Physical Activity Quotations Survey by Naves i Rodríguez 
Quotaions on Physical Activity Selected by PE coach Xavier Rodriguez and glossed by  English Teacher Teresa Naves
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1. When it comes to eating right and exercising there is no "I'll start tomorrow". Tomorrow is disease
Disease: malatia. There is no: No hi ha. To eat, ate, eaten: menjar. To eat right: menjar be. To exercise -d -d: fer exercici. Tomorrow: demà.To start -ed -ed: començar. When it comes to: Quan es tracta de
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2. The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck!
To jump to conclusions: fer o treure conclusions precipitades. To push your luck: temptar la sort, no calcular els riscos. To side-stepping responsability: defugir o no accpetar les responsabilitats. To run down friends: criticar injustament o fer mal als amics.
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3. There are really only two requirements when it comes to exercise. One is that you do it. The other is that you continue to do it
There is - There are: Hi ha. Other: altre. Requirement: requisit. To do, did done: fer. To continue -d -d: seguir, continuar. When it comes to: quan es tracta de.
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4. For those who don't make time for exercise, they'll have to make time for illness
For those who: per aquells que. Illness: malaltia, 'enfermedad'. To make time for: fer temps per. To have to: haver de, 'tener que'.
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5. Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
Body: cos. Healthy: saludable. Important, more important than, the most important: important, més important que, el més important. Intellectual: intel·lectual. Key: clau, tema, problema. Physical fitness: la forma física, la bona forma física.
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6. Physical activity is an excellent stress-buster and provides other health benefits as wel. It also can improve your mood and self-image
Also: també. Benefit: benefici, millora. Excellent: excel·lent. Health: salut. Mood: estat d'ànim, estat d'humor. Physical activity: l'activitat física. Self-image: la imatge d'un mateix. Stress-buster: forma de cremar, matar, acabar amb l'estress. To provide -d -d: facilitar, suministrar.
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7. A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world
Mile: milla. Healthy: saludable, sa. In the world: en el món. Otherwise: d'altra banda. Medicine: medicina. Psychology: psicologia. To do good: fer el bé: vigorós, enèrgic. Walk: passeig. World: món.  Unhappy: infeliç
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8. An hour of basketball feels like 15 minutes.  An hour on a treadmill feels like a weekend in traffic school.  (David Walters)
Basketball: bàsquet. To feel like: sentir-se com. Traffic school: embotellament de tràfic típic de l'entrada o sortida de l'escola. Treadmill: màquina de fer exercici de caminar estàtic. Weekend: cap de setmana.
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9. The only pushup you won't be able to do is the one you never do
Only: únic. Pushup: abdominal. To be able to: ser capaç de. To do, did, done: fer
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10. Pursuit of optimal fitness is a journey, a constant struggle, a lifestyle; a process where intensity during each exercise session, what you eat every single day and patience over years is what's required... ain't gonna happen overnight!
Ain't: It is not. Ain't gonna: it is not going to Fitness: estat de la forma física o de l'activitat física. Gonna = going to. Lifestyle: estil de vida. Overnight: de sobte, 'de la mañana a la noche'. Patience: paciència. Pursuit of: cerca de, a la recerca de. Single day: només un dia. Struggle: conflicte, lluita. To eat, ate, eaten: menjar. To happen -ed -ed: succeir, tenir lloc, passar. What's required: el que cal, el que es necessita, el que es requereix.
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