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SAIS is a leading international school in Singapore offering an outstanding education for students from 18 months to 18 years of age. International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme enhanced by rigorous American standards to equip your child with academic and social skills for the real world.
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Find the Best International School For Your Child

Chalk and talk schools are a thing of the past. The modern era has ushered in changes in every sphere of life, how could education be left behind? New age schools, known as international schools are taking over. These schools comprise students and staff who come from different cultures and teach syllabi which represent a global perspective. For expats, this could turn out to be the best option. However, don't mistake any school which offers American, Canadian, the GCSE (British), the IB (International Baccalaureate) or the IGCSE (the international component of the British GCSE) international curriculum to be an international school. Schools which incorporate IB and the IGCSE are truly international schools. In India, you will find that most international schools offer a combination of IB, ICSE and IGCSE.

Is an international school worthwhile? If you've ascertained the standard of education in the school and can afford to put your child in one, it definitely is! When compared to the monotonous syllabus and teaching aids used in traditional schools, international schools appear to be a breath of fresh air for the new age learner. International schools in India offer a good mix of cutting edge teaching and internationalism built on the necessary foundations of an Indian culture. Not just that, even after students have completed their education in international schools, they are recognized and even offered scholarships in universities world wide.

Most international schools follow the International Baccalaureate which is accepted as an entrance for universities across the world. One can easily locate International Schools in the major cities of the world, although a few are located in green spaces; hill stations or outskirts of the city with options for boarding as well. International schools offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities that broaden the child's horizon by offering sufficient academic exposure as well as providing new interests and hobbies.
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International Schools - The Right Grounding Place For Your Child

Children are the building blocks of every society, and for every society to flourish and thrive, it is essential that its children receive the right guidance from their parents and education from its schools. This helps the children build a secure future for them along with strengthening the pillars of society. In today's modern world, schools provide the initiative to provide decent education to children, and amongst the galaxy of schools with varied missions and goals, international schools are slowly stealing the limelight.

International Schools usually offer the IB/ICSE curriculum that was once the forte of the children of diplomats and ambassadors posted in different countries as part of their job. As international schools make their mark in India, they now offer the best possible educational programs that combine international methodologies along with a touch of localized essence.

With the advent of globalization and increased awareness of the world, children are now exposed to a world of myriad opportunities. The world boundaries are now shrinking and there are now distinct possibilities for younger children. International schools function on the maxim that children are the future of the world. As children experience the world of international education, international schools in India root their foundation in time tested core Indian values. The focus is on a world of knowledge, competence, and opportunity.

Today, most international schools in India imbibe an international approach with a global curriculum and an emphasis on skills and knowledge that have a worldwide appeal. Children today deserve the best of core values as well as international education as well as grounding in values and culture. For this reason, the schools are burdened with the task of igniting young minds as well as providing them with attention within as well as outside the classroom. With education in the right direction, children become courageous and develop their integrity as well as excellence. Parents can thus see their children evolve into a confident and mature child.

International schooling is centered on the belief that one goes to school to learn and simultaneously develop new relationships with their peers and faculty. The principal aim of the teachers and the rest of the staff are to develop a strong bond between the children and the institution of learning and mould them into responsible and global citizens. Most international schools in the country converge interactive teaching along with learning practices that covers a broad curriculum policy. This caters to a multifaceted development of all learners across the school. The result is an all round development of the child's social, emotional, intellectual, as well as physical development.

Children get motivated to achieve higher academic standards, where they nurture the skills to become global citizens by imbibing a sense of national pride along with national understanding. With the aim of nurturing responsible citizens of the future, international schools of today pool in their experience and confidence to create a committed, responsible, and understanding child.
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Advantages of International Schooling

International schools in India come in different sizes and shapes and hence it is not always easy to take a broad view of what these schools offer. But there are certain things that lie common in any of the international schools irrespective of their geographical location. As you read through you will understand better as to why parents prefer an international school to a private or a public school.

Due to a high intake of candidates in a public school, there is no possibility to pay individual attention to a particular student. This, in a long term process, limits the growth of a student and affects him in infinitive ways. Creativity is almost dead since the teachers fail to discover the talent of an individual.

In an international school, the best part is that they follow the "NCLB" rule as it is termed in the US, which means to say, "No Child Left Behind". The faculty of an international school is so particular about the life of an individual. They conduct separate discussion sessions and frequent meetings with parents and keep them updated on their children's growth.

Unlike in any other school, the class size of an international school is comparatively small. This is a great advantage in a lot of ways. Every student will be given individual attention and all his performance will be monitored. The teacher has enough time to train a student in his academic and extra-curricular activities. They will not need to refer a progress card to remember the student's advancements whereas in a public school, it takes a quarter year for the teacher to just analyze the growth of an individual.

Relating to the above point, since the teacher understands his pupil better, he knows what is good and what is not. Remember, the faculties undergo hardcore training before they are introduced to the class to give their very first lecture. The children are given freedom to explore themselves and discover a whole new world of creativity. The school stands as an encouraging pillar and supports the student in all possible ways. Their works are always noticed and appreciated. This encourages the students and helps them do great things. The well trained faculties guide them in appropriate ways giving individual attention. This, in the end means, they know what they are doing, and they do a better job.

Generally, in public schools, the whole motive of teaching would be to finish the syllabus, rather than educating. The average teaching time in a public school is around 25 hours a week; each class varying from 50-60 minutes. This overloads the students and brings in them an attitude where they only study to get a degree. In an international school the teaching time is just 16 hours. In most of the schools, the students are taught only four days a week. They make sure the students don't get drained out. This not only will help the student to perform well, but also gives the faculty an adequate time to prepare for every lecture.

What exists in people's mind is that they think international schools are often too costly. It should be understood that there's a reason behind the fee structure. Food is one big factor to be considered. In India, it is a common practice for students to ignore the importance of hygienic living. International schools serve meals of high standards. The time provided for lunch is also higher when compared to public schools.

Muliti-cultural essence is another important feature of an international school. Students get to learn about different culture, language, religion and race. It helps build a good community and a friendly environment. This also helps an individual to thrive living in any part of the world irrespective of the people there.
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6 Things That Make a Good International School

A decade ago, international schools were something unheard of. There were two kinds of schools, the ones that were run by the government and the ones that were privately owned and managed. They were either residential or were regular schools functional for 6-8 hours a day.

But now, there is a third variety of school, the international school, which is different although a privately owned and managed school is different from other private schools. There are many aspects that give international schools an edge over other privately owned schools. If you are looking for an international school for your child, you may want to make sure that you have chosen an international school that has the caliber to meet world class standards. Here are few tips that are characteristic of international schools:

Curriculum:you should check if the school's curriculum adheres to international standards. Implementation of IB (International Baccalaureate) program is a must.
Faculty:check if the faculty at the school is internationally qualified. It is not enough if they know the subject well, they should be able to deliver it to the students in a way that makes them develop interest in the subject. You can check with the students and parents of students who are studying in the school.
Campus:The campus of international schools are generally cast, student friendly and one that supports various extra curricular activities at the school.
Accreditations:check if the school has global accreditations. Council of International Schools (CIS) and accreditation from International Baccalaureate Organization are important accreditations you should check for.
Website:a website speaks volumes about the school's quality and its efforts to keep pace with the latest trends. The website design, content and online presence tells about the quality of the school.
Support: In order to help the students best, most international schools go an extra mile. They generally have Parent teacher associations that create a communication channel between the school authorities, parents and students. This makes the school accountable for any action it takes
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International Schools - What to Think About When Moving Abroad

When considering a child's education in a foreign land most countries offer three alternatives: state schools, private schools and international schools. This article concentrates mainly on the potential benefits and drawbacks of international schools although some consideration is also given to the state school option.

Classes in international schools are usually taught in English and academic results are generally very good. The curriculum is most often British or American in style with the use of high school grades and SAT scores or International GCSEs at age 15/16 and A Levels or the International Baccalaureate at 17/18, the latter being recognized by universities worldwide. Subjects taught are also similar to those taught in the US or UK.

Almost all international schools are fee paying (although grants and scholarships may be available) and fees can be considerable. Average fees for a day school are around EUR 10,000 per year but it should be borne in mind that fees generally increase as the pupil grows older. For example, the average fees for children aged 12 or over are around EUR 20,000 per year. Furthermore, fees for boarding (as opposed to day) schools are much higher. In addition to yearly fees it may also be wise to consider the other expenses which are likely to be incurred when sending a child to an international school. These expenses might include a registration fee, purchase of a uniform, insurance, activity fees and transport.

Given the prohibitive cost, why do some expats choose international schools for their children's education? Sometimes they are the only choice if foreigners are not permitted to attend local state schools (as is the case in the United Arab Emirates) or if the state schools are full. Many parents are also concerned about the effect learning a new language and adapting to a new culture are likely to have on both their child's education and happiness. Typically young children take these challenges in their stride but older children may struggle or feel alienated. Another benefit of attending an international school is that it gives the parents a chance to meet other expats!

However, not all expats choose international schools and the state school option may in fact be preferable in some cases. Apart from the obvious cost savings a local state school is a superb place for a child to learn the new language and many expats find that their children are often fluent in the local lingo within a very short period of time. Speaking the language and adapting to a new culture are not only of immediate benefit but may also be useful in the longer term if the family decides to stay in the new country.

International schools can be found in or near most of the popular expat destinations. In other areas they may be more difficult to find. If possible try to choose a school affiliated with a respected international school association as they are more likely to meet minimum requirements as far as teaching or facilities are concerned.

Many international schools have waiting lists so it is always a good idea to enrol as soon as possible, a process which may involve entrance exams (most commonly in English and Maths).
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Choosing an International School

Choosing a School Abroad

A major cause of concern for families moving abroad is the provision of education for their children. Many worry that schools in the destination country may not be able to offer the same standard of education that has previously been available in the country of citizenship. Research is vital prior to any move abroad in order to make the best decision for your family.

Many countries around the world, particularly those with a high proportion of expatriates, have a number of international schools which use familiar models of education such as American, British or other systems. These schools generally follow the curriculum of their chosen model and teach in their native language. A growing number of international schools follow the International Baccalaureate which is accepted as an entrance for university around the world. International Schools tend to be located in the major cities of the world, although a few are located in green spaces and these tend to offer boarding as an alternative to a long journey from home to school. Most good international schools offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities that broaden your child's education as well as providing new interests and hobbies.

As well as the international school option, it may also be possible to enroll your child into a local bilingual school. The advantages of this would be that your child will quickly develop new language skills and would better assimilate into the local community. A downside however would be that the bilingual school would most probably follow a different system than your child is used to and there may be problems reintegrating back into schools at home or universities. An international school would be a safer choice, although these do tend to be more expensive than bilingual schools. Whilst a school may describe itself as an International School, it is important to check out the nationalities of the students on role as some international schools can have a student population comprising almost entirely of local students. In these situations overseas students can often feel isolated and unable to join in with the rest of the school community.

Careful Planning

Before enrolling your child in any school abroad, make a visit to the school and determine if the school offers the best for your child. Take your child with you on each visit so they also get a feel for the school. Some international schools will be selective and others may have long waiting lists. Make sure that the school you select is within traveling distance from home and there is adequate provision for transport to and from school. It is often quite beneficial to decide on a school first and then look for housing after.
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Choosing the Type of International School That Is Right for You

So you are looking into teaching abroad? Teaching at an international school can be a very rewarding experience. It is important to understand, however, that there are many different types of international schools and so it is important to choose the type of school that best fits your needs and that you would be most comfortable teaching at. Because after all, you will be spending the majority of your time here, so where you end up can make or break your international experience.

Regardless of the type of school you choose to teach at, the expectations placed on you by the administration will be very high. On top of your regular teaching, you will be expected to take part in a wider scope of school activities, usually providing some kind of extracurricular activity on a regular basis and taking part in occasional evening and weekend events. These events are designed to promote the school within the community.

Most international schools are independent non-profit establishments run by a board of trustees or something similar. There are for-profit schools as well, but at many of these schools profit is more important than the calibre of education. Although most international schools are multi-cultural, some privately run schools cater more towards wealthy local students. So before choosing a school, you should look into their student body population.

Another option is to teach at a US Department of State Affiliated School. These schools were set up to educate the children of Americans living and working overseas, and are often located in capital cities. The student bodies of these schools are not exclusively made up of American citizens though, which result in many of these schools having a more multicultural population.

If you would prefer to teach at a school that has a religious affiliation, there are a number of international schools that do. You can find information through your church and also on the internet. If you want to work in a school with Christian affiliations, you should look into the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). They have a network of affiliated schools that covers the entire planet.

You also have the option to teach through either the UK or US Department of Defence (DOD). In order to work for the US Department of Defence schools, however, you must be a US trained and certified teacher in order to be considered. You can visit either of their websites to see what vacancies are available and the terms and conditions of service. They both have central recruitment offices and the terms for the positions are the same for each DOD school.

As you can see, there are many different options available to teachers wanting to teach in an international school setting. No matter what your preferences, there should be an international school that will be the perfect fit for you. Just remember that in order to ensure that the school you choose is the perfect fit for you, it will require you to do some research and dig a little deeper into what the school has to offer.
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Stamford American International School Singapore
1 Woodleigh Ln, Singapore 357684
Phone: +65 6602 7247
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