Sensorica Events
Use this form to manifest your intention to organize an event and get some feedback from the community. You should not wait for the feedback indefinitely, you can move on to announce the event on the main communication channel and allow a few days in case someone raises a red flag.  
# Sensorica events are hosted at Sensorica lab in Montreal.
# We generally broadcast the event live on Internet and a video recording is made available online after the event, under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license (the same one used by TED talks).
# If you propose an event you are in charge to organize and facilitate it, with help from affiliates and others.
# You can charge money for the event if you want.  
# The event is open to anyone who wants to participate.
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Your name *
Your email *
Are you a Sensorica active affiliate? *
An active affiliate is someone who has recorded contributions in Sensorica's NRP-CAS
Title of your event *
Chose a catchy title to capture attention. You can come back later and change it.
Short description of the event *
Keep it short. The same description will be posted on social media to announce the event. You can come back and change it later.
Is this event revenue generating? *
Are you charging money for this event to attendees or do you have sponsors for the event or are you generating income or revenue in any other way?     NOTE: if the answer is YES, according to Sensorica's rules, you'll need to give 5% to Sensorica and share the
Thank you!
Make sure you read the How to organize an event document before proceeding.
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