lunar Base Handbook http://www.amazon.com/LSC-Lunar-Handbook-Peter-Eckart/dp/0073294446

20.Mendell, W., Lunar Bases and activites for the 21st century, http://www.lpi.usra.edu/publications/books/lunar_bases/

21. Spudis etal http://www.amazon.com/The-Once-Future-Moon-Spudis/dp/1560988479

22. White, F Overview Effect http://www.amazon.com/The-Overview-Effect-Exploration-Evolution/dp/1563472600

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23. Jones E.M., Glover K., Apollo Surface Journals , https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/

24. Lunar Atlas.,

25. LROC http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/images

26. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2012/07/cern-experiments-observe-particle-consistent-with-long-sought-higgs-boson


28. http://www.outofthecradle.net/WordPress/wp-content/uploads/southpolebase.jpg